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Closer eye needs to be kept on Iran

PETER HARTCHER For years, the world has been bracing for a serious clash with Iran over its nuclear program as it worked relentlessly towards Israel's ''red line''.

Comments 46

If you live in the bush, build for the bush


Philip Drew Jared Diamond pointed out in his book Collapse the folly of the Vikings in Greenland whose refusal to adapt triggered an environmental collapse.

Comments 76

Ja'mie is only too real in our schools


Margaret Moses 5:27pm The antics of Chris Lilley's private school girl character are not confined to satire. In the real world they can be damaging.

Comments 24

Black clouds after the fires

Neil Jeyasingam

Neil Jeyasingam 8:23pm How to spot post traumatic stress after the Blue Mountains bushfires.

ACT law seeks to fill gap in federal law

George Williams dinkus

GEORGE WILLIAMS The ACT is set to pass Australia's first same-sex marriage law. Its Marriage Equality Bill will be debated on Tuesday, and a Labor-Greens majority in the ACT Legislative Assembly means it is certain to pass.

Comments 48

When in doubt, chuck it out

Girl (4-6) holding glass of milk, smiling, portrait milk, dairy generic

Heckler 12:57pm No, I don't want to smell the milk to see if it's off. I believe you. Really? The orange tastes mouldy? I won't try a bit, thanks all the same.

Twisted logic links bushfires with the PM

Gerard Henderson dinkus

GERARD HENDERSON According to Adam Bandt's logic, the Greens are responsible for the devastating bushfires sweeping parts of NSW.

Comments 59

Waiting for the fires reveals what's important


Tony Kleu Well, that's another box of books and memories packed, to be sent to safety in the city while we sit it out in this acrid, Stygian gloo in the Blue Mountains.

Comments 14

National plan needed in the land of bushfires

John Laurie

John Laurie Managing cataclysmic events on a state-by-state basis is short-sighted, inefficient and a recipe for disaster for the country.

Comments 24

Many smartphone photos, few memories

Bernad Toutounji

Bernard Toutounji In our obsession with digital images, we forget to seize the moment and live a full life.

Fortress Australia: green washing the future

Malcolm king

Malcolm King Anti-immigration forces are skewing their argument to make it more acceptable.

Comments 11

Seven deadly calories can ruin the hard work


JENNA PRICE Even if you are really on top of your fitness and your food choices, those conniving, rotten, dirty genes may well win out in the end.

Comments 25

Labor not listening and on road to nowhere


Nicholas Stuart Opinion Frankly, Labor needn't bother until it has a real answer to fundamental issues.

Comments 47

Broader thinking to tackle global warming


The bushfire crisis has heightened the public focus on preventive action, which must include ramping up Australia's response to global warming.

Calm commute's become the Tour de France

Male professional cyclists live an average of 6.3 years more than others, a study has found.

Heckler I've been riding a bike for a long time – I seem to remember a certain camaraderie among cyclists in Sydney. Now it seems like the Tour de France.

Comments 25


Letters to the Editor


Catastrophic bushfires have prompted Premier Barry O'Farrell to declare a state of emergency in NSW (''Into the Firestorm'', October 21).

Column 8

column 8

''What a load of wimps your Column 8 readers are,'' hurrumphs Jennifer Whaite, of Oatley, ''complaining of bogong moths and grasshoppers in their underwear.

In the Herald: October 22, 1991


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Brian Yatman In the wake of the aborted Bjelke-Petersen perjury trial, Queensland was likely to tighten control over jury selection. “The Joh trial has become a total farce,” wrote Bill Turner, of Wentworth Falls.

Voters didn't like the stench, so got rid of it

Fairfax Media writer

PAUL SHEEHAN Voters despise arrogance and sanctimony and when you get both, you get a robust response when the electorate gets a chance to vote.

Comments 53

First Word: Letter of the Morning

The very model of a modern PM

Tony Abbott

Following that brilliant Gilbert ∧ Sullivan take by Mike Carlton in the weekend edition, pardon my impudence in trying to compete with the master but nevertheless, here goes...

Comments 13

A note from the Letters editors

Five degrees hotter... our climate in 90 years. 
Digital illustration.

Julie Lewis and Marc McEvoy, Letters editors Why a Letter to the Editor that says, "there is no sign humans have caused climate change" would not make the grade for our page.

Axe the carbon tax, keep the cap

Power station

Chris Dunstan When Parliament resumes, the first item of business will be abolishing the carbon tax.

Comments 35

Union cabal keeps Labor in death grip


Rodney Cavalier Union members do not vote for Labor. This is an unpleasant truth, glided over during the recent ALP leadership contest by those advocating votes for members of unions affiliated to the ALP.

Comments 38

Make some allowances for common sense

Amanda Vanstone dinkus.

AMANDA VANSTONE Opinion Tony Abbott could do more to bring MPs to account.

Comments 137

Can Australia claim to be a sovereign nation?


Malcolm Fraser The increasing American attention to the Pacific is bad news for Australians.

Ideology runs in drive to build WestConnex


Mehreen Faruqi The NSW government is touting WestConnex as the largest integrated transport project in Australia.

Comments 56

This tale has a yappy ending, some sadness


Joan Wickersham My friend Holly was never a dog person, until, suddenly, she was. His name was Zeus, and he was a Bernese mountain dog . She was crazy about him.


Be warned, Orwellian logic has come full circle


Joe Nocera Our privacy has slipped away in this digital world.

Comments 4

Junk mail with real junk? No thanks.

junk mail

HECKLER Last week I received the unsolicited "gift" of a folder of animal stationery – again with the request for money.

