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Federal Politics

Who goes to Canberra? The seats that hang in the balance

JONATHAN SWAN 4:15pm The election is over but candidates in eight seats are still waiting on results from the Australian Electoral Commission, with, one imagines, well-chewed fingernails, four days after Tony Abbott was declared Prime Minister-elect.

Latest political news

Liberal Party 'hid ethnic candidates'

Fowler candidate Andrew Nguyen has had his election corflutes defaced.

HEATH ASTON 5:11pm A Liberal candidate who suffered a humiliating loss to Labor says ethnic candidates in western Sydney were treated as "second-class citizens" by the Liberal Party campaign hierarchy.

Xenophon reveals Senate-vote plan

Canberra: Opposition Leader Tony Abbott and Senator Nick Xenophon hold a joint doorstop at Parliament House today Thursday 31 May 2012. 

Photo by Penny Bradfield.

DAN HARRISON 2:11pm Independent Senator Nick Xenophon will introduce legislation to overhaul the Senate electoral system.

Two-way race possibility for party leadership

Anthony Albanese.

Mark Kenny, Heath Aston Bill Shorten will seek the Labor leadership when the ALP caucus meets in Canberra on Friday in a possible clash with Anthony Albanese.

Comments 130

Let Coalition hang on 'bad' climate policy

Labor backbencher Nick Champion

JUDITH IRELAND 1:28pm Federal Labor should allow the Abbott government to scrap the carbon tax and implement other ''bad policies'' it has in order to expose them as disasters, Labor MP Nick Champion says.

Comments 350

Ex-Lib contender for New York post

Senator Nick Minchin

Howard-era finance minister Nick Minchin has emerged as a contender to take over as consul-general in New York after Steve Bracks was dumped from the role.

Comments 244

Pro-NBN petition most popular

Family of 'Prisoner X' receive $1.2m compensation

Bishops slam foreign aid cuts

Abbott win sparks surge in confidence

Relationship with the US will remain strong: Bleich

Journalists on asylum boat ignored warnings

No ticks for these how-to-vote cards

Gillard takes up honorary role at alma mater

Abbott expected to visit Indonesia

Ex-Telstra chief tipped for NBN

ASIO reviews its call on four refugees

Doubt hangs over Nauru riot trials

Let's ditch the paper ballots: Turnbull

Record dud vote tally

Xenophon backs reform of Senate

Diaz gaffe casts doubt on father's mayoral hopes

Turnbull may appoint Switkowski to lead NBN Co

Comment & Analysis

Now for giving women the best career rebirth

Melissa Grah-McIntosh

Melissa Grah-McIntosh We're not doing enough to help women on maternity leave reboot their careers.

Comments 5

NBN faces sweeping changes

Adele Ferguson dinkus.

ADELE FERGUSON The biggest certainty facing the NBN is that it will undergo a complete metamorphosis.

Bishop opts for payback politics

Julie Bishop.

DANIEL FLITTON So much for governing for all. The Coalition hasn't even been sworn in but has opted for what appears vendetta politics.

Comments 196


Bringing a barnyard of crossbenchers to heel


TIM COLEBATCH Opinion Abbott will have to master the art of compromise because the government does not have a mandate to bully its policies through the senate.

Comments 74

Women's vote still in play

Marilyn Lake

Marilyn Lake Right to the end, Kevin Rudd refused to give credit for the former PM's achievements.

Credit where it's due for our economy


PETER MARTIN To hear the leaders talk you would think Labor and the Coalition were miles apart.

Special features

1000 missing votes a blow for Mirabella

The Australian Electoral Commission has discovered a missing bundle of 1003 votes for Indi candidate Cathy McGowan at a pre-polling centre in the north-east Victorian town of Wangaratta.

Gittins: Who's better at running the economy?

Many are pleased the Liberals are back in power. It makes a sort of sense that the party of the bosses is better at running things than the party of the workers.

How to reform Senate voting in one easy step

Bob Brown The scandalous preferential voting system for the upper house must be changed.

Comments 125

Shorten may inherit opposition curse

Tim Colebatch If Bill Shorten takes on the job as opposition leader, a powerful hoodoo stands in his path to The Lodge.

Gillard to take up role at Adeleide alma mater

Julia Gillard has a new job as an honorary visiting professor at her alma mater, the University of Adelaide.

Let's ditch the paper voting method: Turnbull

Judith Ireland The man likely to be the new communications minister has suggested Australia should consider a switch to electronic voting at federal elections in order to cut down on informal and fraudulent voting.

Poll Booth

Does Labor have a case in standing against the repealing of the carbon tax?

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Yes, they should stick to their principles


No, the Coalition had a mandate for this policy


Not sure


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Related coverage

Let Coalition hang on 'bad' policies, says backbencher


Video animations

Artist Rocco Fazzari teams up with singer Denis Carnahan to satirise politics.
