Visit Úbeda, a UNESCO World Heritage site
Úbeda, in the province of Jaén, is one of Spain's World Heritage Cities. It is famous for its well-preserved Renaissance buildings, which will transport you to another era.
Keep reading: http://www.spain.info/en/que-quieres/ciudades-pueblos/otros-destinos/ubeda.html
published: 05 Jun 2009
Tiny Tour | Úbeda Spain | Driving in the ancient city Úbeda a World Heritage Site | 2021 Oct
On the day of filming, Úbeda’s center old town was under transformation from road to pedestrian. In the future, one part of this drive through will no longer allow cars to enter.
Úbeda is a town in the province of Jaén in Spain's autonomous community of Andalusia, inhabitants. Both this city and the neighbouring city of Baeza benefited from extensive patronage in the early 16th century resulting in the construction of a series of Renaissance style palaces and churches, which have been preserved ever since. In 2003, UNESCO declared the historic cores and monuments of these two towns a World Heritage Site.
The archaeological findings indicate a pre-Roman settlement at Úbeda, such as argaric and iberic remains. The capital of the iberic state was called Iltiraka and was located over the Gua...
published: 06 Aug 2022
GUÍA COMPLETA ▶ Qué ver en la CIUDAD de ÚBEDA (ESPAÑA) 🇪🇸 🌏 Turismo y viajes a ANDALUCÍA
Guía de viaje o guía de turismo completa de la ciudad de ÚBEDA con todos los puntos y lugares más interesantes. Descubre qué ver y qué hacer con los puntos de mayor interés de la ciudad. Espero que el vídeo os pueda servir de ayuda si planeáis hacer turismo por esta ciudad Patrimonio de la Humanidad.
Habitada desde hace más de 6000 años, por este lugar han pasado griegos, cartagineses, íberos, visigodos, romanos y árabes, que tomaron el lugar hasta que la ciudad fue reconquistada en el año 1233. En el siglo 16 llegó su época dorada siendo un potente sector agropecuario debido a su situación geográfica ventajosa y la ciudad empezó a llenarse de bellísimos palacios, conventos y templos y edificios civiles de enorme valor que todavía hoy se puede disfrutar. Y es que Úbeda cuenta con un riquí...
published: 21 Mar 2022
ÚBEDA: los 12 sitios ESENCIALES para ver...
¡Hola disfrutones!
En este video os mostramos los DOCE SITIOS ESENCIALES en vuestra visita a UBEDA, en la provincia de Jaén.
¡Qué gozada de ciudad! Con tanta historia, con esa arquitectura, esas tapas, esa buena gente recomendándonos sitios chulos...
En el post que hemos subido a nuestra web os contamos todos los detalles: enlaces en los lugares de interés, restaurantes, las mejores fotos... Haz click aquí: https://viajandoanuestroaire.com/2019/06/conocer_ubeda/
Y por supuesto, si vais a Úbeda, no dejéis de pasaros por Baeza, también Patrimonio de la Humanidad. Aquí tenéis el video que grabamos allí: https://youtu.be/m99EoP9veRY
Si os ha gustado el video, "regaladnos" un LIKE para saberlo y COMPARTIDLO con vuestros amigos!
Nos encantaría que os SUSCRIBIERAIS en el canal: https://ww...
published: 09 Jun 2019
Danny Úbeda - Pídeme
published: 26 Jul 2012
Tiny Tour | Úbeda Spain | A quick visit to a World Heritage Site town in Jaén | 2021 Oct
Úbeda is a town in the province of Jaén in Spain's autonomous community of Andalusia, inhabitants. Both this city and the neighbouring city of Baeza benefited from extensive patronage in the early 16th century resulting in the construction of a series of Renaissance style palaces and churches, which have been preserved ever since. In 2003, UNESCO declared the historic cores and monuments of these two towns a World Heritage Site.
The archaeological findings indicate a pre-Roman settlement at Úbeda, such as argaric and iberic remains. The capital of the iberic state was called Iltiraka and was located over the Guadalquivir River, 10 km south of the actual site of the town. Romans and later Visigoths occupied the site as a settlement.
The city is near the geographic centre of the province o...
published: 29 Oct 2021
🇪🇸[4K] ÚBEDA Walking Tour. World Heritage City. Beautiful Andalusian town | JAÉN | Andalusia #spain
🔻 Enjoy more walking tours HERE / Disfruta de más recorridos AQUÍ 🔻
🚶 https://www.youtube.com/c/WalkingSpai... 🚶
ÚBEDA. Renaissance among the olive groves / Renacimiento entre olivares
🇬🇧 Beautiful Renaissance buildings are the main attraction in this World Heritage City, which with neighbouring Baeza is one of the best places in Europe to see Renaissance architecture and get a feel for what life was like in that period.
Although past civilisations left their mark in Úbeda, the town is a unique example of Renaissance town planning and the Italianate style of the 15th and 16th centuries, when it was remodelled. Its amazing collection of palaces is a telling indication of the power of the nobility at the time. The perfect spot to start exploring the city is Plaza Vázquez de Molina...
published: 02 Oct 2022
ÚBEDA y BAEZA (4K) 🟢 Pueblo más bonito de ESPAÑA 📌 GUÍA DE VIAJE | Que ver 1 día | Jaén - Andalucía
🔻🔻🔻(Abre la caja de descripción)🔻🔻🔻
Los dos pueblos más bonitos de la provincia
de #Jaén son Úbeda y Baeza. Durante 1 día
conocemos sus principales atractivos turísticos.
(Turismo #Andalucía - Turismo #España).
published: 17 Jun 2021
ÚBEDA Y BAEZA ⭐ qué ver en ÚBEDA Y BAEZA en 1 día (Andalucía) 🏛️ La MEJOR GUÍA
🥇 Úbeda y Baeza. ¡Hola viajeros! En este vídeo os muestro qué ver en Úbeda y Baeza en 1 día, dos ciudades de la provincia de Jaén que fueron declaradas Patrimonio de la Humanidad en 2003 por la UNESCO. Separadas por apenas 10km, estas dos pequeñas localidades tienen un rico patrimonio monumental y comparten una historia común marcada por la dominación árabe y la Reconquista, que ha dejado huella prácticamente en cada esquina. Si estás buscando qué ver en Úbeda y Baeza (Jaén) no te pierdas este vídeo.
0:00 Qué ver en Úbeda y Baeza
1:29 Qué ver en Úbeda
2:35 Capilla de El Salvador y Plaza de Vázquez de Molina
6:05 Sinagoga del Agua
7:29 Ruta de Joaquín Sabina
9:56 Dónde comer en Úbeda
10:58 Qué ver en Baeza
11:47 Plaza de los Leones
13:01 Antigua Universidad de Baeza
14:18 Ruta de...
published: 28 Nov 2021
Documental de la serie Patrimoino de la Humanidad, paseamos por las calles de Úbeda y Beza, por su historia, su legado patrimonial y visitaremos joyas como el Palacio de Jabalquinto o la Catedral de Baeza. Ambas ciudades han enriquecido su arquitectura a medida que transcurría la historia antigua y el Medievo y la cultura llegada de influencias castellanas y andaluzas se aprecia, incluso, en la forma de ser de su gente. Destaca especialmente la Sinagoga del agua, que desapareció pero ya ha sido recuperada. Al fondo de la escalera aparece el baño usado para la purificación y en el solsticio de verano se produce un momento insólito, espectacular cuando el sol entra justo al lugar donde se realiza el ritual judío.
