THE LATE KEITH GREEN, a Christian musician, songwriter and author, wrote the following about the Roman Catholic Church: "To merely call such a system "a cult", would be to throw it into the vast category of religions and quasi-religions that are currently making the rounds of our college campuses and city streets, snatching up many an unsuspecting youth. No, the Roman Church is not a cult. It's an empire!" With its own ruler, its own laws, and its own subjects! The empire has no borders, it encompasses the globe with its eye on every person who does not vow allegiance. It calls the members of other faiths "separated brethren" (The term used by Vatican II to describe the members of Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, and Protestant churches.) and has as its goal the eventual bringing together of everyone under its flag. I know that many will not be convinced or moved by this article (or any of the others) to make such a conclusion. They are impressed by what they've heard about recent stirrings among the Catholics in the "charismatic renewal". Many evangelicals (especially Charismatics) have been thrilled by the reports of Catholics speaking in tongues, dancing in the Spirit, having nights of joy and praise, even attending "charismatic masses". Mouths that used to speak out boldly against the Church of Rome have been quieted by the times. It no longer is in vogue to speak of the pope as "the antichrist" (Although the following people unhesitatingly did: Martin Luther, John Bunyan <b>...</b>
Some have described the Roman Catholic Church as the largest cult in the world. The late Keith Green said this about the Roman Catholic Church. "It is obvious by even this brief glimpse into the doctrines of mortal and venial sins, confession, penance, and purgatory, that the Roman Catholic Church has constructed one of the most unbiblical doctrinal systems that has ever been considered "Christian". The fear, anguish, and religious bondage that such a system of "reward and punishment" creates, has tormented millions of lives for centuries, and continues to prey on those who are ignorant of the biblical way of salvation. To merely call such a system "a cult", would be to throw it into the vast category of religions and quasi-religions that are currently making the rounds of our college campuses and city streets, snatching up many an unsuspecting youth. No, the Roman Church is not a cult. It's an empire!" Tune in to this simple video, and compare some of their teachings with the simple and plain Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am a former Roman Catholic who was delivered from that demonic system of darkness in 1989. There is blood on the hands of the compromising "Evangelical" and "Protestant" ministers in the world, who play games and work hand in hand with this system. May the Lord wake them and shake them all, before it is too late!
BAE Systems Make It Challenge in Preston feat. St Bede's Roman Catholic High School
BAE Systems Make It Challenge in Preston feat. St Bede's Roman Catholic High School
Featuring interviews with pupils from St Bede's RC High School, sponsors BAE Systems andrepresentatives from organisers The Manufacturing Institute, this was a great event that encouraged school children from the region to look at manufacturing as a serious career path. Hosted at the Preston Marriott, teams from a variety of local schools were asked to design rescue vehicles that fitted into one of a number of categories. This was the sixth challenge of the academic year and the top two teams will go on to represent the area in the regional final next April.
