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Technical, content and moral support for UbuWeb is provided by our partners:

Anthology Film Archives
Bidoun Magazine - Art and Culture from the Middle East
Electronic Poetry Center
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About UbuWeb

UbuWeb is a completely independent resource dedicated to all strains of the avant-garde, ethnopoetics, and outsider arts.

All materials on UbuWeb are being made available for noncommercial and educational use only. All rights belong to the author(s).

UbuWeb is completely free.

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Recent Additions:

Nat Roe Adult Contemporary Redux (2010) [MP3]

Leslie Asako Gladsjø Pranks TV! (1988), with Joe Coleman, Karen Finley, etc.

Philip Glass & Robert Wilson Einstein on the Beach: The Changing Image of Opera (documentary, 1985)

La Monte Young The Well-Tuned Piano in The Magenta Lights (87 V 10 6:43:00 PM – 87 V 10 01:07:45 AM NYC) (1987)

Pierre Boulez Schoenberg is Dead (1952) [PDF, 1.5mb]

Jean-Noël Delamare DON CHERRY (1973)

Steve Reich Ensemble Modern Plays Steve Reich in Tokyo

Andy Warhol Superstar: The Life and Times of Andy Warhol (1990)

Mathieu Copeland Mental Map for an Exhibition (2010)

Nan Goldin In My Life (1997)

Alvar Aalto Technology and Nature (1996)

Marina Rosenfeld Teenage Lontano (2008)

Don Cherry Multikulti (1994)

Jean Cocteau, Marcel Duchamp, Hans Richter 8 x 8: A Chess Sonata in 8 Movements (1957)

General Idea Pilot (1977)

Samuel Beckett Was Wo (What Where) (1985)

George Condo Condo Painting (2000)

Robert Filliou Teaching and Learning as Performing Arts Part II (1979)

Llorenç Barber #2 Cuaderno de Yokohoma (Graphical Scores) [PDF, 9mb]

Giovanni Fontana Sound Poems [MP3]

James Lee Byars The World Question Center (1969)

Obscure No. 1 - Gavin Bryars The Sinking of the Titanic / Jesus' Blood Never Failed Me (1975) [MP3]

Morton Feldman Give My Regards to Eighth Street (1968) [MP3]

Duplex Planet Duplex Planet Hour [MP3]

Steven Jesse Bernstein Prison (1992) [MP3]

Big City Orchestra Beatlerape (1993) [MP3]

The Mekons and Kathy Acker Pussy, King Of The Pirates (1996) [MP3]

Tape Poems Vito Acconci, Dan Graham, John Giorno, Anne Waldman, Bernadette Mayer and more (1969) [MP3]

Frank Zappa Edgard Varése: The Idol of My Youth (1971)

Chris Burden The TV Commercials (1973-1977)

Ian Breakwell Continuous Diary (1984)

Ant Farm The Eternal Frame (1976)

Pablo Picasso Visite à Picasso (documentary, 1950)

Weegee The Real Weegee (documentary, 1993)

Beatrice Wood Mama of Dada (1993)

Allan Kaprow How To Make A Happening LP (1968) [MP3]

Peter Greenaway Vertical Features Remake (1978)

Hiroshi Teshigahara Sculpture Mouvante - Jean Tinguely (1981)

Joe Coleman R.I.P., Rest in Pieces: A Portrait of Joe Coleman (1997)

M.A. Numminen Sings Ludwig Wittgenstein (1983 / 1989) & Heinrich Heine (2006) [MP3]

José Lino Grünewald 49 Concrete Poems (1956-1975)

Brian De Palma The Responsive Eye, Documentary on Op Art painting (1966)

John Supko "This Window Makes Me Feel" (text by Robert Fitterman) (2007) [MP3]

Harald Szeemann Formen der Farbe (1969)

Marcel Broodthaers Un Voyage en Mer du Nord (1982, book)

Steven Parrino The No Texts: Collected Writings (1979-2003)

Sherrie Levine The Art at the Edge: Sherrie Levine (1988)

Hans-Peter Feldmann 152 Bilder von Feldmann (1972) & 6 Bilder von Feldmann (1994)

John Armleder John Armleder (1988)

Hanne Darboven Schreibzeit 75/80 (1980)

Niele Toroni 11 documents photographiques reunis par Niele Toroni (1975)

Daniel Buren Répertoire (1998)

Chris Burden B-Car (1977)

Lawrence Weiner Above Beyond Below (1986) & Lawrence Weiner: Sculpture (1985)

Bruce Nauman L.A. Air (1970)

John Baldessari Four Events and Reaactions (1975) & Brutus Killed Caesar (1990)

David Shrigley Late Night Tales Presents Shrigley Forced to Speak With Others (2006) [MP3]

Greil Marcus, ed. Lipstick Traces (1989) [MP3]

Jonas Mekas The Untitled Warhol Project (1987) [MP3]

Markus Lüpertz Untitled Tape (1987) [MP3]

Friederike Mayröcker Kolner Lesung (1988) [MP3]

Terry Allen Juarez (1975) [MP3]

Carl Andre 3 Vector Model (1973) [MP3]

Eugen Gomringer Konstellationen (1973) [MP3]

Phil Niblock The Magic Sun (1966); Portrait of and music by Sun Ra

Edward Bland The Cry of Jazz (1959); Music by Sun Ra

The Wooster Group South Banks Show (documentary) (1987)

Pierre Hébert Population Explosion (1968); Music by Ornette Coleman

Stephen Vitiello Two Mashups: Willow Smith meets Bruce Nauman & Miley Cyrus meets Steve Reich (2010-2011) [MP3]

David Hockney A Bigger Splash (documentary) (1974)

Hans Namuth Pollock Painting (1951)

Samuel Beckett Breath (2001), dir. Damien Hirst

Bob Colacello Reads from Holy Terror: Andy Warhol Close Up (1990) [MP3]

Samuel Beckett Oh Les Beaux Jours (1968) [MP3]

Scratch Orchestra London 1969 & The Great Learning (1971) [MP3]

Sound Sculpture A collection of essays by artists surveying the techniques; applications; and future directions of sound sculpture. (1975)

Otto Nebel Unfeig (1923-1924, rec. 1973) [MP3]

Antonello Branca What's Happening? (Documentary with Ginsberg, Rauschenberg, Warhol, etc., 1960s)

Eugenio Miccini Concerto di Poesia (1983) [MP3]

Arthur Pétronio Verbophonie (1979) [MP3]