#ubedaybaeza #documentalubedaybaeza #documentalcompletoenespañol
Para más inf...
published: 03 Mar 2020
Visit Úbeda, a UNESCO World Heritage site
Úbeda, in the province of Jaén, is one of Spain's World Heritage Cities. It is famous for its well-preserved Renaissance buildings, which will transport you to ...
Úbeda, in the province of Jaén, is one of Spain's World Heritage Cities. It is famous for its well-preserved Renaissance buildings, which will transport you to another era.
Keep reading: http://www.spain.info/en/que-quieres/ciudades-pueblos/otros-destinos/ubeda.html
Úbeda, in the province of Jaén, is one of Spain's World Heritage Cities. It is famous for its well-preserved Renaissance buildings, which will transport you to another era.
Keep reading: http://www.spain.info/en/que-quieres/ciudades-pueblos/otros-destinos/ubeda.html
- published: 05 Jun 2009
- views: 21760
Tiny Tour | Úbeda Spain | Driving in the ancient city Úbeda a World Heritage Site | 2021 Oct
On the day of filming, Úbeda’s center old town was under transformation from road to pedestrian. In the future, one part of this drive through will no longer al...
On the day of filming, Úbeda’s center old town was under transformation from road to pedestrian. In the future, one part of this drive through will no longer allow cars to enter.
Úbeda is a town in the province of Jaén in Spain's autonomous community of Andalusia, inhabitants. Both this city and the neighbouring city of Baeza benefited from extensive patronage in the early 16th century resulting in the construction of a series of Renaissance style palaces and churches, which have been preserved ever since. In 2003, UNESCO declared the historic cores and monuments of these two towns a World Heritage Site.
The archaeological findings indicate a pre-Roman settlement at Úbeda, such as argaric and iberic remains. The capital of the iberic state was called Iltiraka and was located over the Guadalquivir River, 10 km south of the actual site of the town. Romans and later Visigoths occupied the site as a settlement.
The city is near the geographic centre of the province of Jaén, and it is the administrative seat of the surrounding Loma de Úbeda comarca. It is one of the region's most important settlements, boasting a regional hospital, university bachelor's degree in education college, distance-learning facilities, local government facilities, social security offices, and courts.
According to the Caixa yearbook, it is the economic hub of a catchment area with a population of 200,000 inhabitants. Twenty-nine percent of employment is in the service sector.
To know more about Úbeda:
Devices used:
Camera: Fujifilm X-T3,
Lens: Fujinon XF 10-24mm F4,
On the day of filming, Úbeda’s center old town was under transformation from road to pedestrian. In the future, one part of this drive through will no longer allow cars to enter.
Úbeda is a town in the province of Jaén in Spain's autonomous community of Andalusia, inhabitants. Both this city and the neighbouring city of Baeza benefited from extensive patronage in the early 16th century resulting in the construction of a series of Renaissance style palaces and churches, which have been preserved ever since. In 2003, UNESCO declared the historic cores and monuments of these two towns a World Heritage Site.
The archaeological findings indicate a pre-Roman settlement at Úbeda, such as argaric and iberic remains. The capital of the iberic state was called Iltiraka and was located over the Guadalquivir River, 10 km south of the actual site of the town. Romans and later Visigoths occupied the site as a settlement.
The city is near the geographic centre of the province of Jaén, and it is the administrative seat of the surrounding Loma de Úbeda comarca. It is one of the region's most important settlements, boasting a regional hospital, university bachelor's degree in education college, distance-learning facilities, local government facilities, social security offices, and courts.
According to the Caixa yearbook, it is the economic hub of a catchment area with a population of 200,000 inhabitants. Twenty-nine percent of employment is in the service sector.
To know more about Úbeda:
Devices used:
Camera: Fujifilm X-T3,
Lens: Fujinon XF 10-24mm F4,
- published: 06 Aug 2022
- views: 1841
GUÍA COMPLETA ▶ Qué ver en la CIUDAD de ÚBEDA (ESPAÑA) 🇪🇸 🌏 Turismo y viajes a ANDALUCÍA
Guía de viaje o guía de turismo completa de la ciudad de ÚBEDA con todos los puntos y lugares más interesantes. Descubre qué ver y qué hacer con los puntos de m...
Guía de viaje o guía de turismo completa de la ciudad de ÚBEDA con todos los puntos y lugares más interesantes. Descubre qué ver y qué hacer con los puntos de mayor interés de la ciudad. Espero que el vídeo os pueda servir de ayuda si planeáis hacer turismo por esta ciudad Patrimonio de la Humanidad.
Habitada desde hace más de 6000 años, por este lugar han pasado griegos, cartagineses, íberos, visigodos, romanos y árabes, que tomaron el lugar hasta que la ciudad fue reconquistada en el año 1233. En el siglo 16 llegó su época dorada siendo un potente sector agropecuario debido a su situación geográfica ventajosa y la ciudad empezó a llenarse de bellísimos palacios, conventos y templos y edificios civiles de enorme valor que todavía hoy se puede disfrutar. Y es que Úbeda cuenta con un riquísimo patrimonio histórico que está declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad desde el año 2003. ¿No conoces Úbeda? Pues acompáñame en esta guía para descubrir a una de las joyas de España.
Facebook -- https://www.facebook.com/As%C3%AD-es-el-mundo-101859615649089/?ref=pages_you_manage.
Guía de viaje o guía de turismo completa de la ciudad de ÚBEDA con todos los puntos y lugares más interesantes. Descubre qué ver y qué hacer con los puntos de mayor interés de la ciudad. Espero que el vídeo os pueda servir de ayuda si planeáis hacer turismo por esta ciudad Patrimonio de la Humanidad.
Habitada desde hace más de 6000 años, por este lugar han pasado griegos, cartagineses, íberos, visigodos, romanos y árabes, que tomaron el lugar hasta que la ciudad fue reconquistada en el año 1233. En el siglo 16 llegó su época dorada siendo un potente sector agropecuario debido a su situación geográfica ventajosa y la ciudad empezó a llenarse de bellísimos palacios, conventos y templos y edificios civiles de enorme valor que todavía hoy se puede disfrutar. Y es que Úbeda cuenta con un riquísimo patrimonio histórico que está declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad desde el año 2003. ¿No conoces Úbeda? Pues acompáñame en esta guía para descubrir a una de las joyas de España.
Facebook -- https://www.facebook.com/As%C3%AD-es-el-mundo-101859615649089/?ref=pages_you_manage.
- published: 21 Mar 2022
- views: 18326
ÚBEDA: los 12 sitios ESENCIALES para ver...
¡Hola disfrutones!
En este video os mostramos los DOCE SITIOS ESENCIALES en vuestra visita a UBEDA, en la provincia de Jaén.
¡Qué gozada de ciudad! Con tanta ...
¡Hola disfrutones!
En este video os mostramos los DOCE SITIOS ESENCIALES en vuestra visita a UBEDA, en la provincia de Jaén.
¡Qué gozada de ciudad! Con tanta historia, con esa arquitectura, esas tapas, esa buena gente recomendándonos sitios chulos...
En el post que hemos subido a nuestra web os contamos todos los detalles: enlaces en los lugares de interés, restaurantes, las mejores fotos... Haz click aquí: https://viajandoanuestroaire.com/2019/06/conocer_ubeda/
Y por supuesto, si vais a Úbeda, no dejéis de pasaros por Baeza, también Patrimonio de la Humanidad. Aquí tenéis el video que grabamos allí: https://youtu.be/m99EoP9veRY
Si os ha gustado el video, "regaladnos" un LIKE para saberlo y COMPARTIDLO con vuestros amigos!