Offertorium: "Ecce apertum est Templum tabernaculi" (1)
Offertorium: "Ecce apertum est Templum tabernaculi" (1)
Ambrosian chant (also known as Milanese chant) is the liturgical plainchant repertory of the Ambrosian rite of the Roman Catholic Church, related to but distinct from Gregorian chant. It is primarily associated with the Archdiocese of Milan, and named after St. Ambrose much as Gregorian chant is named after Gregory the Great. It is the only surviving plainchant tradition besides the Gregorian to maintain the official sanction of the Roman Catholic Church. Ambrosian chant is largely defined by its role in the liturgy of the Ambrosian rite, which is more closely related to the northern "Gallic" liturgies such as the Gallican rite and the Mozarabic rite than the Roman rite. Musically, however, Ambrosian chant is closely related to the Gregorian and Old Roman chant traditions. Many chants are common to all three, with musical variation. Like all plainchant, Ambrosian chant is monophonic and a cappella. In accordance with Roman Catholic tradition, it is primarily intended to be sung by males, and many Ambrosian chants specify who is to sing them, using phrases such as cum Pueris (by a boys' choir) and a Subdiaconis (by the subdeacons). Stylistically, the Ambrosian chant repertoire is not generally as musically uniform as the Gregorian. Ambrosian chants are more varied in length, ambitus, and structure. Even within individual categories of chant, Ambrosian chants vary from short and formulaic to prolix and melismatic, and may be freely composed or show significant internal <b>...</b>
Alleluia Verset:"Hodie in Bethlehem puer natus est"
Alleluia Verset:"Hodie in Bethlehem puer natus est"
Ambrosian chant (also known as Milanese chant) is the liturgical plainchant repertory of the Ambrosian rite of the Roman Catholic Church, related to but distinct from Gregorian chant. It is primarily associated with the Archdiocese of Milan, and named after St. Ambrose much as Gregorian chant is named after Gregory the Great. It is the only surviving plainchant tradition besides the Gregorian to maintain the official sanction of the Roman Catholic Church. Ambrosian chant is largely defined by its role in the liturgy of the Ambrosian rite, which is more closely related to the northern "Gallic" liturgies such as the Gallican rite and the Mozarabic rite than the Roman rite. Musically, however, Ambrosian chant is closely related to the Gregorian and Old Roman chant traditions. Many chants are common to all three, with musical variation. Like all plainchant, Ambrosian chant is monophonic and a cappella. In accordance with Roman Catholic tradition, it is primarily intended to be sung by males, and many Ambrosian chants specify who is to sing them, using phrases such as cum Pueris (by a boys' choir) and a Subdiaconis (by the subdeacons). Stylistically, the Ambrosian chant repertoire is not generally as musically uniform as the Gregorian. Ambrosian chants are more varied in length, ambitus, and structure. Even within individual categories of chant, Ambrosian chants vary from short and formulaic to prolix and melismatic, and may be freely composed or show significant internal <b>...</b>
Angelorum laus: "Gloria in exelsis Deo"
Angelorum laus: "Gloria in exelsis Deo"
Ambrosian chant (also known as Milanese chant) is the liturgical plainchant repertory of the Ambrosian rite of the Roman Catholic Church, related to but distinct from Gregorian chant. It is primarily associated with the Archdiocese of Milan, and named after St. Ambrose much as Gregorian chant is named after Gregory the Great. It is the only surviving plainchant tradition besides the Gregorian to maintain the official sanction of the Roman Catholic Church. Ambrosian chant is largely defined by its role in the liturgy of the Ambrosian rite, which is more closely related to the northern "Gallic" liturgies such as the Gallican rite and the Mozarabic rite than the Roman rite. Musically, however, Ambrosian chant is closely related to the Gregorian and Old Roman chant traditions. Many chants are common to all three, with musical variation. Like all plainchant, Ambrosian chant is monophonic and a cappella. In accordance with Roman Catholic tradition, it is primarily intended to be sung by males, and many Ambrosian chants specify who is to sing them, using phrases such as cum Pueris (by a boys' choir) and a Subdiaconis (by the subdeacons). Stylistically, the Ambrosian chant repertoire is not generally as musically uniform as the Gregorian. Ambrosian chants are more varied in length, ambitus, and structure. Even within individual categories of chant, Ambrosian chants vary from short and formulaic to prolix and melismatic, and may be freely composed or show significant internal <b>...</b>