Comments 2

Trust the experts and we shall get through this


There are times when members of a community have to make individual sacrifices for the greater good. As NSW prepares for a week of potentially disastrous proportions, now is one of those times.


Letters to the Editor


Most years I shake my head in disbelief at the announcement of the Australian of the Year, for they are often exceptional people doing their job with exceptional ability, and no doubt receiving exceptional recompense.

Column 8

column 8

Column 8 can announce that, after Saturday's Sydney Harbour Snark Safari, and scrupulous and exhaustive analysis of the data thereby acquired, Port Jackson can be declared ''Snark Free''. Mostly…

In the Herald: October 21, 1921


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Brian Yatman "The 1938 celebrations are in the near future, and a great deal of fishing for big game fish will be done,'' wrote Harold R.Scott, of Wollstonecraft.

Legislative hard men flex to impress each other

Annabel Crabb Dinkus

ANNABEL CRABB Do something bad, get caught, get punished. It's an ancient formula, the essentials of which have been serving us reasonably well ever since Adam and Eve first traded conspiratorial glances over an apple.

Comments 4

Power can sway us from playing by the rules

Peter Martin dinkus

PETER MARTIN Opinion Of all the lies told in the parliamentary expenses scandal, the most dangerous is the white one - the one designed to make it look as if it's the rules themselves that are to blame.

Saving sufferer requires more than gimmick

Melinda Tankard Reist

Melinda Tankard Reist This year it's predicted 14,940 women will get the disease, but juvenile boob-centric campaigns trivialise it. Should we be about ''saving boobies'' or saving lives?

Comments 3

Decisive action needed on expenses

Bianca Hall

BIANCA HALL Opinion Since his elevation to Prime Minister on September 7, Tony Abbott has fronted the media a handful of times, making good on his vow to moderate his media appearances.

Maybe some sacrifices wouldn't go astray

Tessa Manning

Tessa Manning Please, Generation Y, when you criticise the baby-boomer investors for driving property prices up beyond your limit, think about the context.

Comments 12

Brothers grim left legacy of mischief

Paul McGeough dinkus

PAUL MCGEOUGH How instructive at a time when Washington has not been working, for Stephen Kinzer to pop out another book to give us a stunning window into a period when DC thought it was working very well.

Urban dwellers miss with Shooters' support

Kirsty Needham

KIRSTY NEEDHAM Opinion Shooters Party MP Robert Brown had to take two blood pressure tablets before entering the NSW upper house to debate a law that has succeeded in disbanding his beloved Game Council.

There's nothing to see here, really

Sam de Brito

Sam de Brito As niche websites and social media have drawn away traditional media's readers, it seems to be increasingly adopting many of the ''look-at-me'' gimmicks smaller sites use to grab attention.

A fan going the extra Miley

Charles Waterstreet dinkus

CHARLES WATERSTREET The fact that Miley Cyrus, and anything she does, gets more hits, more YouTube viewers, more Twitter, more coverage than the US debt crisis, is the harbinger of the end of the Western World as we know it.

Adam Bandt has every right to get fired up

Peter FitzSimons dinkus

PETER FITZSIMONS For yonks the Greens have been saying if we don't look after the planet there will be hell to pay, and so when that hell on earth arrives it is legitimate for the likes of Adam Bandt to draw attention to it.


Technology captures music's soothing power


CATHERINE ARMITAGE Most things lose their mystique if you look at them for long enough, and so it is proving with music, except you need to listen, not look.


Letters to the Editor


If Steve Cakebread could not change a light bulb all by himself, it is no wonder he cannot manage his finances.

Government must end education wars


The Coalition is discovering how the delivery of policy solutions in government is much harder than raising the problems in opposition.


A note from the Letters editors

Why a Letter to the Editor that says, "there is no sign humans have caused climate change" would not make the grade for our page.

Mothering lessons for the girl who cried bear

It's only now, as a parent, that I understand the story my mum used to tell about me.

Rich people couldn't care less

Congratulations, Australia! We are now the richest people on the planet. Officially loaded.

Comments 167

How to win friends and influence people online

It's common knowledge that it's your responsibility to comment on every single thing you read online.

Comments 128

Crime figure turned legend


He was Australia's best-known crime figure turned author, turned legend. The man with one name, "Chopper".

Gillard unleashed a flood of emotions

'I hope you've got a fantastic marketing plan to fill all those seats," Julia Gillard said, via her adviser, when I informed her that I had booked the concert hall.

Comments 190

Republicans stuck in reality they created

The US cash coma has its origins in the Republicans' recent success in creating gerrymanders. The Obamacare crisis was waiting to happen.

Comments 73

Now, the good news: poverty in retreat worldwide

Imagine having to pick just one of your children to save, while leaving the others to face death.

Comments 17

Indonesians won't tolerate coming off second best

Bob Carr: Australia's national interest lies in having 10 resilient, prosperous and interconnected neighbours, lying across our northern approaches.

Comments 166

UN owes it to Syria's children to act

The children of Syria are in a narrow, dark place. We must be their friends. We must get them help. We must end this war.

Comments 13

Tony Abbott will doom future generations

Politicians around the world continue to retreat from the battle to protect the environment.

Comments 880

Column 8
Ross Gittins
Peter Hartcher
Paul Sheehan
Elizabeth Farrelly
Alan Stokes
Annabel Crabb
Waleed Aly
John Birmingham
Mike Carlton
Jacqueline Maley
Richard Ackland
Gerard Henderson
George Williams