Last Updated: May 13, 2013

Weather: Melbourne 13°C - 16°C . A few showers.

Set super goal and start saving

Scott Pape

IF you have a burning money issue, or you want to win a fight with your spouse, put your questions to Barefoot Investor.

Don't live in Wayne's world

Scott Pape

THROUGH the fog of my jetlag, I could have sworn Treasurere Wayne Swan called my talkback radio show for advice.

Mortgage maths a taxing problem

Scott Pape

IF you have a burning money issue, or you want to win a fight with your spouse, put your questions to Barefoot Investor.

Dear John, it's time to man up

Scott Pape

NEVER mind what Julia Gillard says, the Barefoot Investor warns it's time reality came knocking for "John".

New-found riches can come and go

Scott Pape

IF you have a burning money issue, or you want to win a fight with your spouse, put your questions to Barefoot Investor.

Marketing for million-dollar babies

Scott Pape

THERE'S one born every minute - but parents don't need to fall fool to the marketing machine.

Fly the coop and build your nest

Scott Pape

SCOTT Pape answers readers questions on money matters, where to invest and how to build a stable financial future.

Easy way to share spoils

Scott Pape

TODAY I'm going to pick a fight with the richest part of the finance industry and show you how to access a $50,000-plus share portfolio.

Where there's a will there's a way

Scott Pape

IF you have a burning money issue, or you want to win a fight with your spouse, put your questions to Barefoot Investor.

Banking offshore has its pitfalls

Scott Pape

'LET'S say you're cheating on your wife - and you don't want to lose 50 per cent of your assets if you get caught", he explained.

In the long-term, cash is trash

Scott Pape

BAREFOOT Investor Scott Pape answers readers questions on investment and all things related to money.

Preying on pennies from heaven

Scott Pape

A SASSY, forty-ish blonde divorcee stood in front of me sobbing. It was the end of a seminar I'd just given, and we were the last ones.

I just want the best for my dad

Scott Pape

BAREFOOT investor Scott Pape answers readers questions on investment and all things related to money.

Oh baby,it's time to shape up

Scott Pape

THIS week I dreamt up a new award - Barefoot Woman of the Year. The worthy winner is Ginia Rinehart (that's Gina with an 'i').

Put a price on financial advice

Scott Pape

IF you have a burning money issue, or you want to win a fight with your spouse, put your questions to Barefoot Investor.

Challenge big brother on rates

Scott Pape

WHEN it comes to rates the banks can be like a bigger, stronger, older brother -  wonderful one minute, wedgie the next.

Buying home key to retirement plan

Scott Pape

IF you have a burning money issue, or you want to win a fight with your spouse, put your questions to Barefoot Investor.

A rock 'n' roll road to success

Scott Pape

IT'S not too often I interview a successful businessman who wears heavy makeup and six-inch heels. 

Not such a super savings idea

Scott Pape

IF you have a burning money issue, or you want to win a fight with your spouse, put your questions to Barefoot Investor.

Morsels from a soap opera of strife

Scott Pape

BANKRUPT fathers, scheming women, and millionaire retirees: my email inbox has enough material for three seasons of Home and Away.

The bottomless pit of spending

Scott Pape

IF you have a burning money issue, or you want to win a fight with your spouse, put your questions to Barefoot Investor.

Don't delay superannuation check

Scott Pape

MY DOCTOR uses my regular medical check-up as his regular financial check-up. "It's a win-win," he tells me.

Settle your credit issues for good

Scott Pape

IF you have a burning money issue, or you want to win a fight with your spouse, put your questions to Barefoot Investor.

Time to get the portfolio in shape

Scott Pape

IT'S GOOD to be back. When you last heard from me I was about to walk down the aisle (well, a paddock near the shearing shed).

Seeing red over father's debts

Scott Pape

IF you have got a burning money question, or you want to win a fight with your hubby, shoot over to Barefoot Investor and ask a question.

Time for 'plan A' in retirement

Barefoot Investor

WHEN looking at a redundancy package, focus on salary sacrificing as much as you can into super, advise the Barefoot Investor.

Savvy Gen Y-er invests in future

Barefoot Investor

NO spending sprees is a saving grace for any GenyY-er, advises the Barefoot Investor in his weekly question and answer column.