Lucernarium: "Paravi lucernam Christo meo"
Lucernarium: "Paravi lucernam Christo meo"
Ambrosian chant (also known as Milanese chant) is the liturgical plainchant repertory of the Ambrosian rite of the Roman Catholic Church, related to but distinct from Gregorian chant. It is primarily associated with the Archdiocese of Milan, and named after St. Ambrose much as Gregorian chant is named after Gregory the Great. It is the only surviving plainchant tradition besides the Gregorian to maintain the official sanction of the Roman Catholic Church. Ambrosian chant is largely defined by its role in the liturgy of the Ambrosian rite, which is more closely related to the northern "Gallic" liturgies such as the Gallican rite and the Mozarabic rite than the Roman rite. Musically, however, Ambrosian chant is closely related to the Gregorian and Old Roman chant traditions. Many chants are common to all three, with musical variation. Like all plainchant, Ambrosian chant is monophonic and a cappella. In accordance with Roman Catholic tradition, it is primarily intended to be sung by males, and many Ambrosian chants specify who is to sing them, using phrases such as cum Pueris (by a boys' choir) and a Subdiaconis (by the subdeacons). Stylistically, the Ambrosian chant repertoire is not generally as musically uniform as the Gregorian. Ambrosian chants are more varied in length, ambitus, and structure. Even within individual categories of chant, Ambrosian chants vary from short and formulaic to prolix and melismatic, and may be freely composed or show significant internal <b>...</b>
Ingressa: "Lux fulgebit hodie super nos"
Ingressa: "Lux fulgebit hodie super nos"
Ambrosian chant (also known as Milanese chant) is the liturgical plainchant repertory of the Ambrosian rite of the Roman Catholic Church, related to but distinct from Gregorian chant. It is primarily associated with the Archdiocese of Milan, and named after St. Ambrose much as Gregorian chant is named after Gregory the Great. It is the only surviving plainchant tradition besides the Gregorian to maintain the official sanction of the Roman Catholic Church. Ambrosian chant is largely defined by its role in the liturgy of the Ambrosian rite, which is more closely related to the northern "Gallic" liturgies such as the Gallican rite and the Mozarabic rite than the Roman rite. Musically, however, Ambrosian chant is closely related to the Gregorian and Old Roman chant traditions. Many chants are common to all three, with musical variation. Like all plainchant, Ambrosian chant is monophonic and a cappella. In accordance with Roman Catholic tradition, it is primarily intended to be sung by males, and many Ambrosian chants specify who is to sing them, using phrases such as cum Pueris (by a boys' choir) and a Subdiaconis (by the subdeacons). Stylistically, the Ambrosian chant repertoire is not generally as musically uniform as the Gregorian. Ambrosian chants are more varied in length, ambitus, and structure. Even within individual categories of chant, Ambrosian chants vary from short and formulaic to prolix and melismatic, and may be freely composed or show significant internal <b>...</b>
PART 4 | SECRET JESUIT ICON WARS | ROMANTIC VS ETHIOPIC | WHITE & BLACK VIRGIN MARY PART 3 | SECRET JESUIT ICON WARS | ROMANTIC VS ETHIOPIC | WHITE & BLACK VIRGIN MARY PART 2 | SECRET JESUIT spiritual & religious ICON WARS@ETHIOPIA - AstaROTH Virgin Mary_NEW.mp4 also known as PART 2 | SECRET JESUIT ICON WARS @Black ETHIOPIA - AstaROTH Virgin MARY BAALIM (White JeZeuses) INTRODUCTORY series of Lectures highlight the secret and covert White Supremacist NWO Illuminati conspiracy against the AFRICAN (Black) ZION, ie IMPERIAL ETHIOPIA and Her 3000 year old history and biblical prophecy, If a picture paints a thousand words, then, like Bob Marley so said it - there are so many things to say right now... so much things to say. We begin here by covering some of the surface elements and the connection of ETHIOPIA and the Ancient ETHIOPIAN TEWAHEDO Church to early AFRICAN and BLACK HEBREW Christianity prior to Constantine and the un-holy Roman Catholic Church popular takeover and recession of the original message, theme and icons of the founders of the firm. But, moreover, ROMAN CATHOLICISM - Mystery BABYLON and her counterfeit Christianity represents in truth the rise of the ancient godless/goddess and cruel dragon, ie LEVIATHAN that has place the Black and Brown root people's under the ancient curse of ASTAROTH (Venus or Satana) and BAAL (another Jesus Christ)worship that was condemned by the prophets of BLACK (Hebrew) ISRAEL since so-called "BC" times to present day AD.....Jdg 2 <b>...</b>