Nos encantaría que os SUSCRIBIERAIS en el canal: https://www.youtube.com/c/viajandoanuestroaire?sub_confirmation=1
No olvideis seguirnos en NUESTRAS OTRAS REDES SOCIALES, donde colgamos información cada día:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/viajandoanuestroaire
Twitter: https://twitter.com/viajandoaire
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/viajando_a_nuestroaire
Google+: https://goo.gl/ubyAyf
No olvides compartir el video si te ha gustado. ¡Hagamos la Comunidad VNA más grande!
¡Hasta la próxima semana!
#ubeda #baeza #jaen
¡Hola disfrutones!
En este video os mostramos los DOCE SITIOS ESENCIALES en vuestra visita a UBEDA, en la provincia de Jaén.
¡Qué gozada de ciudad! Con tanta historia, con esa arquitectura, esas tapas, esa buena gente recomendándonos sitios chulos...
En el post que hemos subido a nuestra web os contamos todos los detalles: enlaces en los lugares de interés, restaurantes, las mejores fotos... Haz click aquí: https://viajandoanuestroaire.com/2019/06/conocer_ubeda/
Y por supuesto, si vais a Úbeda, no dejéis de pasaros por Baeza, también Patrimonio de la Humanidad. Aquí tenéis el video que grabamos allí: https://youtu.be/m99EoP9veRY
Si os ha gustado el video, "regaladnos" un LIKE para saberlo y COMPARTIDLO con vuestros amigos!
Nos encantaría que os SUSCRIBIERAIS en el canal: https://www.youtube.com/c/viajandoanuestroaire?sub_confirmation=1
No olvideis seguirnos en NUESTRAS OTRAS REDES SOCIALES, donde colgamos información cada día:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/viajandoanuestroaire
Twitter: https://twitter.com/viajandoaire
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/viajando_a_nuestroaire
Google+: https://goo.gl/ubyAyf
No olvides compartir el video si te ha gustado. ¡Hagamos la Comunidad VNA más grande!
¡Hasta la próxima semana!
#ubeda #baeza #jaen
- published: 09 Jun 2019
- views: 48114
Tiny Tour | Úbeda Spain | A quick visit to a World Heritage Site town in Jaén | 2021 Oct
Úbeda is a town in the province of Jaén in Spain's autonomous community of Andalusia, inhabitants. Both this city and the neighbouring city of Baeza benefited f...
Úbeda is a town in the province of Jaén in Spain's autonomous community of Andalusia, inhabitants. Both this city and the neighbouring city of Baeza benefited from extensive patronage in the early 16th century resulting in the construction of a series of Renaissance style palaces and churches, which have been preserved ever since. In 2003, UNESCO declared the historic cores and monuments of these two towns a World Heritage Site.
The archaeological findings indicate a pre-Roman settlement at Úbeda, such as argaric and iberic remains. The capital of the iberic state was called Iltiraka and was located over the Guadalquivir River, 10 km south of the actual site of the town. Romans and later Visigoths occupied the site as a settlement.
The city is near the geographic centre of the province of Jaén, and it is the administrative seat of the surrounding Loma de Úbeda comarca. It is one of the region's most important settlements, boasting a regional hospital, university bachelor's degree in education college, distance-learning facilities, local government facilities, social security offices, and courts. According to the Caixa yearbook, it is the economic hub of a catchment area with a population of 200,000 inhabitants. Twenty-nine percent of employment is in the service sector.
To know more about Úbeda:
Devices used:
Camera: Fujifilm X-T3,
Lens: Fujinon XF 10-24mm F4,
Úbeda is a town in the province of Jaén in Spain's autonomous community of Andalusia, inhabitants. Both this city and the neighbouring city of Baeza benefited from extensive patronage in the early 16th century resulting in the construction of a series of Renaissance style palaces and churches, which have been preserved ever since. In 2003, UNESCO declared the historic cores and monuments of these two towns a World Heritage Site.
The archaeological findings indicate a pre-Roman settlement at Úbeda, such as argaric and iberic remains. The capital of the iberic state was called Iltiraka and was located over the Guadalquivir River, 10 km south of the actual site of the town. Romans and later Visigoths occupied the site as a settlement.
The city is near the geographic centre of the province of Jaén, and it is the administrative seat of the surrounding Loma de Úbeda comarca. It is one of the region's most important settlements, boasting a regional hospital, university bachelor's degree in education college, distance-learning facilities, local government facilities, social security offices, and courts. According to the Caixa yearbook, it is the economic hub of a catchment area with a population of 200,000 inhabitants. Twenty-nine percent of employment is in the service sector.
To know more about Úbeda:
Devices used:
Camera: Fujifilm X-T3,
Lens: Fujinon XF 10-24mm F4,
- published: 29 Oct 2021
- views: 3963
🇪🇸[4K] ÚBEDA Walking Tour. World Heritage City. Beautiful Andalusian town | JAÉN | Andalusia #spain
🔻 Enjoy more walking tours HERE / Disfruta de más recorridos AQUÍ 🔻
🚶 https://www.youtube.com/c/WalkingSpai... 🚶
ÚBEDA. Renaissance among the olive gr...
🔻 Enjoy more walking tours HERE / Disfruta de más recorridos AQUÍ 🔻
🚶 https://www.youtube.com/c/WalkingSpai... 🚶
ÚBEDA. Renaissance among the olive groves / Renacimiento entre olivares
🇬🇧 Beautiful Renaissance buildings are the main attraction in this World Heritage City, which with neighbouring Baeza is one of the best places in Europe to see Renaissance architecture and get a feel for what life was like in that period.
Although past civilisations left their mark in Úbeda, the town is a unique example of Renaissance town planning and the Italianate style of the 15th and 16th centuries, when it was remodelled. Its amazing collection of palaces is a telling indication of the power of the nobility at the time. The perfect spot to start exploring the city is Plaza Vázquez de Molina, one of the most beautiful squares in Europe. Here you will see the Sacra Capilla de El Salvador (home of the only Michelangelo sculpture in Spain), the palace of Deán Ortega (now a Parador hotel), the Town Hall, the church of Santa María de los Reales Alcázares and the palace of the Marqués de Mancera.
Enjoy this walking tour!
If you like it, subscribe to my Walking Spain channel, thank you!
🇪🇸 Los bellos edificios renacentistas son el reclamo principal de esta Ciudad Patrimonio de la Humanidad que, junto a su vecina Baeza, es uno de los mejores lugares de Europa para hacerse una idea de cómo fue el arte durante el Renacimiento.
Aunque en Úbeda han dejado su huella diferentes civilizaciones, fue en los siglos XV y XVI cuando sus edificios reflejaron el estilo renacentista italiano de moda en la época. Su asombroso conjunto de palacios es la mejor prueba del poder de la nobleza en aquel momento. El punto perfecto para comenzar a explorar la ciudad es la plaza Vázquez de Molina, de la que se dice, es una de las más bellas de Europa. Allí encontrarás la Sacra Capilla de El Salvador (¿sabías que de aquí procede la única escultura de Miguel Ángel que se conserva en España?), el palacio del Deán Ortega (hoy Parador de Turismo en el que puedes alojarte), el Ayuntamiento, la iglesia de Santa María de los Reales Alcázares y el palacio del Marqués de Mancera.
¡Disfruta este recorrido!
Y si te gusta, suscribete a mi canal Walking Spain ¡Gracias!