John Giorno Pornographic Poem & Raspberry (1967)

John Giorno Restless: An Interview by Daniel Nester (2002)

Craig Dworkin & Kenneth Goldsmith Introductory Essays from Against Expression: An Anthology of Conceptual Writing (2011)

Valerie Solanas S.C.U.M. Manifesto (1968)

Historical Documents & Manifestos of Dada, Surrealisms & Futurisms (1912-1928)

Octavian Esanu Dictionary of Moscow Conceptualism (1999/2010)

Raphael Rubinstein When I Found Out You Wrote the Book I Read: Appropriation and Ethics (2010) [PDF]

John Baldessari Radio Web MACBA Interview (2010)

Henry Flynt Art or Brend? (1968)

Henry Flynt Communism 2010, pt. 1 (2010) [PDF]

Henry Flynt On Pandit Pran Nath (1918-1996) [PDF]

Claire Fontaine Ready-Made Artist and Human Strike: A few Clarifications [PDF]

Ornette Coleman Interviewed by Jacques Derrida (2007) [PDF]

Takashi Murakami Superflat Monogram (for Louis Vuitton) (2003); Inochi (2004)

Mircea Cantor Deeparture (2005)

Peter Greenaway Writing on Water (205)

Christopher Maclaine The End (1970)

Jonas Dahlberg Weightless Space (2004); Invisible Cities (2004-05)

Malcolm Le Grice After Lumiere - L'Arroseur Arrose (1974)

Piero Golia Killer Shrimps (2004)

Raúl Ruiz Le film à venir (1997)

Throbbing Gristle Interview (2005)

Harry Smith Early Abstractions (1941-1957); Heaven and Earth Magic (1950-1960); Late Superimpositions (1964)

Aleister Crowley The Wickedest Man in the World (documentary, 2001)

Elke Groen Nightstill (2007)

Dariusz Kowalski Elements (2006)

Takashi Ito Devil's Circuit (1998)

Ernst Reijseger Do You Still? (2008), dir. Jacques Goldstein

Ruth Lingford What She Wants (1994)

Marina Abramoviç Dangerous Games (2008)

Brion Gysin Dreammachine Plans (1958) [MP3]

Tom Phillips - Irma Obscure No. 9 (1978) [MP3]

Pierre Garnier Poésie Phonétique sur Spatialisme (1963-66) [MP3]

Seiichi Niikuni Poésie Phonétique sur Spatialisme (1966-70) [MP3]

Ilse Garnier Poésie Phonétique sur Spatialisme (1962-64) [MP3]

Glenn Branca/John Giorno 'Who You Staring At?' (1982) [MP3]

Christina Kubisch Sechs Spiegel (1973) [MP3]

John Gibson Visitations (1973) [MP3]

David Moss Terrain (1980) [MP3]

Philip Corner Word-Voices (1962-88) [MP3]

Ivor Cutler Looking for Truth with a Pin (documentary, 2005)

John Cage / Jan Steele Obscure No. 5 (1976) [MP3]

Joseph Beuys Jeder Mensch ein Künstler (1978) [MP3]

Negativland No Other Possibility (1989)

Bernard Heidsieck ‘Lettre à Brion Gysin’ (1974) [MP3]

Eija-Liisa Ahtila Six Videos (1993-2002)

Christian Marclay Record Player (documentary / performance, 2000)

R. Murray Schafer RA (1983) [MP3]

Phil Niblock The Movement of People Working (1973-74)

Various Artists One Record Anthology of Artists' Aural Work and Music (undated) [MP3]

Alain Escalle Le Conte Du Monde Flottant (The Tale of the Floating World) (2001)

Tellus Tellus Tools 2xLP (2001) [MP3]

Gerhard Ertl & Sabine Hiebler Definitely Sanctus (1992)

Lionel Soukaz Ixe (1980)

Sun Ra The Berkeley Lectures (1971) [MP3]

Sun Ra Reads his poetry on WXPN, Philadelphia (1976) [MP3]

Ken Okiishi (Goodbye to) Manhattan (2010)

Ulrike Ottinger Freak Orlando (1981)

Peter Weiss Study II (Hallucinations) (1952); Study IV (Liberation) (1954); Was machen wir jetzt? (1958)

Steve McCaffery Wot We Wukkers Wont / One Step to the Next [MP3]

Jeremy Solterbeck Moving Illustrations of Machines (2000)

Danièle Huillet & Jean-Marie Straub Machorka-Muff (1963)

Larry Wendt Sound Poems [MP3]

Michael Nyman "Decay Music" Obscure #6 (1976) [MP3]

Christopher Hobbs, John Adams & Gavin Bryars "New and Rediscovered Musical Instruments" Obscure #2 (1975) [MP3]

David Toop & Max Eastly "New and Rediscovered Musical Instruments" Obscure #4 (1974) [MP3]

Robert Mapplethorpe Arena (documentary, 1989)

Robert Mapplethorpe Arena (documentary, 1989)

Jasper Johns Some Ideas In Paint (1989)

Karlheinz Stockhausen Helicopter String Quartet (1995)

Cesare Pietroiusti Four Videos (2006-07)

Speechless Concrete Poetry Journal, 8 issues (2009)

John Cage The Making of One11 with 103 (1992)

Barbara Hammer Sanctus (1990)

Genesis P-Orridge Weird Woman (State 1) (2003-2010)

Iannis Xenakis Rebonds B (2004)

Sharon Lockhart Teatro Amazonas (1999)

Paul McCarthy : Destruction of the Body (documentary, 2001)

Marina Abramoviç Four Performances (1975-76)

Thorsten Fleisch Energie! (2007)

Hans Ulrich Obrist Arkipelag TV (2000)

Luc Ferrari : Facing his Tautology (documentary, 2005)

John Cage One11 with 103 (1991-1992)

Ito Takashi Ghost (1984)

Stephen Beck Illuminated Music 2 & 3 (1973)

Larry Jordan Visions of a City (1978)

Jean Beaudin Vertige (1969)

Brion Gysin Permutation Software (2010)

Joe Jones Xylophone (1976) [MP3]

Blaise Cendrars Le Transsibérien (1976) [MP3]

Ernst Jandl Radiophone Texte (1977) [MP3]

Sun Ra A Joyful Noise (1980, documentary)

Bruce Nauman Raw Material (2005) [MP3]

Mauricio Kagel Ludwig Van (1969, complete version)

Allan Kaprow Interview (1988, text)

John Cage Interview (1987, text)