Offertorium: "Hec dicit Dominus"
Offertorium: "Hec dicit Dominus"
Ambrosian chant (also known as Milanese chant) is the liturgical plainchant repertory of the Ambrosian rite of the Roman Catholic Church, related to but distinct from Gregorian chant. It is primarily associated with the Archdiocese of Milan, and named after St. Ambrose much as Gregorian chant is named after Gregory the Great. It is the only surviving plainchant tradition besides the Gregorian to maintain the official sanction of the Roman Catholic Church. Ambrosian chant is largely defined by its role in the liturgy of the Ambrosian rite, which is more closely related to the northern "Gallic" liturgies such as the Gallican rite and the Mozarabic rite than the Roman rite. Musically, however, Ambrosian chant is closely related to the Gregorian and Old Roman chant traditions. Many chants are common to all three, with musical variation. Like all plainchant, Ambrosian chant is monophonic and a cappella. In accordance with Roman Catholic tradition, it is primarily intended to be sung by males, and many Ambrosian chants specify who is to sing them, using phrases such as cum Pueris (by a boys' choir) and a Subdiaconis (by the subdeacons). Stylistically, the Ambrosian chant repertoire is not generally as musically uniform as the Gregorian. Ambrosian chants are more varied in length, ambitus, and structure. Even within individual categories of chant, Ambrosian chants vary from short and formulaic to prolix and melismatic, and may be freely composed or show significant internal <b>...</b>
PART 5 | SECRET JESUIT ICON WARS | ROMANTIC VS ETHIOPIC | WHITE & BLACK VIRGIN MARY PART 4 | SECRET JESUIT ICON WARS | ROMANTIC VS ETHIOPIC | WHITE & BLACK VIRGIN MARY PART 3 | SECRET JESUIT ICON WARS | ROMANTIC VS ETHIOPIC | WHITE & BLACK VIRGIN MARY PART 2 | SECRET JESUIT spiritual & religious ICON WARS@ETHIOPIA - AstaROTH Virgin Mary_NEW.mp4 also known as PART 2 | SECRET JESUIT ICON WARS @Black ETHIOPIA - AstaROTH Virgin MARY BAALIM (White JeZeuses) INTRODUCTORY series of Lectures highlight the secret and covert White Supremacist NWO Illuminati conspiracy against the AFRICAN (Black) ZION, ie IMPERIAL ETHIOPIA and Her 3000 year old history and biblical prophecy, If a picture paints a thousand words, then, like Bob Marley so said it - there are so many things to say right now... so much things to say. We begin here by covering some of the surface elements and the connection of ETHIOPIA and the Ancient ETHIOPIAN TEWAHEDO Church to early AFRICAN and BLACK HEBREW Christianity prior to Constantine and the un-holy Roman Catholic Church popular takeover and recession of the original message, theme and icons of the founders of the firm. But, moreover, ROMAN CATHOLICISM - Mystery BABYLON and her counterfeit Christianity represents in truth the rise of the ancient godless/goddess and cruel dragon, ie LEVIATHAN that has place the Black and Brown root people's under the ancient curse of ASTAROTH (Venus or Satana) and BAAL (another Jesus Christ)worship that was condemned by the <b>...</b>
Germano Mosconi - Italian Crazy Journalist ( sub ENG )
Germano Mosconi - Italian Crazy Journalist ( sub ENG )
In Italian language profanities belonging to this category are called bestemmie (singular: bestemmia), in which God, the Virgin Mary, Jesus, the Saints or the Roman Catholic Church are insulted. This category is so strong it is usually frowned upon even by people who would make casual or even regular use of the profanities above. In some areas of Italy, such as Veneto, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Emilia-Romagna and Tuscany, blasphemy is somewhat more common. Until 1999, uttering this class of profanities in public was considered a misdemeanor in Italy (although the offenders were very rarely if ever pursued). The most common adjectives used to insult God (Dio) are: * porco dio[10] : Literally "God (is a) pig/filthy"; there is no meaning-equivalent in English. An expression somewhat similar, just for the frequency of its use, is goddammit. * dio maiale: God (is a) pig. * dio cane: God (is a) dog. In Venice and Veneto dio can (spelt this way according to local dialect) is the most common bestemmia. * dio merda: God (is a) shit. * dio merdoso: shitty God. * dio boia: God (is an) executioner; roughly equivalent to bloody God. Used mainly in Tuscany and Emilia-Romagna. * dio bastardo: God (is a) bastard. * dio Fottuto: fucked up God. * dio stronzo: God (is a) piece of shit. * dio schifoso: God sucks. * dio infame: God (is) infamous. * dio serpente: God (is a) snake. * dio verme: God (is a) worm. * diobestia: God (is a) beast. Used mainly in Umbria and Tuscany. * dio lupo: God (is a <b>...</b>
