Sami Kishawi

Diaries: Live from Palestine

There's more to Gaza than broken slabs of concrete

Sami Kishawi
Gaza City
7 July 2011

Returning to Gaza for a family visit after years away, Sami Kishawi reflects on the Gaza you see and don’t see through the media’s eye.

Flying kites before the tear gas

Linah Alsaafin
30 June 2011

Every child has a right to a childhood. The Nabi Saleh children are denied this right. Linah Alsaafin describes one Friday afternoon in the occupied West Bank village.

Gaza family exiled to Syria and Libya looks back

Rami Almeghari
Gaza Strip
21 June 2011

Abdelhai al-Khaldi and his family were among hundreds of thousands of Palestinians displaced by the 1967 war, or who emigrated afterwards in search of work. Al-Khaldi and his wife spoke of their life of displacement to The Electronic Intifada contributor Rami Almeghari.

Traveling to the other part of home

Rana Baker
Gaza Strip
7 June 2011

For Palestinians in Gaza, the answer to “Have you ever been to Jerusalem?” is usually a complicated one.

Returning to Safed in shackles

Budour Youssef Hassan
31 May 2011

Much attention has been paid to the marches of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon and Syria to the borders with occupied Palestine, as well as the courageous protests at the Qalandiya checkpoint in the occupied West Bank and in Gaza. But Palestinians inside what is known as the green line marched on 15 May as well.

Time to tear down the fences

Rahela Mizrahi
Tel Aviv
28 May 2011

Last week, behind the fence of my childhood, Palestinian refugees gathered to demand return. They protesters looked and sounded exactly like the revolutionaries of Cairo’s Tahrir square.

A year of steadfastness in Israeli prison

Ameer Makhoul
Gilboa Prison
25 May 2011

A year of imprisonment has passed. To spend one year in prison is a high price to pay for Israel’s unjust rule. My share has been more modest compared to other prisoners who are about to enter their fourth decade in Israeli prisons. Ameer Makhoul writes from Gilboa prison.

The perks of traveling while Palestinian

Mohammed-Naji AlKhodari
24 May 2011

As I stood in the line waiting to check in at the Bradley International Airport in the US state of Connecticut, I wondered how overweight my luggage would be. I did not expect the questions that would come next.

The young will never forget, and will one day return

Merna Alazzeh
19 May 2011

The old will die and the young will forget” — this was the prediction of Israel’s first prime minister, David Ben Gurion. Sixty-three years later, I still wonder what made him think so.

Thousands at the border

Moe Ali Nayel
17 May 2011

Moe Ali Nayel was among the thousands who marched to the boundary between Lebanon and Israel yesterday. He recounts the day’s victories and tragedies for The Electronic Intifada.


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