Hans Ulrich Obrist The Secret Files of Gilbert & George (2000)

Pierre Hébert Around Perception (1968)

Man Ray The Bazaar Years [documentary] (1994)

Kenny Graham Moondog & Suncat Suites (1957) [MP3]

Djibril Diop Mambéty Contras City (1968)

Keith Sonnier Air to Air (1975) [MP3]

Survival Research Laboratories A Bitter Message of Hopeless Grief (1988)

Gertrude Stein & Al Carmines In Circles (1967) [MP3]

Norman McLaren Synchromy/Synchromie (1971)

Karen Kilimnik Kate Moss at the Beginning (undated)

Phil Niblock Max (Portrait of Max Neuhaus) (1987)

John Ashbery Readings and Interviews (1951-2007)

André S. Labarthe Un Siècle d'Écrivains: Antonin Artaud (2000)

Henri Chopin Le Dernier Poete Du Monde [documentary / performance] (2007)

Simon Morris The Royal Road to the Unconscious (2003)

Delia Derbyshire Dreams (1964)

Joseph Beuys Filz TV / Felt TV (1970)

John Cage Mureau (1972)

Yves Klein Monotone Symphony (realized by Martin A. Smith) (2010)

Riccardo Boglione Ritmo D. Feeling the Blanks (2009)

Maurizio Bianchi Mectpyo (1981)

UbuWeb | Winter 2012

John Cage Centenary (2012) In preparation for the hundred-year anniversary of John Cage's birth, we've quietly been beefing up Cage's audio and films. In particular, we've just added a number of lectures, interviews, and Q&A's with Cage, recorded between 1969 and 1991. There are also several of papers written on John Cage in UbuWeb Papers, as well as a variety of works of his in UbuWeb's Historical section. In fact, there's so much John Cage on Ubu's site that we can't keep up with it.

Stanya Kahn "It's Cool, I'm Good" (2010) UbuWeb is pleased to present one of three films from Kahn's first body of solo video works, which continues Kahn's longstanding exploration of the blurred lines between fiction and document, performance and being, humor and distress, the scripted and the improvised. With a 22-track surround-sound audio score and over 20 locations featured, It's Cool, I'm Good creates a visceral cinematic space in which place and action, landscape and soundscape operate literally and metaphorically, signaling a tenuous relationship between experiences of trauma and moments of agency. Paralleling the ways in which jokes simultaneously compress and expand meaning, here living and and naming collapse into each other, in a narrative that unpacks more along psycho-emotional lines, creating many small arcs in place of one grand one. You can view the films of Stanya Kahn and Harry Dodge here.

Ten Women Who Use Film A special project curated by Jennifer Higgie for UbuWeb featuring dozens of works by women filmmakers of varying ages and nationalities. Included are Juliette Blightman, Jennifer Bornstein, Bonnie Camplin, Spartacus Chetwynd, Beatrice Gibson, Aleksandra Mir, Frances Stark, Imogen Stidworthy, Annika Ström and Fiona Tan.

UbuWeb: Visual Poetry UbuWeb began in 1996 as a site for visual & concrete poetry and this new section expands upon and deepens Ubu's original vision. Beginning with Ian Hamilton Finlay's seminal magazine "Poor.Old.Tired.Horse" (1962-68) and continuing to the present (Anatol Knotek's 2010 "Rotated Alphabet"), the collection spans a half-century and encompasses hundreds of artists. This first installment, consisting of nearly 100 items will continue to be updated by curator & editor derek beaulieu.

Ryan Trecartin - Any Ever (2009-2010) Ryan Trecartin’s Any Ever comprises seven autonomous but interrelated videos. The work is structured as a diptych, with Trill-ogy Comp (three movies) as one side and Re’Search Wait’S (four movies) as the other. Taken together, these videos embark on poetic, formal, and structural elaborations of new forms of technology, language, narrative, identity, and humanity, portraying an extra-dimensional world that channels the existential dramas of our own. The individual videos fit together, block, break, orbit, or attract one another in infinite shifting combinations. Any Ever’s master narrative is subjectively chosen by the viewer, read from the shifting topography of its seven parts. Included is the Trill-ogy Comp, consisting of the three movies K-CoreaINC.K (section a); Sibling Topics (section a); and P.opular (section ish). Re’Search Wait’S comprises four movies: Ready, The Re’Search, Roamie View : History Enhancement, and Temp Stop.

Electronic Music Resources UbuWeb is pleased to announce the opening of a massive new section, devoted to technical resources concerning the practice of electronic and experimental sound. This is a place for information about actual methods and techniques, with little writing on aesthetics alone. It takes the form of technical/historical articles, interviews, books, small-press magazines and patents. Regrettably, most previous treatments of electronic music have tended to shy away from the details of the medium itself. In hopes of rendering the subject palatable they have removed much of its flavor, for it is precisely within the box, teeming with currents, where the true beauty resides - the other side of the panel. This first installment offers nearly 300 items, including books, periodicals, articles, interviews, media & patents.

The Films of Joseph Cornell (1936-1960) The films of the reclusive artist Joseph Cornell are as unique as his famous box constructions. Though rarely exhibited during his lifetime, these mysterious works nonetheless have had a deep and lasting influence on the world of avant-garde filmmaking . His entire body of film numbers some thirty-odd works, encompassing the incomplete and the fragmentary. It can be said that Cornell made two kinds of films in two distinct periods of activity: collage films, made by recombining found materials, and directed films,where he worked with cinematographers (including Stan Brakhage, Rudy Burckhardt and Larry Jordan) to document his fantasy/experience of wandering in New York. -Bradley Eros and Jeanne Liotta. Included here are 12 of Cornell's films.

History of Electronic / Electroacoustic Music [1937-2001] This massive selection is from a 62 CD set called "The History of Electroacoustic Music" that was floating around as a torrent, reputedly curated by a Brazilian student. It's sketchy. The torrent vanished and the collection has long been unavailable. It's a clearly flawed selection: there's few women and almost no one working outside of the Western tradition (where are the Japanese? Chinese? etc.). However, as an effort, it's admirable and contains a ton of great stuff. Take it with a grain of salt, or perhaps use it as a provocation to curate a more intelligent, inclusive, and comprehensive selection.