Psalmellus:"Tecum principium in die virtutis tue" (1)
Psalmellus:"Tecum principium in die virtutis tue" (1)
Ambrosian chant (also known as Milanese chant) is the liturgical plainchant repertory of the Ambrosian rite of the Roman Catholic Church, related to but distinct from Gregorian chant. It is primarily associated with the Archdiocese of Milan, and named after St. Ambrose much as Gregorian chant is named after Gregory the Great. It is the only surviving plainchant tradition besides the Gregorian to maintain the official sanction of the Roman Catholic Church. Ambrosian chant is largely defined by its role in the liturgy of the Ambrosian rite, which is more closely related to the northern "Gallic" liturgies such as the Gallican rite and the Mozarabic rite than the Roman rite. Musically, however, Ambrosian chant is closely related to the Gregorian and Old Roman chant traditions. Many chants are common to all three, with musical variation. Like all plainchant, Ambrosian chant is monophonic and a cappella. In accordance with Roman Catholic tradition, it is primarily intended to be sung by males, and many Ambrosian chants specify who is to sing them, using phrases such as cum Pueris (by a boys' choir) and a Subdiaconis (by the subdeacons). Stylistically, the Ambrosian chant repertoire is not generally as musically uniform as the Gregorian. Ambrosian chants are more varied in length, ambitus, and structure. Even within individual categories of chant, Ambrosian chants vary from short and formulaic to prolix and melismatic, and may be freely composed or show significant internal <b>...</b>
Canticum: "Ecce quam bonum et jocundum"
Canticum: "Ecce quam bonum et jocundum"
Ambrosian chant (also known as Milanese chant) is the liturgical plainchant repertory of the Ambrosian rite of the Roman Catholic Church, related to but distinct from Gregorian chant. It is primarily associated with the Archdiocese of Milan, and named after St. Ambrose much as Gregorian chant is named after Gregory the Great. It is the only surviving plainchant tradition besides the Gregorian to maintain the official sanction of the Roman Catholic Church. Ambrosian chant is largely defined by its role in the liturgy of the Ambrosian rite, which is more closely related to the northern "Gallic" liturgies such as the Gallican rite and the Mozarabic rite than the Roman rite. Musically, however, Ambrosian chant is closely related to the Gregorian and Old Roman chant traditions. Many chants are common to all three, with musical variation. Like all plainchant, Ambrosian chant is monophonic and a cappella. In accordance with Roman Catholic tradition, it is primarily intended to be sung by males, and many Ambrosian chants specify who is to sing them, using phrases such as cum Pueris (by a boys' choir) and a Subdiaconis (by the subdeacons). Stylistically, the Ambrosian chant repertoire is not generally as musically uniform as the Gregorian. Ambrosian chants are more varied in length, ambitus, and structure. Even within individual categories of chant, Ambrosian chants vary from short and formulaic to prolix and melismatic, and may be freely composed or show significant internal <b>...</b>
Keeping the Faith - Movie Trailer
Keeping the Faith - Movie Trailer
zuguide.com Jake Schram (Ben Stiller) and Brian Finn (Edward Norton) have been best friends since they were kids. When Anna Reilly (Jenna Elfman), a childhood friend who is now a beautiful corporate exective, comes into town, she reawakens old feelings and a long-standing rivalry between her two old pals. Complicating matters in this love triangle is that fact that Jake is now a Rabbi and Brian is a Roman Catholic priest. Directed by Edward Norton. With Anne Bancroft, Eli Wallach and Milos Forman. Categories: Comedy, Drama, Romance. Year: 2000. For more trailers with Edward Norton, please see zuguide.com Also, for movie previews starring Ben Stiller, see zuguide.com Trailers with Jenna Elfman, can be seen at zuguide.com
Catholic bishops: Let federal housing programs evict gay people for God!