#ubeda #andalusia #andalucia #spain #españa #virtualtour #4kvideo #walkingspain
🔻 Enjoy more walking tours HERE / Disfruta de más recorridos AQUÍ 🔻
🚶 https://www.youtube.com/c/WalkingSpai... 🚶
ÚBEDA. Renaissance among the olive groves / Renacimiento entre olivares
🇬🇧 Beautiful Renaissance buildings are the main attraction in this World Heritage City, which with neighbouring Baeza is one of the best places in Europe to see Renaissance architecture and get a feel for what life was like in that period.
Although past civilisations left their mark in Úbeda, the town is a unique example of Renaissance town planning and the Italianate style of the 15th and 16th centuries, when it was remodelled. Its amazing collection of palaces is a telling indication of the power of the nobility at the time. The perfect spot to start exploring the city is Plaza Vázquez de Molina, one of the most beautiful squares in Europe. Here you will see the Sacra Capilla de El Salvador (home of the only Michelangelo sculpture in Spain), the palace of Deán Ortega (now a Parador hotel), the Town Hall, the church of Santa María de los Reales Alcázares and the palace of the Marqués de Mancera.
Enjoy this walking tour!
If you like it, subscribe to my Walking Spain channel, thank you!
🇪🇸 Los bellos edificios renacentistas son el reclamo principal de esta Ciudad Patrimonio de la Humanidad que, junto a su vecina Baeza, es uno de los mejores lugares de Europa para hacerse una idea de cómo fue el arte durante el Renacimiento.
Aunque en Úbeda han dejado su huella diferentes civilizaciones, fue en los siglos XV y XVI cuando sus edificios reflejaron el estilo renacentista italiano de moda en la época. Su asombroso conjunto de palacios es la mejor prueba del poder de la nobleza en aquel momento. El punto perfecto para comenzar a explorar la ciudad es la plaza Vázquez de Molina, de la que se dice, es una de las más bellas de Europa. Allí encontrarás la Sacra Capilla de El Salvador (¿sabías que de aquí procede la única escultura de Miguel Ángel que se conserva en España?), el palacio del Deán Ortega (hoy Parador de Turismo en el que puedes alojarte), el Ayuntamiento, la iglesia de Santa María de los Reales Alcázares y el palacio del Marqués de Mancera.
¡Disfruta este recorrido!
Y si te gusta, suscribete a mi canal Walking Spain ¡Gracias!
#ubeda #andalusia #andalucia #spain #españa #virtualtour #4kvideo #walkingspain
- published: 02 Oct 2022
- views: 1389
ÚBEDA y BAEZA (4K) 🟢 Pueblo más bonito de ESPAÑA 📌 GUÍA DE VIAJE | Que ver 1 día | Jaén - Andalucía
🔻🔻🔻(Abre la caja de descripción)🔻🔻🔻
Los dos pueblos más bonitos de la provincia
de #Jaén son Úbeda y Baeza. Durante 1 día
🔻🔻🔻(Abre la caja de descripción)🔻🔻🔻
Los dos pueblos más bonitos de la provincia
de #Jaén son Úbeda y Baeza. Durante 1 día
conocemos sus principales atractivos turísticos.
(Turismo #Andalucía - Turismo #España).
🔔 ¿Qué ver en Úbeda?
- Plaza Vázquez de Molina
- Casco antiguo Úbeda
- Basílica de Santa María de los Reales Alcázares
- Sacra Capilla del Salvador
- Museo San Juan de la Cruz
🔔 ¿Qué ver en Baeza?
- Plaza del Pópulo
- Catedral de la Natividad de Nuestra Señora
- Fuente de Santa María
- Puerta de Jaén y Arco de Villalar
- Casco antiguo Baeza
¡¡¡Si te ha gustado dale al LIKE 👍 y COMPARTE!!! 😍🤩
SÍGUENOS en nuestras Redes Sociales 😀😎
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/espanaxdescubrir_oficial
Correo: espanaxdescubrir@gmail.com
Música: https://www.epidemicsound.com/
🔻🔻🔻(Abre la caja de descripción)🔻🔻🔻
Los dos pueblos más bonitos de la provincia
de #Jaén son Úbeda y Baeza. Durante 1 día
conocemos sus principales atractivos turísticos.
(Turismo #Andalucía - Turismo #España).
🔔 ¿Qué ver en Úbeda?
- Plaza Vázquez de Molina
- Casco antiguo Úbeda
- Basílica de Santa María de los Reales Alcázares
- Sacra Capilla del Salvador
- Museo San Juan de la Cruz
🔔 ¿Qué ver en Baeza?
- Plaza del Pópulo
- Catedral de la Natividad de Nuestra Señora
- Fuente de Santa María
- Puerta de Jaén y Arco de Villalar
- Casco antiguo Baeza
¡¡¡Si te ha gustado dale al LIKE 👍 y COMPARTE!!! 😍🤩
SÍGUENOS en nuestras Redes Sociales 😀😎
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/espanaxdescubrir_oficial
Correo: espanaxdescubrir@gmail.com
Música: https://www.epidemicsound.com/
- published: 17 Jun 2021
- views: 18283
ÚBEDA Y BAEZA ⭐ qué ver en ÚBEDA Y BAEZA en 1 día (Andalucía) 🏛️ La MEJOR GUÍA
🥇 Úbeda y Baeza. ¡Hola viajeros! En este vídeo os muestro qué ver en Úbeda y Baeza en 1 día, dos ciudades de la provincia de Jaén que fueron declaradas Patrimon...
🥇 Úbeda y Baeza. ¡Hola viajeros! En este vídeo os muestro qué ver en Úbeda y Baeza en 1 día, dos ciudades de la provincia de Jaén que fueron declaradas Patrimonio de la Humanidad en 2003 por la UNESCO. Separadas por apenas 10km, estas dos pequeñas localidades tienen un rico patrimonio monumental y comparten una historia común marcada por la dominación árabe y la Reconquista, que ha dejado huella prácticamente en cada esquina. Si estás buscando qué ver en Úbeda y Baeza (Jaén) no te pierdas este vídeo.
0:00 Qué ver en Úbeda y Baeza
1:29 Qué ver en Úbeda
2:35 Capilla de El Salvador y Plaza de Vázquez de Molina
6:05 Sinagoga del Agua
7:29 Ruta de Joaquín Sabina
9:56 Dónde comer en Úbeda
10:58 Qué ver en Baeza
11:47 Plaza de los Leones
13:01 Antigua Universidad de Baeza
14:18 Ruta de Antonio Machado
14:37 Plaza de Santa María y Catedral de Baeza
🌐 Página web: https://www.marcateunviaje.com/
📧 Contacta conmigo a través del apartado de contacto en la página web o mandando un correo a consultas@marcateunviaje.com
📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marcateunviaje/
👥 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/marcateunviaje/
🚩 https://www.civitatis.com/es/ubeda/oferta-ubeda-baeza-completo?aid=2117
🎯 Qué ver en Úbeda y Baeza en 1 día: https://www.marcateunviaje.com/que-ver-en-ubeda-y-baeza-en-1-dia/
🎁 Descarga la guía para encontrar los mejores vuelos: https://www.marcateunviaje.com/regalo/
💊 Consigue un 5% de descuento en tu seguro de viaje: https://heymondo.es/?utm_medium=Afiliado&utm;_source=MARCANDOELNORTE&utm;_campaign=PRINCIPAL&cod;_descuento=MARCANDOELNORTE&ag;_campaign=ENTRADA&agencia;=62397f98da042133c2a5a8ca7e0353f705f6
🎵 Adventures by A Himitsu https://soundcloud.com/a-himitsu
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/2Pj0MtT
Music released by Argofox https://youtu.be/8BXNwnxaVQE Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/MkNeIUgNPQ8
🎵 Sky by Hotham https://soundcloud.com/hothammusic
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/3biMse3
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/qKj3pyAaoOY
🎵 Whenever by LiQWYD https://soundcloud.com/liqwyd
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/-whenever
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/naz0bwuBIlg
🎵 Instant by Nettson https://soundcloud.com/nettson
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/al-instant
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/3MPl9jeVOR8
🎵 Happy by Mike Leite https://soundcloud.com/mikeleite
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/al_happy
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/TlwWc-6dZig
🎵 Far Away by Declan DP https://soundcloud.com/declandp Licensing Agreement: http://www.declandp.info/music-licensing Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/2NhWC1F Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/iTSpmnHMVS4
🥇 Úbeda y Baeza. ¡Hola viajeros! En este vídeo os muestro qué ver en Úbeda y Baeza en 1 día, dos ciudades de la provincia de Jaén que fueron declaradas Patrimonio de la Humanidad en 2003 por la UNESCO. Separadas por apenas 10km, estas dos pequeñas localidades tienen un rico patrimonio monumental y comparten una historia común marcada por la dominación árabe y la Reconquista, que ha dejado huella prácticamente en cada esquina. Si estás buscando qué ver en Úbeda y Baeza (Jaén) no te pierdas este vídeo.