UbuWeb at 15 Years: An Overview Ubu's founder Kenneth Goldsmith writes: "It’s amazing to me that UbuWeb, after fifteen years, is still going. Run with no money and put together pretty much without permission, Ubu has succeeded by breaking all the rules, by going about things the wrong way. UbuWeb can be construed as the Robin Hood of the avant-garde, but instead of taking from one and giving to the other, we feel that in the end, we’re giving to all. UbuWeb is as much about the legal and social ramifications of its self-created distribution and archiving system as it is about the content hosted on the site. In a sense, the content takes care of itself; but keeping it up there has proved to be a trickier proposition." Read the entire piece at The Poetry Foundation.

The Films of Kamran Shirdel UbuWeb is pleased to present four of Shirdel's most renowned socio-political documentaries, films that courageously and frankly revealed the darker side of Iran's economic boom, analyzing the effects of a society of flush with oil money. These films were steeped in a deep social consciousness reminiscent of the best of the Italian Neo-realist tradition, the cinema that had influenced him deeply during his studies in Italy. Shirdel's furious documentaries and cinematic language were a bone of contention both under the Shah and following his exile, because they spoke up for the underprivileged and, in doing so, exposed and criticized the corruption of the mechanism of power. Because of the severe censorship, nearly all his films were banned and confiscated, and in the end he was expelled from The Ministry and put on the blacklist. Seven years after it was made (and censored), his The Epic of the Gorgani Village Boy (The Night It Rained!), after receiving the GRAN PRIX at The Third Tehran International Film Festival (1974), was immediately banned again and remained so (like his Nedamatgah (Women's Prison, 1965), Qaleh (Women's Quarter, 1966), Tehran Is the Capital of Iran (1966), and others) until after the revolution. Presented in collaboration with Bidoun: Art & Culture from the Middle East.

The Avant Garde Project Comes to UbuWeb UbuWeb is pleased to welcome the legendary Avant Garde Project. The Avant Garde Project is a series of recordings of 20th-century classical, experimental, and electroacoustic music digitized from LPs whose music has in most cases never been released on CD, and so is effectively inaccessible to the vast majority of music listeners today. The first installment is up, with new material as well as older, AGP archives to be added in the near future. [MP3 and FLAC]

Jean Cocteau - The Complete Recordings A set of historic recordings, compiled by Cocteau's sound producer Fred Kiriloff. Inlcudes Parade, Jean Cocteau's Theatre, Les Voleurs d'Enfants (The Abductors), La Toison d'Or (The Golden Fleece), La Machine Infernale (The Infernal Mechanism), La Voix Humaine (The Human Voice), Presentation of the Group of Six, Le Bel Indifférent (The Callous Beau), Les Parents Terribles, Reception Speech at the Académie Française. Plus previously unissued items, such as: L'Arbre de No‘l (The Christmas Tree), Crucifixion, Nuit de No‘l (Christmas Night) and the Preface to Les Mariés de la Tour Eiffel (The Eiffel Tower Wedding) and many others. Cocteau's collaborators included Francis Poulenc, Eric Satie, Marianne Oswald, Suzy Solidor, Edith Piaf, Jean Marais, Jeanne Moreau, Diaghilev, Picasso and more. [MP3]

The Films of Peggy Ahwesh (1985-2009) Over the last twenty years, Peggy Ahwesh has produced one of the most heterogeneous bodies of work in the field of experimental film and video. A true bricoleur, her tools include narrative and documentary styles, improvised performance and scripted dialogue, synch-sound film, found footage, digital animation, and crude Pixelvision video. Using this range of approaches, she has extended the project initiated by 1960s and '70s American avant-garde film, and has augmented that tradition with an investigation of cultural identity and the role of the subject. Presented here are: From Romance to Ritual (1985), The Deadman (1989), Martina's Playhouse (1989), Nocturne (1998), She Puppet (2001), The Third Body (2007), Beirut Outtakes (2007), Bethlehem (2009). This UbuWeb resource is presented in partnership with Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI).

UbuWeb sur Radio France Culture Kenneth Goldsmith, fondateur d'UbuWeb, explique à Thomas Baumgartner la genèse et l'esprit d'UbuWeb, dans Les Passagers de la Nuit sur France Culture, famous French radio, le 25 mars 2011. Avec aussi les voix de Warhol, Beuys, Dali, Joyce, Kurt Schwitters... Téléchargeable ici [30 min/ French]

Vanguarda da pilhagem: roubo e arte no UbuWeb &
Kenneth Goldsmith, do UbuWeb: 'O site é muito ruim'
O Golbo, Brazil, 26.03.2011

IRIS-TIME UNLIMITED (1962-1970) An occasional ephemeral two-page newspaper produced by the legendary experimental Iris Clert Gallery in Paris, featuring many of the cutting-edge artists of the day including Ad Reinhardt, Pol Bury, Lucio Fontana, CPLY and many others. Clert ran an almost anarchistic free space in Saint Germain des Prés, which featured early conceptual shows (Yves Klein's empty gallery and Arman's rubbish-strewn space) as well as being an early venue for performance art. Curated for UbuWeb by Ulysse Geissler.

Harry Bertoia - The Sonambient Discography [MP3] In the early 1970's Harry Bertoia made hundreds of sound sculptures. These sculptures represent Harry Bertoia's formation of Sonambient. Sonambient was Bertoia's term to describe the spatial and tonal environment created by these sound sculptures. By stretching, bending, striking, and in other ways moving the materials, he made them respond to wind and/or to touch to create different sounds or tones, which he then taught himself to 'play' and recorded a series of pieces. He also performed with the pieces in a number of concerts. The completed Sonambient also consists of gongs and suspended sonic-bars. Within his renovated barn, Harry made more than 360 magnetic-tape recordings.

We Killed Our RSS Feed Sorry about that. But you can always catch the latest on our Twitter feed. Or check this page. We're always updating. Thx.

Ubu Moves To New Servers We're proud to announce our new partnership with CENTRO in Mexico City, who is now hosting Ubu's media files. We're in the process of switching everything over to the new servers. While you'll (finally) begin to see new media content, there will be some bumps and many inevitable 404s. Bear with us: it might take a while to get it all figured out. If you find something that's not working, please let us know and we'll fix it.

James Hoff - Topten (2008) In almost every issue since December 1997, the contemporary art monthly Artforum has asked a member of the art world to compile a list of his or her top ten favorite recent exhibitions (as well as concerts, television programs, books, and events) in a list that displays the writer's taste as well as his or her wit. With this hefty artist's book, James Hoff has reprinted the text of every column alongside the abstract designs of blacked-out photographs that once depicted the writers' picks. Inlcudes Kate Bush, David Byrne, Dave Eggers, Dave Hickey, Charlie Kaufman, Mike Kelley, Barbara Kruger, Matmos, Glenn O'Brien, Amy Sillman, Laurie Simmons, John Waters and dozens more. Also related, is the archive of UbuWeb's monthly Top Ten picks.

