(Sami Kishawi)

Diaries: Live from Palestine

West Bank couple, deported to Gaza, recount difficult years in Israeli prison

Joe Catron
Gaza City
30 January 2012

A married couple, both former political prisoners from the occupied West Bank, recount their years in detention from Gaza, where the husband was deported to following last October’s prisoner swap.

How my uncle in Gaza filled me with hope of return

Fidaa Elaydi
Maghazi refugee camp
10 January 2012

Traveling back to Gaza, Fidaa Elaydi finally meets her uncle, who was released from Israeli jail as part of the prisoner swap in October. With his release, and the ability to spend time together, she says it changed the dynamic of her family.

I saw Sabra hummus for sale at my high school cafeteria and decided to act

Nadine Darwish
12 January 2012

Nadine Darwish felt a strong urge to do something when she saw Sabra hummus for sale in her school’s cafeteria, knowing Sabra’s mother company gives money to the Israeli army.

Anwar and Haneen: two beautiful girls murdered by Israel

Sarah Ali
Gaza Strip
3 January 2012

Were 13-year-old Anwar and five-year-old Haneen terrorists? What could possibly explain the Israeli army’s targeting of children during its invasion of Gaza three years ago?

A nightmare that lasted three weeks; memories of Gaza massacre

Rafat Abushaban
Gaza Strip
29 December 2011

Rafat Abushaban recalls how three years ago, Palestinians in Gaza united under the most terrible of circumstances during Israel’s 22 days of relentless bombing.

Three years ago: A "normal morning" turns to horror in Gaza

Mohammed Suliman
24 December 2011

Three years ago, Israel began its savage 22-day long bombardment of Gaza. Looking back, Mohammed Suliman recalls that there seemed to be “no beginning and no end to the bombing.”

Meeting my uncle after 20 years in an Israeli jail

Fidaa Elaydi
23 December 2011

Fidaa Elaydi will soon be meeting her uncle, recently released after serving twenty years in an Israeli prison, for the first time since she was a small child.

No miracle yesterday in Nabi Saleh: Mustafa Tamimi murdered

Linah Alsaafin
10 December 2011

Linah Alsaafin witnessed the murder of Mustafa Tamimi at the hands of the Israeli army who had invaded Nabi Saleh village.

Photostory: The brighter side of Gaza

Sami Kishawi
7 December 2011

Photographs taken by The Electronic Intifada contributor Sami Kishawi this summer show the color of everyday life in Gaza.

Israel can never steal our heritage

Rana Baker
Gaza City
6 December 2011

We Palestinians have nothing to cherish more than our roots and ancestral identity. And no matter how hard it tries, Israel can never take our heritage away from us.


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