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Black Star Review



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Politics - Anarchist
Black Flag Excellent on-line version of the magazine.
Anarchist FAQ Everything you ever wanted to know about sects but were afraid to ask...
Class War Britain's unruliest tabloid on-line.
Kate Sharply Library Excellent anarchist archive and documentation centre
Anarchist links page Where do you find the web page for that cool Patagonian autonomist squat collective?
Anarchist Black Cross Federation supporting class war prisoners the world over.
Book Publishers
Icon Books Independent publisher specialising in post-modernism, philosophy and education.
Autonomedia Radical media collective - publishers and book store - home of semiotexte and more...
AK Press (US) Leading anarchist publishing house and distributor - US site
AK Press (UK) Leading anarchist publishing house and distributor - UK site.
Pluto Press Leftist publisher of long standing. Good strong back list includes many works by Noam Chomsky.
On-line Magazines
The Edge The Edge magazine specialising in SF, horror, crime, science fiction, slipstream and alternative fiction.
Interesting Web Sites
Booksurfer Lively, timely and interesting site for hard-core bibliophiles.
Urban75 Live and direct from Brixton - rave, drugs, protest - though not necessarily in that order.
Nous The multi-talented Paul Taylor's very own web site.
TechBookReport  Independent book reviews of a rather geeky nature.
London Book Review.com  Independent book reviews.