Listening to Films, a New UbuWeb Podcast A selection of ten films from the UbuWeb archive that are actually worth listening to (as well as seeing). Included here are excerpts from the following films: Vito Acconci's Theme Song (1973); René Clair's Entr'acte (1924) with a soundtrack by Erik Satie; Harry Dodge and Stanya Kahn's Can't Swallow It, Can't Spit It Out (2006); Jordan Wolfson's Con Leche (2009); People Like Us's Story Without End (2005); Hermann Nitsch's 6 Tage Spiel - Das Orgien Mysterien Theater. Day 3: Day of Dionysus (1998); Sun Ra A Joyful Noise (1980); Richard Serra's Boomerang (1974); David Van Tieghem's Ear to the Ground (1979); Karl Holmqvist's I'm With You In Rockland (2005). Download the MP3 podcast directly here. You can subscribe to our podcast here. UbuWeb's podcasts are produced by The Poetry Foundation.

"No money, no democracy - that's why UbuWeb is so good" An interview with UbuWeb founder Kenneth Goldsmith at Radio Web MACBA. Poet, university professor and amateur archivist, Kenneth Goldsmith is the founder and main editor of Ubuweb, the Internet's largest archive of artistic avant-garde material. An underground project that has no institutional backing or budget of any kind, Ubuweb is an influential repository that is as exhaustive as it is personal, reflecting the preferences, quirks and obsessions of its creator. Son[i]a talks to Kenneth Goldsmith about the origins, ideas and operation of Ubuweb.

Eight Flims by Alexander Kluge (1960-1977) Writer, theorist, filmmaker, and television pioneer, Alexander Kluge is one of the intellectual giants of post-war Germany. Although he directed nearly thirty films, Kluge's uncompromising politics and formal experimentation ensured that most of these critically celebrated works never reached a mass audience. Despite this groundbreaking work, it is his career as a fiction writer that has contributed most to his European renown. Kluge has treated media as a fluid field, one in which disciplinary boundaries are as questionable as the distinctions between high and low, individual and society, history and the present: all are texts up for renegotiation. Films inlcuded here are: Lehrer im Wandel (Teachers in Transformation) (1963); Frau Blackburn, geb. 5 Jan. 1872, wird gefilmt (Frau Blackburn, Born 5 Jan. 1872, Is Filmed) (1963); Porträet einer Bewäehrung (Portrait of One Who Proved His Mettle) (1964); Feuerlöscher E. A. Winterstein (Fireman E. A. Winterstein) (1968); Besitzbürgerin, Jahrgang 1908 (A Woman from the Property-owning Middle Class, Born 1908) (1972); Gelegenheitsarbeit einer Sklavin. Zur realistischen Methode, Frankfurt (1975); Die Menschen, die das Staufer-Austellung vorbereiten (Die Menschen, die das Stauferjahr vorbereiten (1977); and Brutalität in Stein (Die Ewigkeit von gestern; Brutality in Stone; Yesterday Goes on for Ever).

Films of the Vienna Actionists (1957-1995) UbuWeb presents 35 films by the Vienna Actionists. The term Viennese Actionism describes a short and violent movement in 20th century art that can be regarded as part of the many independent efforts of the 1960s to develop "action art" (Fluxus, Happening, Performance, Body Art, etc.). Its main participants were Günter Brus, Otto Mühl, Hermann Nitsch and Rudolf Schwarzkogler. As "actionists", they were active between 1960 and 1971. Most have continued their artistic work independently from the early 1970s onwards. Included here are films by Otto Mühl, Kurt Kren, Hermann Nitsch & Otmar Bauer. You can also listen to the soundworks & interviews by Otto Mühl & Hermann Nitsch in UbuWeb's sound section.

A Pause Many of you may have noticed that since the hack, we haven't been adding much new material. That's not due to a lack of new stuff -- we've got tons in the pipeline -- rather it's because, after the attack, we're up and moving to new and more secure servers. We should be settled within a few weeks and will begin posting fresh films & audio. Keep an eye here or on our Twitter feed for the latest. Until then, enjoy the vast trove that already exists here of approximately 7500 artists & several terabytes of media to cram your hard drives full with.

If We Had To Ask For Permission, We Wouldn't Exist: An Open Letter After the hacking of UbuWeb, a heated discussion broke out on the most prominent experimental film listserv, Frameworks, discussing the tactics of Ubu. There was clearly a lot of misunderstanding regarding what UbuWeb is about. Ubu's founder, Kenneth Goldsmith, was compelled has penned a response here, which can also be seen as an update to our FAQ.

UbuWeb Hacked UbuWeb's media servers were hacked in mid-October. Most of the damage has been repaired. However you might find a few links that are down. We're working on correcting it all. Ubu will be moving our media files to a new server over the next few months so hopefully the sporadic outages that we've been experiencing lately will be remedied. Thank you for all your supportive wishes during this difficult period.

John Berger - Ways of Seeing (1972) Ways of Seeing was a BBC television series consisting of visual essays that raise questions about hidden ideologies in visual images. The serie gave rise to a later book of the same name written by John Berger. It would be easy to say that Ways of Seeing is hopelessly dated -- made in 1972, the films come across as a puritan-groovy mix of Monty Python, the Open University and the Look Around You spoofs. And yet what's so remarkable about this series is that it seems more apposite, subversive and thought-provoking than ever. The Britain we glimpse in the films, already alienated by spooky BBC Radiophonic Workshop music by Delia Derbyshire, is alienated even more by the passing of time. Alienated usefully, in the Brechtian sense; we look at a capitalist society which is like, and unlike, our own. In four parts: Episode 1: Psychological Aspects, Episode 2: Women in Art, Episode 3: Collectors and Collecting and Episode 4: Commercial Art. With an essay by Nick Curie (aka Momus).

The Poetics - Soundworks (1977-1993) Historical recordings of Mike Kelley, Jim Shaw, Tony Oursler and a cast of thousands from their Cal Arts days. Concurrent with the LAFMS and punk scenes in LA, this material is, in the words of artist Jutta Koether, "garbage versions of electronic music (linked to Kelley's involvement with DAM), noise, prototrance, instrumentals, both aggressive and sad stints with a singer-songwriter style, music as a dysfunctional standup routine (half lounge, half rock). In other words, punk rock deconstructed. The result is hours and hours of a monster being created and released." Featured here are the collections Remixes of Recordings (1977-1983) and The Poetics reunion album from 1997, Critical Inquiry In Green. This release marks the beginning of a new partnership with CENTRO in Mexico City, who will begin to host the entire UbuWeb archive from this time on.

