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Agitator: The Cinema of Takashi Miike

AntiCristo by Steve Fentone

Art of Darkness - The Cinema of Dario Argento

Darkness by Leif Jonker

DVD Delirium 2 by Nathaniel Thompson

DVD Delirium by Nathaniel Thompson

Eyeball Compendium by Stephen Thrower

Fear Without Frontiers: Horror Cinema Across the Globe ed. by Steven Jay Schneider

Flesh & Blood Compendium edited by Harvey Fenton

The Haunted World of Mario Bava by Troy Howarth

Horror Films by James Marriott

Into the Unknown by Andy Murray

Island of Lost Souls by Erle C. Kenton

The Night Porter (Il Portiere di notte) by Liliana Cavani

Nil By Mouth by Gary Oldman

Original Sins by Howard S Berger and Matthew Howe

See No Evil by David Kerekes and David Slater

Ten Years of Terror Ed. by Harvey Fenton and David Flint