Current Analysis

Practice and Ideology in the Direct Action Movement
critical article from British magazine Undercurrent of global days of action against capitalism

Seattle: The First U.S. Riot Against 'Globalization'?
Article by Loren Goldner on the protests against the World Trade Organisation, Seattle, Nov 30, 1999.

Globalisation: Origins - History - Analysis - Resistance
Very important libertarian communist analysis of myths about globalisation, written in 1999 in Do or Die 8 (British eco-anarchist magazine). Essential.

The Evolution of Contemporary Maori Protest by Te Ahu (1996?)
A critical left-wing look at cultural nationalism within the tino rangatiratanga movement

Night's Black Agents: The NZ Labour Party Since 1984
Jim Delahunty (1999).
Excellent savage critique of the NZ Labour Party but has an overly rosy view of welfare state capitalism and Labour's record before 1939, and often comes from a left wing nationalist perspective that we disagree with.

What is the NZ Business Roundtable?
Leaflet produced by Thrall-ster for Wellington May Day 2000.

A few texts that have influenced us at Thr@ll

As We See It and As We Don't See it.
Basic statements of the British libertarian socialist group Solidarity in the 1970s. Excellent, concise summary of libertarian communism still well worth looking at.

Eclipse and Re-Emergence of the Communist Movement
Gilles Dauvé and François Martin, Revised Edition (1997).
Very influential modern libertarian communist text.

Revolutionary Ecology
Judi Bari
Synthesis of deep ecology and libertarian socialism from Earth First! and IWW member. Thought provoking stuff, but a little uncritical of capitalist small business and unfortunately written in a new age style.

Anarchism: From Theory to Practice
Daniel Guerin (1967).
Good introduction to anarchism, with foreword by Noam Chomsky.

Anarchism and Anarcho-Syndicalism
Rudolf Rocker (1938).
Classic statement of anarchism and anarcho-syndicalism.

What is Communist Anarchism?
Alexander Berkman (1929)

The Wage System
Peter Kropotkin (1920).
Anarchist communist pamphlet which argues for the abolition of the wage system.