UbuWeb Podcast: The Sounds of Silence Craig Dworkin's paper Unheard Music [PDF] is a list of conceptual music that highlights a bunch of music that plays with the idea of silence: How is silent music made? Is silence really silent? How many varieties of silence are there? In this podcast, we actualize Dworkin's theories and discover that silence is anything but silent and neutral; rather, it's varietious and rich. Artists featured on this podcast include John Cage, Matmos, Steve Reich, Mieko Shiomi and many others. Download the MP3 podcast directly here. You can subscribe to our podcast here. UbuWeb's podcasts are produced by The Poetry Foundation.

The Art of Performance: A Critical Anthology (1984) Edited by Gregory Battcock and Robert Nickas, an essential long out-of-print collection of essays centered around the historical conditions that led to the rise of performance art in the 1970s and 80s. The book is divided into three parts: 1. Historical Introduction, 2. Theory and Criticism, and 3. The Artists and includes essays by Roselee Goldberg, Ken Freidman, Michael Kirby, David Shapiro, David Bourdon, Vito Acconci, Chris Burden, Les Levine and Laurie Anderson and many others. This /ubu Edition was edited by Lucia della Paolera.

The Videos of Aki Sasamoto Aki Sasamoto is a New York-based, Japanese artist, who works in performance, sculpture, dance, and whatever more medium that takes to get her ideas across. Her works have been shown both in performing art and visual art venues in New York and abroad. Besides her own works, she has collaborated with artists in visual arts, music, and dance, in which she plays multiple roles of dancer, sculptor, or director. Presented here are four videos: Everything Chidambaran (2005), remembering/modifying/developing (2007), Practicing to Leave - Conduct - Judge Mentals (2007), Secrets of My Mother's Child (2009) and Strange Attractors (2010). This feature is proudly presented with UbuWeb's newest partner, The Kitchen.

Lincoln Center Film Playlist If you missed the incredible Lincoln Center show Ubu did with WFMU and bands Growing and Blues Control, here's all the films that were shown: Fred Astaire Bojangles of Harlem from Swing Time, Fatboy Slim Weapon of Choice, Yvonne Rainer Hand Movie, The Lumière Brothers Danse Serpentine, William Forsythe Solo, People Like Us Skew Gardens, Ladislaw Starewicz The Insect's Christmas, Stan VanDerBeek Achooo Mr. Kerrooschev, Kota Ezawa The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Paul Sharits Dots 1 & 2, Lillian Schwartz Pixillation, Wim Delvoye Sybille II, Richard Kern My Nightmare, Cheryl Donegan Refuses, Kurt Kren 7/64: Leda und der Schwan, Skip Arnold Punch, Paul McCarthy WGG Test, Hamlet Hovsepian Yawning, JODI My Desktop OS X 10.4.7, Alejandra Salinas & Aeron Bergman Let 100 Flowers Bloom, Eduardo Kac Letter and Cory Arcangel Clouds.

The Great Ardor of Dada Ubu's been showing films based on the work of Kurt Schwitters every weekend as part of the 27 Senses Show at Chisenhale Gallery in London. Obviously, most of you can't be there. But here's a list of all the films that are being shown so you can watch 'em at home: Marcel Broodthaers Un Voyage en Mer du Nord (A Voyage on the North Sea), William S. Burroughs and Antony Balch The Cut-Ups, Robert Fitterman Sprawl, Hollis Frampton Zorns Lemma, Helmut Herbst Deutschland Dada, Allen Ginsberg Face to Face with Jeremy Isaacs: An Interview with Allen Ginsberg, Abbie Hoffman Abbie Hoffman Makes Gefilte Fish, Karl Holmqvist I'm With You In Rockland, Kay Rosen Sisyphus, Henri Chopin at The Garage, 02/03/95, Besancon, France, Bob Cobbing Performing Concrete Poetry, Richard Serra Boomerang, Zubi Zuva X Suite Europe Live, Man Ray Emak Bakia, Eduardo Kac Letter, Peter Rose Siren and Sara Sackner Concrete.

UbuWeb Partners with The Sound of Eye UbuWeb is pleased to partner with The Sound of Eye, a great film blog. They've been posting tons of experimental film and video, much of which has been -- and will continue to be -- mirrored on Ubu. In particular, SOE's commentary on the films is extraordinary. We're thrilled!

Music of the Spanish Avant-Garde UbuWeb is pleased to present this compreshensive overview of the Spanish musical avant-garde, which has scarcely been documented until now. This feature focuses on twelve composers and performers active from the 1950s to the present: Esplendor Geométrico, Llorenç Barber, Francisco López, José Manuel Berenguer, Josep Maria Mestres Quadreny, Eduardo Polonio, José Iges, Vagina Dentata Organ, Victor Nubla, Pelayo Fernández Arrizabalaga, Juan Hidalgo and Carles Santos. Each segment is split into two parts: musical selections and interviews. The series is produced and edited by Roc Jiménez de Cisneros for Radio Web MACBA and is presented in collaboration with MACBA.

Nine Films by Leslie Thornton. Leslie Thornton's short films combine original and archival footage, video and still images, and digital media in their investigation of the collision (and collusion) of these modes. The play that she exercises between abstract and referential imagery allows her to address moral and ethical issues as they pertain to events and as they relate to the role of art and media. By editing together controversial or transgressive material, she creates discursive cinematic spaces in which to consider humanity's inexplicable behaviors, as do fellow avant-garde filmmakers Chris Marker and Chantal Akerman. The result is a unique and strangely beautiful syntax, one that poses its critique at the same time that it mesmerizes, confounds and provokes. Thornton writes, "I see myself as writing with media, and I position the viewer as an active reader, not a consumer. The goal is not a product, but shared thought." Presented in collaboration with EAI.