Catholic bishops: Let federal housing programs evict gay people for God!
HUD Proposes New Rule to Ensure Equal Access to Housing Regardless of Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity portal.hud.gov USCCB Urges HUD Not to Include Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Among Protected Categories www.usccb.org Video transcript: zinniajones.com Follow me: twitter.com facebook.com zinniajones.com
Psalmellus: "Tecu principium in die virtutis tue" (2)
Psalmellus: "Tecu principium in die virtutis tue" (2)
Ambrosian chant (also known as Milanese chant) is the liturgical plainchant repertory of the Ambrosian rite of the Roman Catholic Church, related to but distinct from Gregorian chant. It is primarily associated with the Archdiocese of Milan, and named after St. Ambrose much as Gregorian chant is named after Gregory the Great. It is the only surviving plainchant tradition besides the Gregorian to maintain the official sanction of the Roman Catholic Church. Ambrosian chant is largely defined by its role in the liturgy of the Ambrosian rite, which is more closely related to the northern "Gallic" liturgies such as the Gallican rite and the Mozarabic rite than the Roman rite. Musically, however, Ambrosian chant is closely related to the Gregorian and Old Roman chant traditions. Many chants are common to all three, with musical variation. Like all plainchant, Ambrosian chant is monophonic and a cappella. In accordance with Roman Catholic tradition, it is primarily intended to be sung by males, and many Ambrosian chants specify who is to sing them, using phrases such as cum Pueris (by a boys' choir) and a Subdiaconis (by the subdeacons). Stylistically, the Ambrosian chant repertoire is not generally as musically uniform as the Gregorian. Ambrosian chants are more varied in length, ambitus, and structure. Even within individual categories of chant, Ambrosian chants vary from short and formulaic to prolix and melismatic, and may be freely composed or show significant internal <b>...</b>
Roman Catholic AIDS Death Rate Numbers
Roman Catholic AIDS Death Rate Numbers
This video is more serious than my other videos. This is about how many people have died as a result of the Roman Catholic churchs anti-condom policy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ People often misuse the words 'atheist' and 'agnostic' and use a definition for agnostic that is actually goes with the word 'atheist'. Atheism is a statement about beliefs. Atheism: The lack of a belief in any gods. There are two subcategories: a Strong Atheism: The belief that there are no gods. b Weak Atheism: The simple lack of a belief in any gods, without asserting that there are no gods. Agnosticism is a statement about knowledge. The word was made by TH Huxley in 1869. The word is not mutually exclusive with theism or atheism, and there are plenty of agnostics in both categories. Agnosticism: The claim that knowledge about the divine is essentially unattainable.
