The Victorian government's proposed overhaul of rape law in Victoria shows that, despite the best of intentions, society and the law still struggle with rape and consent in a state where such crimes are under-reported.

One suggestion has been to introduce a lesser charge of sexual violation. According to the summary paper released by the Department of Justice, sexual violation would apply to cases where the accused's belief of consent is deemed unreasonable.

Sexual violation could potentially apply where rape and consent cannot be reasonably proven, thus effectively existing as a back-up for crimes that fail to meet the current definition of rape. Another benefit of such a lesser charge is that it may potentially give justice to victims without the need for delivering testimony in court, which can often be traumatising.

And while the lesser charge may increase conviction rates, it does not effectively reflect a perpetrator's crime: rape. While victims may still receive justice within the legal system, it will be a qualified one where their attack is not defined as rape, but as a mere violation. Cold comfort for a crime with long-lasting effect on victims.

The proposed charge neatly illustrates the dilemma faced by the legal system. Creating a new charge to capture people who don't meet rape's legal criteria indicates that both our existing and proposed rape laws are still too complex and do not adequately support victims.

Introducing new charges will have negligible effect in a state where rape is already so under-reported. It has been estimated that only one in six women who are raped will go to the police and even then there is a high drop-out rate. A 2011 evaluation report of the Sexual Assault Reform Strategy advises the conviction rate for sexual assault in 2009-10 was 38.5 per cent, which could explain why reporting rates are so low, with a drop of almost 2000 complaints between 2005 and 2010.

There's ample reason for this. Victims are hesitant to report crimes, intimidated by the confronting and often brutal investigation and cross-examination process, which many feel can be just as upsetting as their attack.

The self-belief required to make a formal complaint and pursue justice is even harder to face in the current editorial churn telling women there is a higher probability of being raped if they are drunk.

When columnists like Slate's Emily Yoffe and Mamamia's Mia Freedman proclaim alcohol makes women vulnerable to attack, they not only tell victims they could have prevented their assault, they also inform the prejudices of potential jurors.

The connection between society and the law is important because social views invariably influence legal outcomes for victims seeking justice. When Yoffe and Freedman advise how to avoid rape, they inform and confirm the bias of jurors who are blinkered by the moralising stereotypes that rape can be prevented by chaste, temperate abstinence as peddled by society and columnists. The constant barrage of advice presented by the media, talkback radio and online debate on how to avoid rape completely misses the real issues surrounding sexual assault and renders victims as partly responsible for their abuse.

This is the behaviour that silences victims and prevents them from reporting crimes: by telling women they can avoid rape (often by lowering their options and freedoms in comparison to men), we charge them as guilty for the ludicrous assertion they could have prevented their own abuse. For these victims, the lesser charge of sexual violation means nothing if they don't believe they have the right to even file a complaint, let alone head into court.

Such editorials fail to take into account that the majority of sexual assault victims are aged between 10-14 years. It also fails to take into account that victims who used alcohol or drugs were more likely to not see charges laid because their use of alcohol makes them suspect in the eyes of police and juries, blocking them from accessing justice.

The advice offered by these columnists is also incredibly limited in scope and assumes most victims are able-bodied young adults living freely. It completely disregards the astonishingly high rates of abuse of the intellectually disabled, incarcerated or women in indigenous communities.

The moralising that puts victims and not attackers on guard thwarts the reform offered by the legal system and educated advocates who, unlike some columnists, actually know what they are talking about.

While it is hoped the expertise of groups such as the Centre Against Sexual Assault and Castan Centre will have significant input into the proposed reforms open for discussion, there is much work to do within the community to educate the public on consent and place the focus where it should be: on the attacker.

This is where the true barrier lies for rape victims - not in a legal system desperately trying to reform and offer lesser charges in the hope of securing convictions, but in a society that still mistakenly believes abuse is conditional due to a victim's choices.

Amy Gray is a writer and broadcaster.