MayDay 2001


Groups around the world are gearing up for another day of anti-capitalist celebration on May 1.
Below are reports on just some of the activities planned for Aotearoa.

may day in wellington

A number of Wellington activist groups, including the Wellington anarchist group CEC (Committee for the Establishment of Civilisation), have been meeting to plan events for this year's May Day. The timetable is based loosely on last year's Carnival against Capitalism, which attracted several hundred participants.

For more information, visit the Wellington Mayday Website at or pop into the Peace & Environment Centre, Level 2, 126 Vivian St, Wellington. There are no regular office hours, although there is usually someone there in the afternoon. You can also phone the centre on (04) 380-1613.


12pm: [Meeting point #1] The Freedom Shop celebrates six years of anarchy at 272 Cuba St. Free food and drink available until just before 1.30pm when we depart for Cuba Mall.

1pm: [Meeting point #2] Gather in the Quad at Victoria University. Depart for Cuba Mall at 1.10pm.

1.30pm: Converge to the stage in Cuba Mall. Activities will include a "Globalisation Fashion Parade" organised by some Vic students to highlight the effects of "free" trade, sweatshops and the decimation of local industry. There will also be some street theatre about water privatisation organised by EcoAction and a residents coalition, and possibly some other theatre too. There will be music, so bring along your dancing shoes, poi, firestaff, drums and anything else you may need.

3pm: Shut down Starmart! In Manners Mall. Starmart are trying to force small shops out of business by saturating the inner city with their look-alike shops. Kinda like the McDonald's of the corner store industry. Bring noise-making devices.

3.30pm: Depart Manners Mall for a roving parade through the city to the government department/corporate HQ district of Lambton Quay. Arrive at Midland Park around 4pm.

4.45pm: Arrive at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 40 The Terrace. Let them know what we think of the Singapore Free Trade Agreement and the proposed Hong Kong Free Trade Agreement.


neo-liberal globalisation and
the tino rangatiratanga

mayday 2001

water bill payment strike

direct action gets results!

glimpses of an alternative
society (part 3)

pga aotearoa

waterfront dispute continues



may day - a brief history

In 1886, two anarchists, Lucy and Albert Parsons, walked arm in arm with their children down Chicago's Michigan Avenue. They walked at the head of 80,000 workers in the world's first ever May Day parade. At that moment, over 340,000 workers across the USA went on strike in support of the 8-hour day.

The next day, Chicago police attacked peaceful strikers with guns and clubs, killing and wounding several. On May 3, Chicago anarchists led 6,000 striking lumberworkers to the aid of strikers at the McCormick Machine Co (now called International Harvester). Again the police attacked with no provocation, and again several strikers were killed or wounded. Outraged, the anarchists called a protest meeting for the next day at the Haymarket, urging workers to come armed.

The meeting was peaceful, and a shower of rain sent away a lot of the crowd. When only 200 remained, the police suddenly attacked. In the confusion, a bomb sailed through the air, and exploded among the police, killing one and wounding seventy. In reply, the police opened fire, killing four and wounding others.

In the hysterical aftermath, there were many calls in the mainstream media for the "violent handling of all anarchists and other such traitors". One description of anarchists was "... long haired, wild eyed, bad smelling, atheistic, reckless foreign wretches, who never did an honest hour's work in their lives, but who, driven half-crazy with years of oppression (before coming to the Land of the Free) and mad with envy of the rich..."

In the days that followed, eight anarchists were arrested and charged in relation to the bomb. Five were sentenced to hang, and the other three received prison sentences. On November 11, 1886, Parsons, Spies, Fischer and Engels were hung. Ling had committed suicide in his cell the night before, rather than allow the State to take his life.

It has never been discovered who threw the bomb at the police, but it was certainly not any of the eight convicted for it: six of them were not even there at the time! Six years later, the State Governor released the three survivors from jail, admitting that there had never been any evidence to show they were guilty, or the other five.

the very first Mayday poster

bosses of the world - unite

poster for Mayday 2001 ChristchurchA shadowy group in Christchurch (rumoured to have links with local anarchist group the Anarchist Round Table) is bucking tradition this year and organising a celebration of capitalism on May Day.

Posters have appeared around town urging bosses to "reclaim May Day from the lazy workers, who are doing nothing with it".

Bosses and workers alike are being invited to join a Reverend Lovebucks in a worship of the almighty dollar and the invisible hand of the free market.

Organisers will also be giving away free money and urging people to spend up large, as we all know that more consumption on the part of the wealthy is the key to eliminating poverty and providing meaningful employment for all.

Festivities are due to get under way at 12 noon at the amphitheatre on the corner of Cashel Mall and High Street.


may day mayhem in london

London police appear to have opened a propaganda campaign against this year's May Day demonstration with the eviction of a squatted social centre in Brixton.

Reports in the capitalist press said 200 cops, some in riot gear, took part in the operation on March 31. Construction equipment was used to partially demolish the building to prevent re-occupation.

The Button Faktory had been operating as a cheap bar and cafe, and venue for punk and other gigs and for political meetings for nearly a year. The centre raised quite a bit of money for anarchist and other causes, and lots of people had some good times there.

Press reports claimed that the "secret training centre" was being used for "drilling 500 rioters" in preparation for attacks on police on May 1.

Police were quoted claiming a "new radical organisation of anarchists is importing a frightening brand of continental style violence into British protests."

Button Faktory organisers believe the improvised body armour the cops claim to have found was a Ned Kelly outfit made for a fancy dress party at the Faktory some months previously. They also note that photos in the press show police kicking open a door that was never locked.
- Sam Buchanan