Sami Kishawi

Diaries: Live from Palestine

The return of the Mavi Marmara

Faiz Ahmed
4 January 2011

Faiz Ahmed witnessed the Mavi Marmara’s return to a hero’s welcome at Istanbul’s Sarayburnu port late last month.

Gaza families recall horror two years after Israel's assault

Rami Almeghari
Gaza Strip
27 December 2010

Between 27 December 2008 and 18 January 2009, Israel used its formidable military arsenal to wage all out war against a territory whose destitute population is made up largely of refugees. More than 1,400 people were killed, including almost four hundred children. Two years later, Rami Almeghari speaks with Gazans who witnessed Israel’s invasion.

Ameer Makhoul's perpetual trial

Audrey Farber
22 December 2010

We arrive at the Haifa court building around 11am, half an hour after proceedings began in the ongoing trial of Ameer Makhoul, a leading Palestinian activist who holds Israeli citizenship and was arrested in his home in the middle of the night last May.

A Bethlehem Christmas wish

Saed Bannoura
16 December 2010

More than 2,000 years ago, a miracle happened in Bethlehem and the prophet of peace, love and forgiveness was born. Now Bethlehem, as well as every other Palestinian city, town and refugee camp, still lives under occupation and oppression.

They call them martyrs

Lamya Hussain
9 December 2010

They call them martyrs, their fallen soldiers, their sons, brothers and fathers. Engraved on the walls of the refugee camp are their names and messages from their loved ones. Their faces painted on the alleyways, their eyes dark and alive.

The Carmel wildfire is burning all illusions in Israel

Max Blumenthal
6 December 2010

Over the last four days, more than 12,300 acres have burned in the Mount Carmel area or northern Israel, a devastating swath of destruction in a country the size of New Jersey. While the cause of the fire has not been established, it has laid bare the myths of Israel’s foundation.

Arrested while helping farmers in Saffa Valley

Jillian Kestler-D'Amours
29 November 2010

It was a bright, warm morning in the occupied West Bank’s Saffa Valley Thursday, 18 November when, without warning, the Israeli occupation forces were upon us. Within moments, five Israeli soldiers were shouting in Hebrew. “You have one minute to leave the area!” they said, before shooting stun grenades at our feet. Moments later, we were told to sit quietly and hand over our passports. A six-hour detention was to follow.

Letter from prison: I have a lot of energy to struggle

Ameer Makhoul
Gilboa Prison
29 November 2010

The following is an excerpt from a letter by Palestinian political prisoner and civil society leader Ameer Makhoul, written in response to a postcard featuring an image of a lighthouse sent by The Electronic Intifada contributor Adri Nieuwhof: “The lighthouse, al-fanar in Arabic, is an inspiration. I have built a lighthouse here in jail. It has been built in my mind because I am not allowed to use the space, but my mind is totally mine.”

Photostory: somber holiday under occupation

Sanne Winderickx
Aida refugee camp
25 November 2010

The holiday of Eid al-Ahda — the Feast of the Sacrifice — is celebrated by Muslims across the world to commemorate the prophet Abraham’s sacrifice of a sheep in the place of his son Ishmael. Palestine is no different than most countries where the holiday is observed, but with one notable exception: the Israeli occupation. Photographer Sanne Winderickx documents the Eid al-Adha holiday under occupation in the West Bank.

100-year-old refugee gets new Gaza home in time for Eid

Rami Almeghari
Gaza Strip
16 November 2010

The four-member Abu Daher family lived their happiest day yet since Israeli army bulldozers crushed their cement home almost two years ago during Israel’s massive assault on the Gaza Strip. Rami Almeghari reports from Gaza.


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