Bridget Mary Meehan, RCWP, Praises Pope Benedict for Canonization of St. Mary McKillop/Role Model
Bridget Mary Meehan, RCWP, Praises Pope Benedict for Canonization of St. Mary McKillop/Role Model
Bridget Mary Meehan challenges Vatican edict in 2010, placing the ordination of women in the "serious crime" category along with pedophiles, schismatics and heretics. Bridget Mary praises Pope Benedict for the canonization of Mother Mary Mackillop. Meehan believes that Pope Benedict has made "excommunication" a possible new fast tract to sainthood!. For more information, visit www.romancatholicwomenpriests.org bridgetmary'sblog sofiabmm@aol.com
Responsorium: "Congratulamini mihi omnes qui diligitis Dominum"
Responsorium: "Congratulamini mihi omnes qui diligitis Dominum"
Ambrosian chant (also known as Milanese chant) is the liturgical plainchant repertory of the Ambrosian rite of the Roman Catholic Church, related to but distinct from Gregorian chant. It is primarily associated with the Archdiocese of Milan, and named after St. Ambrose much as Gregorian chant is named after Gregory the Great. It is the only surviving plainchant tradition besides the Gregorian to maintain the official sanction of the Roman Catholic Church. Ambrosian chant is largely defined by its role in the liturgy of the Ambrosian rite, which is more closely related to the northern "Gallic" liturgies such as the Gallican rite and the Mozarabic rite than the Roman rite. Musically, however, Ambrosian chant is closely related to the Gregorian and Old Roman chant traditions. Many chants are common to all three, with musical variation. Like all plainchant, Ambrosian chant is monophonic and a cappella. In accordance with Roman Catholic tradition, it is primarily intended to be sung by males, and many Ambrosian chants specify who is to sing them, using phrases such as cum Pueris (by a boys' choir) and a Subdiaconis (by the subdeacons). Stylistically, the Ambrosian chant repertoire is not generally as musically uniform as the Gregorian. Ambrosian chants are more varied in length, ambitus, and structure. Even within individual categories of chant, Ambrosian chants vary from short and formulaic to prolix and melismatic, and may be freely composed or show significant internal <b>...</b>
NJ Hosts Interfaith Dialogue Award Ceremony
NJ Hosts Interfaith Dialogue Award Ceremony
Interfaith Dialogue Center of New Jersey organized an Interfaith awards ceremonies for 2008. Awrads were presented to individuals who have distinguished themselves in their profession, community and service to humanity in New Jersey. The awards were based on a variety of factors, including interfaith/intercultural involvement, community service, education, community educational involvements, professional and community honors, business and professional leadership, and educational honors. Hosted by Kent Manahan, Senior Anchor, NJN News and Levent Koc, IDC president, awards were given in 7 different categories . Community service awards were given to New Jersey Governor, Jon Corzine and to Weysan Dun, Special agent in charge of the FBI Newark division. The Peace and tolerance awards were given to Rabbi Jack Bemporad, Director, Center for Interreligious Understanding and Bishop Arthur Serratelli, of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Paterson Soundbite: The media the award was presented to Elizabeth Christopherson, Executive Director, New Jersey Network Television. The Education award was presented to PSE&G of New Jersey which is the State's Gas&Electric company. The Last category was the IDC Special Recognition award which was received by Maxine Beach, Vice President and Dean of School of Theology, Drew University. The Award ceremony brought many people form different backgrounds ,ethinicities and religions.
Thank God It's Fryday
Thank God It's Fryday
Complicity of the Catholic hierarchy and top government officials in the cover-up of the pedophile scandal and reassignment of molesting priests and the immunity they've received in this obstruction of justice. The figures given in the "raw data" report are just a small percentage of the true figures. This is a pedophilic organization - no one should give their child over to them under any circumstance. No children should be entrusted to their care. To do so is nothing less than child endangerment. Update: No charges were ever filed against Daniel Walsh. He was sent to rehab for 4 months and given immunity. The priest he sheltered remains at large. He's now trying to clean up after financial and sexual scandals that have plagued his diocese for years. Fewer than 500 of the 4400+ accused pedophile priests have ever faced prosecution and a mere 160 have received jail time. No official in the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Cult has ever been held accountable for the atrocity of child molestation but instead they have been promoted and moved around from parish to parish, country to country. Yet people continue to hand their children over to them. This is complete blindness on the part of the "Faithful" because Jesus warned of these wicked shepherds and said not to have anything to do with them. Sonoma County DA Stephan Passalaqua is the recipient of contributions from wealthy Catholics in his district. Nominee in the 1st Annual Firmament Video Awards Category: Bust 'Em Title <b>...</b>