0:00 Qué ver en Úbeda y Baeza
1:29 Qué ver en Úbeda
2:35 Capilla de El Salvador y Plaza de Vázquez de Molina
6:05 Sinagoga del Agua
7:29 Ruta de Joaquín Sabina
9:56 Dónde comer en Úbeda
10:58 Qué ver en Baeza
11:47 Plaza de los Leones
13:01 Antigua Universidad de Baeza
14:18 Ruta de Antonio Machado
14:37 Plaza de Santa María y Catedral de Baeza
🌐 Página web: https://www.marcateunviaje.com/
📧 Contacta conmigo a través del apartado de contacto en la página web o mandando un correo a consultas@marcateunviaje.com
📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marcateunviaje/
👥 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/marcateunviaje/
🚩 https://www.civitatis.com/es/ubeda/oferta-ubeda-baeza-completo?aid=2117
🎯 Qué ver en Úbeda y Baeza en 1 día: https://www.marcateunviaje.com/que-ver-en-ubeda-y-baeza-en-1-dia/
🎁 Descarga la guía para encontrar los mejores vuelos: https://www.marcateunviaje.com/regalo/
💊 Consigue un 5% de descuento en tu seguro de viaje: https://heymondo.es/?utm_medium=Afiliado&utm;_source=MARCANDOELNORTE&utm;_campaign=PRINCIPAL&cod;_descuento=MARCANDOELNORTE&ag;_campaign=ENTRADA&agencia;=62397f98da042133c2a5a8ca7e0353f705f6
🎵 Adventures by A Himitsu https://soundcloud.com/a-himitsu
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/2Pj0MtT
Music released by Argofox https://youtu.be/8BXNwnxaVQE Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/MkNeIUgNPQ8
🎵 Sky by Hotham https://soundcloud.com/hothammusic
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/3biMse3
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/qKj3pyAaoOY
🎵 Whenever by LiQWYD https://soundcloud.com/liqwyd
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/-whenever
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/naz0bwuBIlg
🎵 Instant by Nettson https://soundcloud.com/nettson
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/al-instant
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/3MPl9jeVOR8
🎵 Happy by Mike Leite https://soundcloud.com/mikeleite
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/al_happy
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/TlwWc-6dZig
🎵 Far Away by Declan DP https://soundcloud.com/declandp Licensing Agreement: http://www.declandp.info/music-licensing Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/2NhWC1F Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/iTSpmnHMVS4
- published: 28 Nov 2021
- views: 10106
Documental de la serie Patrimoino de la Humanidad, paseamos por las calles de Úbeda y Beza, por su historia, su legado patrimonial y visitaremos joyas como el P...
Documental de la serie Patrimoino de la Humanidad, paseamos por las calles de Úbeda y Beza, por su historia, su legado patrimonial y visitaremos joyas como el Palacio de Jabalquinto o la Catedral de Baeza. Ambas ciudades han enriquecido su arquitectura a medida que transcurría la historia antigua y el Medievo y la cultura llegada de influencias castellanas y andaluzas se aprecia, incluso, en la forma de ser de su gente. Destaca especialmente la Sinagoga del agua, que desapareció pero ya ha sido recuperada. Al fondo de la escalera aparece el baño usado para la purificación y en el solsticio de verano se produce un momento insólito, espectacular cuando el sol entra justo al lugar donde se realiza el ritual judío.
#ubedaybaeza #documentalubedaybaeza #documentalcompletoenespañol
Para más información: https://www.cedecom.es
Documental de la serie Patrimoino de la Humanidad, paseamos por las calles de Úbeda y Beza, por su historia, su legado patrimonial y visitaremos joyas como el Palacio de Jabalquinto o la Catedral de Baeza. Ambas ciudades han enriquecido su arquitectura a medida que transcurría la historia antigua y el Medievo y la cultura llegada de influencias castellanas y andaluzas se aprecia, incluso, en la forma de ser de su gente. Destaca especialmente la Sinagoga del agua, que desapareció pero ya ha sido recuperada. Al fondo de la escalera aparece el baño usado para la purificación y en el solsticio de verano se produce un momento insólito, espectacular cuando el sol entra justo al lugar donde se realiza el ritual judío.
#ubedaybaeza #documentalubedaybaeza #documentalcompletoenespañol
Para más información: https://www.cedecom.es
- published: 03 Mar 2020
- views: 7011
Historians & Historiography: Bede & the Anglo-Saxons
Among all of the Early Medieval historians, arguably the most important, at least for historiographical purposes, is the Venerable Bede, a monk working at the monastery of Jarrow. There, he composes his most important work, The Ecclesiastical History of the English People. This was, and remains, a major source for Early Anglo-Saxon England and the Anglo-Saxon Migrations.
published: 18 Aug 2021
Bopping to Bede's theme | Pokemon Sword and Shield Animation
"Come to gawk at me now that I've had my Challenge band taken away and my gym challenger status revoked? Can you really afford to waste time like this?"
= "Of course!"
"Not really..."
This is my take on "X plays the tambourine" meme!
✦ Please consider supporting me! _( ᐛ 」∠)_ ✦
✦ Check out my Twitter or Instagram for my art! ✦
published: 30 Jun 2020
Pokémon Sword & Shield - Bede Battle Music (HQ)
This play when you are challenging Bede in Pokémon Sword and Shield.
To check out their battle, just click on the video cards ("!")
Main goal of these video concept ideas:
My main goal for these kind of videos is to be as creative as possible!
Let me explain:
- Firstly, my very first channel Mixeli (But also my latest one Volipok) post tons of Gameplays from Every Generation (Which once again was played and recorded by myself in it's entirety. It took me many years of works.)
My video have Educational Value and let me explain why: It does provide help to the user who watch the video. One of the few example for that is which musics is played from my gameplays. It could easily be found on video cards (The exclamation mark "!" you see on the video above at the right) and vice versa. (Th...
published: 11 Nov 2019
Can Bede Actually Become Champion?