The Many Sides of Gertrude Stein While UbuWeb hosts a trove of Gertrude Stein reading her own works, we also host a number of interpretations of her works. This podcast guides you through these treasures, buried deep in the bowels of Ubu's vaults. Included here are: "The Making of Americans" read (and sung) in its entirety by Gregory Laynor; Marian Seldes reading "The Making of Americans" and "Lectures in America" (1963); Judson Church's production of Al Carmines' 'In Circles' (1967); and eight interpretations of Stein's seminal texts from Geography and Plays by various sound & radio artists. Download the MP3 podcast directly here. You can subscribe to our podcast here. UbuWeb's podcasts are produced by The Poetry Foundation.

UbuWeb at 27 Senses in London. Street Poets & Visionaries, UbuWeb's vast collection of found and outsider poems, will be on display 18 July - 22 August 2010 at Chisenhale Gallery, organized by Ubu's partner, Electra. The exhibition focuses on the period Kurt Schwitters spent in Norway during his wartime exile. Artists include: Kenneth Goldsmith / UbuWeb, Carl Michael von Hausswolff / Selmer Nilsen, Karl Holmqvist, Jutta Koether and Eline McGeorge. More info here.

Brion Gysin - An Audio Retrospective (1958-81) UbuWeb is pleased to present the full-spectrum of Brion Gysin's sound poetry and audio works [MP3]. Included here are his seminal permutation poems from the early 60s such as I've Come To Free The Words and I Am That I Am as well as lectures on various subjects such as Thoughts On Modern Art. The historic Poem of Poems (1958), recorded in 1958 at the Beat Hotel in Paris and considered one of Gysin's important experiments in cut-up and recording technique, is available for download, as is his more ambient works such as The Pool K III (late 50s, early 60s) and Bruits du Beaubourg (1977). Finally, a posthumous 1993 recording -- Self-Portrait Jumping -- of Gysin's songs, poems and stories, are set to music by Ramuntcho Matta and performed by Brion Gysin and Ramuntcho Matta with Don Cherry, Elli Medieros, Steve Lacy, Lizzy Mercier Descloux. You can read interviews with Gysin here and here, as well as read William S. Burroughs' The Cut-Up Method of Brion Gysin. View a demonstration of Gysin Permutation Software here.

The Ubuweb Experimental Video Project Bored to tears by the internet video mainstream, essayist, filmmaker and broadcaster Colin Marshall launched The Ubuweb Experimental Video Project, wherein he reviews every single one of the works of film and video archived on UbuWeb. No matter how short or long, how funny or serious, how prosaic or bizarre, none shall escape its duty as the subject of one of his essays. The Project is based on the assumption that all these pieces, approached with a large heart and an open mind, are interesting — or at least, they're the material for a potentially interesting review. Included here is the first installment of 34 reviews.

Five Animations by Ali Akbar Sadeghi Before there was an Iranian New Wave, there was Kanoon, which became an incubator for some of the country's most celebrated artists--including Ebrahim Forouzesh, Noureddin Zarrinkelk, and many of the protagonists of Iranian cinema, Sohrab Shahid-Sales, Abbas Kiarostami, and Amir Naderi among them. Ali Akbar Sadeghi, who is best known for pioneering a style that mixed traditional Persian coffeehouse painting with the surreal was a Kanoon leader. Featured here are five incredible and rare animations, four historical and one contemporary: Seven Cities (1971), The Rook (1974), Malek Khorshid (1975), Zal and Simorgh (1977) and Coalition (2004). Presented in partnership with Bidoun.

UbuWeb Podcast: The Sounds of Fluxus A wealth of innovative sounds from this movement, which began in the early 50s and continues through today. From the broken record compositions of Milan Knížák to Yoko Ono's recording of a toilet flushing, Fluxus strove to break down the barrier between art and life, fusing Spike Jones, vaudeville, gag, children's games and Duchamp. Feautred here are Ben Vautier, John Cage, Emmett Williams, La Monte Young, Joe Jones, Dick Higgins, Larry Miller, John M. Bennett and Alison Knowles. You can find several Fluxus audio anthologies on UbuWeb as well: Fluxus 30th Anniversary Box, Fluxus Anthology, Fluxus Anthology 2006, Flux Tellus and Fluxsweet. Download the MP3 podcast directly here. You can subscribe to our podcast here. UbuWeb's podcasts are produced by The Poetry Foundation.

Four Films by Jordan Wolfson Mixing and combining opposites, playing with analogies and ambiguity Jordan Wolfson creates a distorted mix of reality, imagination and cultural critique. He investigates the relationships of technology and media merged with his own personal experience, poetically balanced somewhere between pop and conceptual art. Included here are four works, with an exclusive showing of Wolfson's newest work, Con Leche (2009).

Archiving Ubu UbuWeb's archivist, Margaret Smith, has been pondering exactly if/how UbuWeb could/should be archived for the ages. She's parsed the site into pressing issues such as Structure and Classification, Legal and Financial, Digital Preservation. Can Smith tame Ubu (which is built on spit, tissue paper and whim) and preserve a fleeting, ephemeral gesture for eternity? Good luck! More here.

Bern Porter: A selection of Founds including Do's, Don'ts, and Gee Whizzles Presented in conjunction with the MoMA's exhibition LOST AND FOUND: The Work of Bern Porter from the Collection of the Museum of Modern Art Library (April 7-July 5), UbuWeb is pleased to present 124 rarely seen collages. Featured here are Founds, Do's, Don'ts, and Gee Whizzles. You can hear hours Bern Porter's audio here and as well as view all of his visual works here.

Four Films by Kota Ezawa Kota Ezawa meticulously recreates, frame-by-frame, animated sequences from television, cinema, and art history using basic digital drawing and animation software. His aesthetic is a highly stylized mixture of Pop Art, Alex Katz, and paint-by-numbers pictures, to name but a few of his stylistic antecedents. Included here are three works: The Simpson Verdict (2002); Lennon Sontag Bueys (2004); The Unbearable Lightness of Being (2005); and Beatles Über California (2010).

New Podcast: UbuWeb's Interviews A focus on Ubu's vast trove of audio interviews with artists. Includes excerpts of conversations with Gertrude Stein, Marcel Duchamp, William Carlos Williams, Salvador Dalí, Jacques Derrida, Harry Smith, Carolee Schneemann, Pauline Oliveros, DJ Spooky, Marcel Broodthaers, Richard Prince & Robert Gober, Lionel Casson and John Cage. Download the MP3 podcast directly here. You can subscribe to our podcast here. UbuWeb's podcasts are produced by The Poetry Foundation.

