Last Updated: December 24, 2013

Weather: Melbourne 15°C - 20°C . Shower or two clearing.

Career One btyb

Politician 'sent staff video of oral sex'

Politician 'sent staff video of ...
A POLITICIAN is in hot water after allegedly bombarding good looking female staffers with sexually explicit suggestions and lewd videos.

'My lesbian boss fired me for being straight'

'My lesbian boss fired me for being ...
A MARRIED, heterosexual gym teacher at a private school claims he was fired because his lesbian supervisor disapproved of his "traditional family status".

'Never call an ambulance for me'

monitoring in ICU
INTENSIVE-CARE nurses know things you don't and wouldn't want to know. Here one nurse explains why she wouldn't ever want to be admitted to hospital.

After 30 hours of work, Mita dropped dead

After 30 hours of work, Mita dropped dead
SHE worked ridiculous hours, using energy drinks to stay awake for a 30-hour shift. She tweeted about the shocking work demands. Then, she collapsed and died.

How to survive the next few days at work

How to survive the next few days at work
ARE you just dying for the holidays to start? Have you checked out already, mentally? If you're going to be at work for the next few days, here's how to get through it.

The Netherlands Hookers want footballers' perks

PROSTITUTES have demanded the same retirement tax perks as professional footballers because they also do "difficult physical work".

Woman fired for being a witch wins $27k

Woman fired for being a witch wins $27k
A PAGAN witch has won a religious discrimination case after claiming she was sacked for attending a Halloween ceremony.

Employee Of The Month award sparks shooting

Employee Of The Month award sparks shooting
A DISGRUNTLED supermarket staff member has shot up a colleague's car after the co-worker won the coveted employee of the month award.

United States Man fired for helping put out fire

David Bowers
A US man has been sacked from his department store job for helping put out a fire in a customer’s van.

Holden workers call for action

Holden workers call for action
UP to 1000 manufacturing workers will rally outside the Liberal Party headquarters in Melbourne before delivering a formal demand for urgent action to save jobs.

Career Why this man gave up a life of diamonds

Why this man gave up a life of diamonds
HE lived a life surrounded by richness and worked with some ofthe world's wealthiest people. So why did Michael Hall give up a life of prestige to move to Australia?

Six things you just can't fake

Six things you just can'...
HE HAD to have known he'd be found out. You can't fake sign language. Here are six other people who were awkwardly caught out.

Research Work worries dominate festive season

Work worries dominate festive season
AUSTRALIANS are nervous about their jobs as Christmas approaches amid major job loss announcements, new research has found.

work Tell your boss 'no' and keep your job

Tell your boss 'no' and...
ARE you snowed under at work and can't find a way to break it to the boss? Here's how to say 'no' to your boss, without actually saying 'no'.

Food Jamie's on the hunt for 100 staff

Jamie's on the hunt for 10...
CELEBRITY chef Jamie Oliver is recruiting 100 staff for his new Adelaide restaurant, due to open next year.

GENDER EQUALITY Women ruin fellow females' careers

Women ruin fellow females' ...
WOMEN have become the sisterhood's worst enemy, with research revealing they're holding themselves back by "stepping on another lady's throat".

Worklife The worst Christmas gifts ever

The worst Christmas gifts ever
YOU'VE worked hard all year, only to be rewarded with this? A global survey reveals that gifts that some companies got really, really wrong.

What kind of worker are you?

What kind of worker are you?
THERE are three types of people in the workforce and they have a very different way of approaching their job. There's a simple way to work out which one you are.

Work 10 things your boss won't tell you

10 things your boss won't t...
EVER suspected your boss isn't giving you the full picture? Here are 10 things most managers think but never say.

Lesbian waitress fired after 'anti-gay' receipt war

SHE claimed a customer handed her an obnoxious and discriminatory note. Now she's been canned by her bosses. What happened?   

Record payout for work party sex

Record payout for work party sex
A WOMAN has won the highest ever payout for sexual harassment after claiming she was raped after a work function.

Work The secrets of successful people

The secrets of successful people
GLAMOROUS lives and high flying jobs make them the envy of millions. But behind the scenes it can be a different story. Here is the other, dark side of success.

Stop complaining: Why you should work for free

Stop complaining: Why you should work for free
ARE you being exploited when you work for free? A growing wave of people say yes, but you should stop and consider the alternative.

Worklife Get naked: It's Work in the Nude Day

Get naked: It's Work in the ...
PUT down your breakfast. Today is Work in the Nude Day, the perfect time to take a picture of yourself naked and upload it online. Don't argue with us.

Are you an introvert? Here's how to make it work

Are you an introvert? Here's how to ma...
THINK you may be an introvert? It's not always easy getting along in a world of extroverted people. These tips will have you moving up the ranks in no time.

Digger by day, actor by night?

Digger by day, actor by night?
A STINT off work sick earlier this year may have steered digger Private Aaron Gardiner towards a dramatic career change.

Workplace Bosses step in to prevent worker burnout

Phone stress
GOLDMAN Sachs, BMW and others are taking steps to reduce worker stress after hours, but the surge in corporate beneficence isn't a sign of kindness.

Worklife How to cope with a hangover at work

YOU got on the juice big time last night, and now you have a raging hangover. Oh, and it's a workday. These tips will get you through the ordeal.

Worklife Bosses reveal the worst Christmas party sins

Bosses reveal the worst Christmas party sins
YOU'VE worked hard all year and it's time to kick back. But there are certain party sins you don't want to commit. Bosses tell us what you should never, ever do.

Five harsh facts your parents never taught you

Five harsh facts your parents never taught you
YOU were brought up to believe the world was a playground. But that's setting you up for failure. Here are five reality checks.

Mum knew killer, friend claims

Mum knew killer, friend claims

A YOUNG mum found dead in her home in a suspected homicide may have known her killer, a grieving friend says.

Marks & Spencer in Muslim staff row

Marks & Spencer

BRITISH retailer Marks & Spencer is facing criticism after it emerged that it allows Muslim staff to refuse to sell customers pork and alcohol.

Kate Winslett names son Bear

Kate Winslet, left, arrives with Ned Rocknroll

KATE Winslet and her husband - who changed his name from Abel Smith to Ned Rocknroll - have named their son Bear.


Staff payouts cost Dees, Saints

Staff payouts cost Dees, Saints

MELBOURNE'S purge of senior staff cost the club more than $1.8 million, with the Dees racking up $3.1 million in losses.

Wellbeing higher for widows than couples


WHEN it comes to wellbeing, widowed people are better off than couples and the childless rank higher than parents, a survey has shown.