Can Bede from Pokemon Sword & Shield become the champion of the Galar region? What if you, the protagonist didn't exist, and he made his way through to battle at the Finals and Leon. Also what was his journey through the Galar Region like? How did his training go? I hope you enjoy this retelling of his gym challenge.
Like this one? Check out the other two rivals:
Hop: https://youtu.be/FvVBBPvXi34
Marnie: https://youtu.be/vAiVLeoIZpk
Raihan: https://youtu.be/gAXfKCJl6S0
Leon: https://youtu.be/QrwTK6KUbms
Piers: https://youtu.be/NwcY6oU9ck8
Nessa: https://youtu.be/8ve6YogANSU
Allister: https://youtu.be/YJ2GDdsDDOY
Avery: https://youtu.be/iqaiuiLYHcY
Klara: https://youtu.be/v9B_ohnG0Mk
Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/VaskoGames
Join as a YouTube member: https://www.youtube.co...
published: 14 Aug 2020
Kingdom 1000: The Venerable Bede
Just over 1,300 years ago, a young boy arrives at a monastery – the medieval equivalent of boarding school. He has no idea that his words are going to shape the future of the world...
Kingdom 1000 marks the 1,000th anniversary of the UK's oldest law of equal justice by exploring the medieval world that gave rise to this influential proclamation. For more details, and to share what equality means to YOU, visit www.kingdom1000.com
published: 21 Aug 2020
Durham Cathedral: The Book Of Bede
Promotional content 2 for use on Durham Cathedrals World Heritage Site website.
published: 10 Feb 2011
Bede's Ecclesiastical History of England by THE VENERABLE BEDE Part 1/2 | Full Audio Book
Bede's Ecclesiastical History of England by THE VENERABLE BEDE (673 - 735), translated by A. M. SELLAR ( - )
Genre(s): Middle Ages/Middle History, Christianity - Other
Read by: Kara Shallenberg, Michael Dalling, bobolink, Michael Kress, Jonathan Lange, David Salisbury, Katherine, stmacduff, Felicity C, Larry Beasley, Robert Hoffman, J. A. Cook, Ernst Schnell, C F de Rosset, Kevin Johnson in English
Part 2 https://youtu.be/QFcGnZqXV-Q
00:00:00 - 01 - 01 - Editor's Preface & Introduction
00:32:34 - 02 - 02 - Life of Bede & Preface
01:04:45 - 03 - 03 - Book I, Chapters 1-8
01:34:01 - 04 - 04 - Book I, Chapters 9-17
02:02:43 - 05 - 05 - Book I, Chapters 18-26
02:27:20 - 06 - 06 - Book I, Chapter 27
02:59:28 - 07 - 07 - Book I, Chapters 28-34
03:18:13 - 08 -...
published: 06 Mar 2019
This week we meet the single most important Anglo-Saxon scholar of them all. Bede lived an extremely quiet life, but his intellectual world was fantastically productive. He produced works which provided the the framework for all subsequent English scholarship and fully established the Anglo-Saxons on a world stage as a people capable of producing excellent scholarship.
Music: 'Wælheall' by Hrōðmund Wōdening
published: 16 Apr 2022
Thursday 24th August 2023
Today's Livestream Mass from St. Bede's Parish Church, Rotherham, England with Father John Ryan.
published: 24 Aug 2023
Pokémon Sword & Shield : All Rival Bede Battles (HQ)
QOTD-1► What Team did you use to defeat Him and tell me your own experience from this battle!
List of all Rival Bede :
0:26 : Rival Bede - 1st Battle
5:33 : Rival Bede - 2nd Battle
14:19 : Rival Bede - 3rd Battle
22:43 : Rival Bede - 4th battle
30:35 : Rival Bede - 5th battle
37:56 : Rival Bede - Final battle
Copyright Disclamer under section 106 regarding fair use:
The provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, teaching, scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright.
This video respected that because it's actually from ...
published: 20 Nov 2019
Historians & Historiography: Bede & the Anglo-Saxons
Among all of the Early Medieval historians, arguably the most important, at least for historiographical purposes, is the Venerable Bede, a monk working at the m...
Among all of the Early Medieval historians, arguably the most important, at least for historiographical purposes, is the Venerable Bede, a monk working at the monastery of Jarrow. There, he composes his most important work, The Ecclesiastical History of the English People. This was, and remains, a major source for Early Anglo-Saxon England and the Anglo-Saxon Migrations.
Among all of the Early Medieval historians, arguably the most important, at least for historiographical purposes, is the Venerable Bede, a monk working at the monastery of Jarrow. There, he composes his most important work, The Ecclesiastical History of the English People. This was, and remains, a major source for Early Anglo-Saxon England and the Anglo-Saxon Migrations.
- published: 18 Aug 2021
- views: 8510
Bopping to Bede's theme | Pokemon Sword and Shield Animation
"Come to gawk at me now that I've had my Challenge band taken away and my gym challenger status revoked? Can you really afford to waste time like this?"
= "Of...
"Come to gawk at me now that I've had my Challenge band taken away and my gym challenger status revoked? Can you really afford to waste time like this?"
= "Of course!"
"Not really..."
This is my take on "X plays the tambourine" meme!
✦ Please consider supporting me! _( ᐛ 」∠)_ ✦
✦ Check out my Twitter or Instagram for my art! ✦
"Come to gawk at me now that I've had my Challenge band taken away and my gym challenger status revoked? Can you really afford to waste time like this?"
= "Of course!"
"Not really..."
This is my take on "X plays the tambourine" meme!
✦ Please consider supporting me! _( ᐛ 」∠)_ ✦
✦ Check out my Twitter or Instagram for my art! ✦
- published: 30 Jun 2020
- views: 4575582
Pokémon Sword & Shield - Bede Battle Music (HQ)
This play when you are challenging Bede in Pokémon Sword and Shield.
To check out their battle, just click on the video cards ("!")
Main goal of these vide...
This play when you are challenging Bede in Pokémon Sword and Shield.
To check out their battle, just click on the video cards ("!")
Main goal of these video concept ideas:
My main goal for these kind of videos is to be as creative as possible!
Let me explain:
- Firstly, my very first channel Mixeli (But also my latest one Volipok) post tons of Gameplays from Every Generation (Which once again was played and recorded by myself in it's entirety. It took me many years of works.)
My video have Educational Value and let me explain why: It does provide help to the user who watch the video. One of the few example for that is which musics is played from my gameplays. It could easily be found on video cards (The exclamation mark "!" you see on the video above at the right) and vice versa. (This mean that on this video for example, you could also find my actual battle gameplays of where this music is played)
- Secondly, My video are transformative enough, I took the time to play the game and recording the musics. I took the time to improve it's original quality using Vegas Pro. Thanks to a program called "Track EQ" that you can find on Vegas Pro.
This program allow the user to enhance it's original quality and further improving it. This need concentration as each version has different audio quality.
- Thirdly and as you have noticed: On each Generation, I use different background that I bought on a website called Shutterstock. (Which I have bought at least 336 pictures background, just so I can become as creative as possible and also work on a lot of different style using those background)
This kind of concept was created by myself since 2011. Today it has become one of the main concept of my channel that I personally created.
- Lastly is to bring the community together. I have noticed that so many people are commenting and giving their opinions on the video, sharing their experience about characters from the game, confirming theory, saying funny stuff and I find this extremely amazing and interesting! I don't want their comment to be unnoticed so I have plan for the future of my content about commenting and sharing their experience on videos that I will produce one day!
I think I explained everything now. Enjoy and have a great day!
All musics, gameplay and content included within this video are transformative, creative, have educational value and this recording are from my own gameplay. I'm also the one that created that concept video ideas. No copyright infringement is intended.
