Featured News

  • Liberals considering privatising HECS

    Liberals considering privatising HECS

    The Abbott government is considering privatising or ‘securitising’ the Higher Education Contribution Scheme/Loan Program (HECS/HELP). This student debt currently stands at $26.3 billion. The proposal will only be detrimental to students and working people in the long term, as investors will seek higher profits by increasing repayment and interest rates. [...]

  • Interview with John Pilger: This is no utopia

    Interview with John Pilger: This is no utopia

    John Pilger, the renowned investigative journalist and award winning film maker, has recently completed a new film, Utopia, which deals with the subjugation of Aboriginal people. John gave an interview to ‘The Socialist’ about the film’s themes and below Niall Mulholland reviews it. The Socialist: Your new film, Utopia, is [...]

  • Industrial relations under Abbott

    Industrial relations under Abbott

    On one level workers and trade unions can expect a new environment after the election of the Abbott Coalition government. On another level the changes, compared to the industrial relations regime under Labor, will be quantitative not qualitative. By Stephen Jolly, Socialist Party The Abbott government will be more aggressive [...]

  • Sydney Uni offer not enough

    Sydney Uni offer not enough

    In early October the National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) leadership at Sydney University asked its members to accept to an offer from management, and call off a planned 72-hour strike. By W van Leeuwen, Socialist Party Sydney Management had offered a deal that the NTEU says retained all the working [...]

  • The looming battle over roads

    The looming battle over roads

    Big business greed vs. community need In the past weeks we have seen numerous community pickets in Melbourne targeting the East-West tunnel and toll road. The Socialist Party has been playing a key role in the actions. Below we publish an editorial comment about the issue that will be published [...]