Last Updated: December 24, 2013

Weather: Melbourne 12°C - 24°C . Mostly sunny.

Mum knew killer, friend claims

Mum knew killer, friend claims

A YOUNG mum found dead in her home in a suspected homicide may have known her killer, a grieving friend says.

Marks & Spencer in Muslim staff row

Marks & Spencer

BRITISH retailer Marks & Spencer is facing criticism after it emerged that it allows Muslim staff to refuse to sell customers pork and alcohol.

West Ham defender 'assaulted cop'

James Tomkins

WEST Ham defender James Tomkins has been charged with assaulting an officer outside a nightclub, police say.

Kate Winslett names son Bear

Kate Winslet, left, arrives with Ned Rocknroll

KATE Winslet and her husband - who changed his name from Abel Smith to Ned Rocknroll - have named their son Bear.


Staff payouts cost Dees, Saints

Staff payouts cost Dees, Saints

MELBOURNE'S purge of senior staff cost the club more than $1.8 million, with the Dees racking up $3.1 million in losses.

Man wants pregnant wife off life support


A TEXAS man has been barred from taking his pregnant wife off life support because state laws prioritises the rights of the foetus.