Credit: Nintendo, Game Freak, Creature Inc., TPCi
This play when you are challenging Bede in Pokémon Sword and Shield.
To check out their battle, just click on the video cards ("!")
Main goal of these video concept ideas:
My main goal for these kind of videos is to be as creative as possible!
Let me explain:
- Firstly, my very first channel Mixeli (But also my latest one Volipok) post tons of Gameplays from Every Generation (Which once again was played and recorded by myself in it's entirety. It took me many years of works.)
My video have Educational Value and let me explain why: It does provide help to the user who watch the video. One of the few example for that is which musics is played from my gameplays. It could easily be found on video cards (The exclamation mark "!" you see on the video above at the right) and vice versa. (This mean that on this video for example, you could also find my actual battle gameplays of where this music is played)
- Secondly, My video are transformative enough, I took the time to play the game and recording the musics. I took the time to improve it's original quality using Vegas Pro. Thanks to a program called "Track EQ" that you can find on Vegas Pro.
This program allow the user to enhance it's original quality and further improving it. This need concentration as each version has different audio quality.
- Thirdly and as you have noticed: On each Generation, I use different background that I bought on a website called Shutterstock. (Which I have bought at least 336 pictures background, just so I can become as creative as possible and also work on a lot of different style using those background)
This kind of concept was created by myself since 2011. Today it has become one of the main concept of my channel that I personally created.
- Lastly is to bring the community together. I have noticed that so many people are commenting and giving their opinions on the video, sharing their experience about characters from the game, confirming theory, saying funny stuff and I find this extremely amazing and interesting! I don't want their comment to be unnoticed so I have plan for the future of my content about commenting and sharing their experience on videos that I will produce one day!
I think I explained everything now. Enjoy and have a great day!
All musics, gameplay and content included within this video are transformative, creative, have educational value and this recording are from my own gameplay. I'm also the one that created that concept video ideas. No copyright infringement is intended.
Credit: Nintendo, Game Freak, Creature Inc., TPCi
- published: 11 Nov 2019
- views: 5748698
Can Bede Actually Become Champion?
Can Bede from Pokemon Sword & Shield become the champion of the Galar region? What if you, the protagonist didn't exist, and he made his way through to battle a...
Can Bede from Pokemon Sword & Shield become the champion of the Galar region? What if you, the protagonist didn't exist, and he made his way through to battle at the Finals and Leon. Also what was his journey through the Galar Region like? How did his training go? I hope you enjoy this retelling of his gym challenge.
Like this one? Check out the other two rivals:
Hop: https://youtu.be/FvVBBPvXi34
Marnie: https://youtu.be/vAiVLeoIZpk
Raihan: https://youtu.be/gAXfKCJl6S0
Leon: https://youtu.be/QrwTK6KUbms
Piers: https://youtu.be/NwcY6oU9ck8
Nessa: https://youtu.be/8ve6YogANSU
Allister: https://youtu.be/YJ2GDdsDDOY
Avery: https://youtu.be/iqaiuiLYHcY
Klara: https://youtu.be/v9B_ohnG0Mk
Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/VaskoGames
Join as a YouTube member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA7jGpRhofBhzopGinvsWuw/join
Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Vasko_Games
Come chill in Discord: https://discord.gg/euZKMt5
I’m also on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vasko_games_yt
And on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vasko_games_yt
Can Bede from Pokemon Sword & Shield become the champion of the Galar region? What if you, the protagonist didn't exist, and he made his way through to battle at the Finals and Leon. Also what was his journey through the Galar Region like? How did his training go? I hope you enjoy this retelling of his gym challenge.
Like this one? Check out the other two rivals:
Hop: https://youtu.be/FvVBBPvXi34
Marnie: https://youtu.be/vAiVLeoIZpk
Raihan: https://youtu.be/gAXfKCJl6S0
Leon: https://youtu.be/QrwTK6KUbms
Piers: https://youtu.be/NwcY6oU9ck8
Nessa: https://youtu.be/8ve6YogANSU
Allister: https://youtu.be/YJ2GDdsDDOY
Avery: https://youtu.be/iqaiuiLYHcY
Klara: https://youtu.be/v9B_ohnG0Mk
Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/VaskoGames
Join as a YouTube member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA7jGpRhofBhzopGinvsWuw/join
Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Vasko_Games
Come chill in Discord: https://discord.gg/euZKMt5
I’m also on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vasko_games_yt
And on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vasko_games_yt
- published: 14 Aug 2020
- views: 461078
Kingdom 1000: The Venerable Bede
Just over 1,300 years ago, a young boy arrives at a monastery – the medieval equivalent of boarding school. He has no idea that his words are going to shape the...
Just over 1,300 years ago, a young boy arrives at a monastery – the medieval equivalent of boarding school. He has no idea that his words are going to shape the future of the world...
Kingdom 1000 marks the 1,000th anniversary of the UK's oldest law of equal justice by exploring the medieval world that gave rise to this influential proclamation. For more details, and to share what equality means to YOU, visit www.kingdom1000.com
Just over 1,300 years ago, a young boy arrives at a monastery – the medieval equivalent of boarding school. He has no idea that his words are going to shape the future of the world...
Kingdom 1000 marks the 1,000th anniversary of the UK's oldest law of equal justice by exploring the medieval world that gave rise to this influential proclamation. For more details, and to share what equality means to YOU, visit www.kingdom1000.com
- published: 21 Aug 2020
- views: 9360
Durham Cathedral: The Book Of Bede
Promotional content 2 for use on Durham Cathedrals World Heritage Site website.
Promotional content 2 for use on Durham Cathedrals World Heritage Site website.
Promotional content 2 for use on Durham Cathedrals World Heritage Site website.
- published: 10 Feb 2011
- views: 16533
Bede's Ecclesiastical History of England by THE VENERABLE BEDE Part 1/2 | Full Audio Book
Bede's Ecclesiastical History of England by THE VENERABLE BEDE (673 - 735), translated by A. M. SELLAR ( - )
Genre(s): Middle Ages/Middle History, Christianit...
