Serco under fire for leaked manual explaining staff how to 'beat up' detainees in crisis situations.

Serco under fire for leaked manual which had chapters that explicitly outlined how staff could use pain as a means of restraining and controlling aggressive detainees.

A 2010 Serco training manual detailing the force to be used by staff on hostile detainees is no longer relevant because it has been superseded by other manuals, Minister for Immigration and Citizenship Chris Bowen says.

The manual which was yesterday leaked online by Crikey had chapters that explicitly outlined how staff could use pain as a means of restraining and controlling aggressive detainees, including the infliction of straight punches, palm heel strikes, side angle kicks, front thrust kicks and knee strikes.

Mr Bowen said the manual was no longer in use "and does not reflect very clear guidelines agreed to by Serco and the Department of Immigration on engagement with people in detention facilities".

"I am advised that the 2010 manual contained errors and has been superseded by other manuals, most recently the 2012 training guide," he said.

"Any use of force or restraint in any detention environment is used strictly as a last resort."

The theory behind the strikes was to "create temporary motor dysfunction" and "temporary muscle impairment" through the "fluid shock wave" that gets sent around detainees' bodies, but only leaves bruising, the manual explained.

It also suggested that to "generate optimal fluid shock with a hand or baton" it was best to put a person's whole body weight behind the strike.

Mr Bowen said Serco staff in immigration detention facilities did not carry weapons and the manual contained errors.

But a spokesman for Serco revealed that batons were present at the detention facilities and could be used defensively by "a very limited number of specially trained staff, along with other personal protective equipment".

Mr Bowen said there was a very clear use of force guidelines that Serco staff had to adhere to, which was reflected in independent reports like the recent Hawke-Williams review into last year's detention incidents on Christmas Island and at Villawood.

"Defensive actions can only be carried out in response to dangerous and aggressive behaviour and to prevent injury to detainees or staff members," he said.

"That action must involve the least amount of force necessary to prevent injury and can only be to defend, not to inflict injury."

He said restraints, used appropriately, could be necessary to prevent a person from harming themselves or others, damaging property or escaping from detention.

"Any acts or allegations of improper or inappropriate conduct by Commonwealth officials or Serco employees would be thoroughly investigated and reported to police," he said.

"Complaints can also be made to the Immigration Ombudsman.

"This Government takes very seriously its commitment to ensuring people in immigration detention are treated fairly, with dignity and respect, and within the law."

A Serco spokesman said that the focus of training was treating people in their care "with dignity and respect in a safe and secure environment".

"To that end, the primary role of our staff, and the overwhelming majority of their day-to-day work, is looking after people in detention," he said.

"We teach our staff that any use of restraint or force must be in accordance with the contract and used as a last resort, only after techniques to deescalate a situation have been exhausted, for the shortest amount of time and to the extent that it is both lawful and reasonably necessary."

He said it was only in "rare circumstances" that restraint or force was used and only in the "most extreme circumstances" were batons used.

"Our client service officers are not issued with batons or trained in them as part of their induction. Only in the most extreme circumstances would they be approved for defensive use," he said.

"Importantly, this has not occurred in the time that Serco has been providing services in immigration detention."

Alex Bainbridge of protest group Occupy Perth, which rallied against the governments' contracts with Serco at the company's WA office last Friday, said there was an easy way to answer questions over what force was being used and that was by releasing the current manuals.

"Let people view it for themselves," he said. "Until such time that they do that the 2010 manual is the best source we've got."

He said from his own experience of going into the Curtin, Leonora and Perth detention centres that they were "not friendly places to be in".

He said Serco staff kept guard while detainees spoke to him, saying they were very happy and that Serco was "wonderful".

But he claimed their non-verbal signals spoke a different story and he witnessed detainees being called by a number and not name and having their liberty deprived.

"Innocent people who have not committed any crime, for it's not illegal to come to Australia, are being punished for not doing anything wrong," he said.

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