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American Terrorist by Lou Michel and Dan Herbeck

An Intelligent Person's Guide To Fascism by Richard Griffiths

Anti-Fascism In Britain by Nigel Copsey

The Beast Reawakens by Martin Lee

Dreamer of the Day by Kevin Coogan

Facism-Theory and Practice by Dave Renton

Fascism : A History by Roger Eatwell

Fascism In Britain by Richard Thurlow

Fuhrer-Ex by Ingo Hasselbach

Homage To Catalonia by George Orwell

Invisible Eagle by Alan Baker

Memoir Of A Fascist Childhood by Trevor Grundy

Mr Evil by Graeme McLagan and Nick Lowles

Mussolini by RJB Bosworth

The New White Nationalism In America by Carol M. Swain

The Night Porter (Il Portiere di notte) by Liliana Cavani

No Retreat by Dave Hann and Steve Tilzey

Rafi's Revenge by AsianDubFoundation

Renegades by Adrian Weale

White Riot by Nick Lowles

Women and Fascism by Martin Durham