Bede's Ecclesiastical History of England by THE VENERABLE BEDE (673 - 735), translated by A. M. SELLAR ( - )
Genre(s): Middle Ages/Middle History, Christianity - Other
Read by: Kara Shallenberg, Michael Dalling, bobolink, Michael Kress, Jonathan Lange, David Salisbury, Katherine, stmacduff, Felicity C, Larry Beasley, Robert Hoffman, J. A. Cook, Ernst Schnell, C F de Rosset, Kevin Johnson in English
Part 2 https://youtu.be/QFcGnZqXV-Q
00:00:00 - 01 - 01 - Editor's Preface & Introduction
00:32:34 - 02 - 02 - Life of Bede & Preface
01:04:45 - 03 - 03 - Book I, Chapters 1-8
01:34:01 - 04 - 04 - Book I, Chapters 9-17
02:02:43 - 05 - 05 - Book I, Chapters 18-26
02:27:20 - 06 - 06 - Book I, Chapter 27
02:59:28 - 07 - 07 - Book I, Chapters 28-34
03:18:13 - 08 - 08 - Book II, Chapters 1-3
03:46:29 - 09 - 09 - Book II, Chapters 4-9
04:14:39 - 10 - 10 - Book II, Chapters 10-13
04:43:04 - 11 - 11 - Book II, Chapters 14-20
05:10:31 - 12 - 12 - Book III, Chapters 1-7
05:36:13 - 13 - 13 - Book III, Chapters 8-14
06:02:02 - 14 - 14 - Book III, Chapters 15-21
06:30:23 - 15 - 15 - Book III, Chapters 22-24
06:49:14 - 16 - 16 - Book III, Chapters 25-26
Bede's Ecclesiastical History of England is a work in Latin by Bede on the history of the Christian Churches in England, and of England generally; its main focus is on the conflict between Roman and Celtic Christianity. It is considered to be one of the most important original references on Anglo-Saxon history. It is believed to have been completed in 731, when Bede was approximately 59 years old. Divided into five books, it covers the history of England, ecclesiastical and political, from the time of Julius Caesar to the date of its completion (731). The History of the English Church and People has a clear polemical and didactic purpose. Bede sets out, not just to tell the story of the English, but to advance his views on politics and religion. In political terms he is a partisan of his native Northumbria, amplifying its role in English history over and above that of Mercia, its great southern rival. While Bede is loyal to Northumbria, he shows an even greater attachment to the Irish and the Irish Celtic missionaries, whom he considers to be far more effective and dedicated than their rather complacent English counterparts. His final preoccupation is over the precise date of Easter, which he writes about at length. It is here, and only here, that he ventures some criticism of St Cuthbert and the Irish missionaries, who celebrated the event, according to Bede, at the wrong time. In the end he is pleased to note that the Irish Church was saved from error by accepting the correct date for Easter. (Summary modified from Wikipedia)
More information: http://librivox.org/ecclesiastical-history-of-england-by-the-venerable-bede/
LibriVox - free public domain audiobooks (https://librivox.org/)
Bede's Ecclesiastical History of England by THE VENERABLE BEDE (673 - 735), translated by A. M. SELLAR ( - )
Genre(s): Middle Ages/Middle History, Christianity - Other
Read by: Kara Shallenberg, Michael Dalling, bobolink, Michael Kress, Jonathan Lange, David Salisbury, Katherine, stmacduff, Felicity C, Larry Beasley, Robert Hoffman, J. A. Cook, Ernst Schnell, C F de Rosset, Kevin Johnson in English
Part 2 https://youtu.be/QFcGnZqXV-Q
00:00:00 - 01 - 01 - Editor's Preface & Introduction
00:32:34 - 02 - 02 - Life of Bede & Preface
01:04:45 - 03 - 03 - Book I, Chapters 1-8
01:34:01 - 04 - 04 - Book I, Chapters 9-17
02:02:43 - 05 - 05 - Book I, Chapters 18-26
02:27:20 - 06 - 06 - Book I, Chapter 27
02:59:28 - 07 - 07 - Book I, Chapters 28-34
03:18:13 - 08 - 08 - Book II, Chapters 1-3
03:46:29 - 09 - 09 - Book II, Chapters 4-9
04:14:39 - 10 - 10 - Book II, Chapters 10-13
04:43:04 - 11 - 11 - Book II, Chapters 14-20
05:10:31 - 12 - 12 - Book III, Chapters 1-7
05:36:13 - 13 - 13 - Book III, Chapters 8-14
06:02:02 - 14 - 14 - Book III, Chapters 15-21
06:30:23 - 15 - 15 - Book III, Chapters 22-24
06:49:14 - 16 - 16 - Book III, Chapters 25-26
Bede's Ecclesiastical History of England is a work in Latin by Bede on the history of the Christian Churches in England, and of England generally; its main focus is on the conflict between Roman and Celtic Christianity. It is considered to be one of the most important original references on Anglo-Saxon history. It is believed to have been completed in 731, when Bede was approximately 59 years old. Divided into five books, it covers the history of England, ecclesiastical and political, from the time of Julius Caesar to the date of its completion (731). The History of the English Church and People has a clear polemical and didactic purpose. Bede sets out, not just to tell the story of the English, but to advance his views on politics and religion. In political terms he is a partisan of his native Northumbria, amplifying its role in English history over and above that of Mercia, its great southern rival. While Bede is loyal to Northumbria, he shows an even greater attachment to the Irish and the Irish Celtic missionaries, whom he considers to be far more effective and dedicated than their rather complacent English counterparts. His final preoccupation is over the precise date of Easter, which he writes about at length. It is here, and only here, that he ventures some criticism of St Cuthbert and the Irish missionaries, who celebrated the event, according to Bede, at the wrong time. In the end he is pleased to note that the Irish Church was saved from error by accepting the correct date for Easter. (Summary modified from Wikipedia)
More information: http://librivox.org/ecclesiastical-history-of-england-by-the-venerable-bede/
LibriVox - free public domain audiobooks (https://librivox.org/)
- published: 06 Mar 2019
- views: 17439
This week we meet the single most important Anglo-Saxon scholar of them all. Bede lived an extremely quiet life, but his intellectual world was fantastically pr...
This week we meet the single most important Anglo-Saxon scholar of them all. Bede lived an extremely quiet life, but his intellectual world was fantastically productive. He produced works which provided the the framework for all subsequent English scholarship and fully established the Anglo-Saxons on a world stage as a people capable of producing excellent scholarship.
Music: 'Wælheall' by Hrōðmund Wōdening
This week we meet the single most important Anglo-Saxon scholar of them all. Bede lived an extremely quiet life, but his intellectual world was fantastically productive. He produced works which provided the the framework for all subsequent English scholarship and fully established the Anglo-Saxons on a world stage as a people capable of producing excellent scholarship.
Music: 'Wælheall' by Hrōðmund Wōdening
- published: 16 Apr 2022
- views: 2864
Thursday 24th August 2023
Today's Livestream Mass from St. Bede's Parish Church, Rotherham, England with Father John Ryan.
Today's Livestream Mass from St. Bede's Parish Church, Rotherham, England with Father John Ryan.
Today's Livestream Mass from St. Bede's Parish Church, Rotherham, England with Father John Ryan.
- published: 24 Aug 2023
- views: 32
Pokémon Sword & Shield : All Rival Bede Battles (HQ)
QOTD-1► What Team did you use to defeat Him and tell me your own experience from this battle!
List of all Rival Bede :
0:26 : Rival Bede - 1st Battle
5:33 : ...
QOTD-1► What Team did you use to defeat Him and tell me your own experience from this battle!
List of all Rival Bede :
0:26 : Rival Bede - 1st Battle
5:33 : Rival Bede - 2nd Battle
14:19 : Rival Bede - 3rd Battle
22:43 : Rival Bede - 4th battle
30:35 : Rival Bede - 5th battle
37:56 : Rival Bede - Final battle
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The provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, teaching, scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright.
This video respected that because it's actually from my own experience of the game to share it but also I want people advice, criticism, comment about improving my content but also what they love about these and which one is the best from their own opinions.
So now I hope you understand! Don't claim my video without reading the law of fair use!
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QOTD-1► What Team did you use to defeat Him and tell me your own experience from this battle!
List of all Rival Bede :
0:26 : Rival Bede - 1st Battle
5:33 : Rival Bede - 2nd Battle
14:19 : Rival Bede - 3rd Battle
22:43 : Rival Bede - 4th battle
30:35 : Rival Bede - 5th battle
37:56 : Rival Bede - Final battle
Copyright Disclamer under section 106 regarding fair use:
The provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, teaching, scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright.
This video respected that because it's actually from my own experience of the game to share it but also I want people advice, criticism, comment about improving my content but also what they love about these and which one is the best from their own opinions.
So now I hope you understand! Don't claim my video without reading the law of fair use!
Please Support the official franchise!
- published: 20 Nov 2019
- views: 286792