Bidoun Magazine - Music & Culture from the Middle East UbuWeb is pleased to partner with Bidoun Magazine to present the finest in Middle Eastern avant-garde historical and contemporary film & sound works. Sound artists include: Dariush Dolat-Shahi, Halim El-Dabh, Forough Farrokhzad, Ali Reza Mashayekhi, Ilhan Mimaroglu, Bijan Mofid, Vladimir Ussachevsky. Filmmakers include: Masao Adachi & Kôji Wakamatsu, Peggy Ahwesh, Mustafa Abu Ali, Forough Farrokhzad, Hamlet Hovsepian, Larry Jordan, Parviz Khatibi, Albert Lamorisse Claude LeLouch, Mohamed Ulad-Mohand, Ali Akbar Sadeghi, Sergei Parajanov, Artavazd Peleshian and Agnès Varda.

Stream UbuWeb Radio with WFMU's iPhone App Yep. Take Ubu Radio to the beach with WFMU's new iPhone app. Download it here. Please support WFMU during their annual fundraiser as they do so much to support UbuWeb.

Beth B - Three Films from 1991 Working in a variety of art forms and media, including video, feature film, and installation, Beth B creates provocative narratives that mine the violence below the surface of contemporary life. A forerunner of the explosive New York New Wave/punk scene of the late 1970s, B first garnered critical acclaim with her short films and features produced with Scott B. Presented here are three films from 1991: Thanatopsis, American Nightmare and Stigmata.

Ryan Trecartin - P.opular (section ish) (2009) Ryan Trecartin's latest in the series of three interrelated videos K-Corea INC. K (Section A), Sibling Topics (Section A) and P.opular (section ish), which also exist with an umbrella title, Trill-ogy Comp, serve as one complete side of his larger project and exhibition Any Ever.

Harrell Fletcher - Videos (2000-2006) Harrell Fletcher has worked collaboratively and individually on a variety of socially engaged, interdisciplinary projects for over fifteen years. Artist Allan McCollum says: "Harrell Fletcher... has taken it upon himself to turn the spotlight onto others. With a dedicated, empathic intelligence, he treats us to the joy and poignancy of appreciating our fellow humans by walking a difficult line between artistic skill, organizational savvy and anonymity." Featured here are 8 videos: The Forbidden Zone (2000), Blot Out The Sun (2002), The Sound We Make Together (2003), The Problem of Possible Redemption (2003), Hello Friend (PDX) (2004), If I Wasn't Me I Would Be You (2004), Babies (NYC) (2004), Where I Lived, and What I Lived For (2006).

Tape-beatles - The Complete Albums (1988-2002) - The Tape-beatles were a collaboration of varying membership that make music and audio art recordings,"expanded cinema" performances, videos, printed publications, and work in other media. They worked under the aegis of Public Works Productions. The Tape-beatles began creating works for audio tape in 1987 and espoused the use of plagiarism as a positive artistic technique. Their work drew more or less exclusively from the previously "finished" works of others, assembling fragments of these works into entirely new constructions that did not exist before the Tape-beatles made them. Also included here are the legendary homemade series PhonoStatic cassettes produced by Public Works, beginning in 1984 and ending in 1989.

Zoe Beloff - The Dream Films (2009) In 2009 the Coney Island Museum invited Zoe Beloff to create an exhibition to celebrate the centennial of Sigmund Freud's visit to Coney Island. She titled the show "Dreamland: The Coney Island Amateur Psychoanalytic Society and its Circle 1926-1972. The Society might be considered something of an urban myth. They were mostly working people from a variety of cultural backgrounds. Beloff describes them as "visionaries, who, undeterred by lack of finances or professional training, decided to explore their inner life, to share their dreams with each other and in doing so attempted to free the psyche from the constraints of class and of cultural and sexual mores of their time. Featured on Ubu are the ten films from this series.

All rights for materials presented on UbuWeb belong to the artists. All materials are for non-commercial and / or educational use only.

New Additions:

Pier Paolo Pasolini Reads (1962) [MP3]

Sun Ra Brother from Another Planet (2005)

Susan Sontag Duett för kannibaler AKA Duet for Cannibals (1969)

Alexander Mitscherlich Sinnieren über Schmutz (1978) [MP3]

Harald Szeemann Live In Your Head: When Attitudes Become Form: Works-Concepts-Processes-Situations-Information (1969)

Giselle Beiguelman Films and Visual Poetry (2003-11)

Sun Ra The Damned Air (1962) [MP3]

Die Reihe No. 1, edited by Karhlheinz Stockhausen & Herbert Eimert (1955) English edition

Oswald de Andrade Revista de Antropofagia (1928-29)

Samuel Beckett Krapp's Last Tape (1996) with Harold Pinter

Bill Brand Four Films (1972-82)

Kathy Acker Pussy (1994) [MP3]

Marina Corrêa Concrete Poetry as an International Movement viewed by Augusto de Campos: An Interview (2008)

Pina Bausch Café Müller (1978); Die Klage der Kaiserin aka The Complaint of an Empress (1990)

William Forsythe One Flat Thing, reproduced (2007); Evidentia (2002)

Ann Van den Broek Co(te)lette (2007)

Gilles Jobin A+B=X (1997)

Janet Cardiff A Large Slow River (2001); The Missing Voice (1999) [MP3]

Susan Sontag reads from Debriefing (1979) [MP3]

Quentin Crisp An Evening with Quentin Crisp (1979) [MP3]

Michael Nyman Man with a Movie Camera (2002) [MP3]

Roc Jiménez de Cisneros "Continuum, Expanded" (on György Ligeti), 2011 [PDF, 310kb]

Jean Dubuffet Coucou Bazar Turin 1978 [MP3]

Alejandra Salinas and Aeron Bergman Videoworks (2005-2010)

Feliz Molina Nail Hearts Clip Epistolary Fantasy Blog from 2009-2010 [PDF, 6.7mb]

Ben Vida Casette releases (2010-11) [MP3]

Louis Aragon, André Breton, and Philippe Soupault Littérature (1919-1924)

Morton Feldman Interviewed in San Francisco (1986) [MP3]

Alain Badiou Mathematics / Aesthetics / Arts (2011) [MP3]

John Cage Variations V (Film version, 1965)

Andy Kaufman Stormy Justice (with Judge Tony Clifton) (undated)

Luke Fowler Three Minute Wonders (2009)

Simon Strong Reads selections from 'Rape vs. Murder' by #579

Michael Schumacher Soundworks based on Remixes of Remko Scha's Machine Guitars (2011)

Todd Haynes Dottie Gets Spanked (1993)

Bonnie Camplin Heygate for Life (2011)

Cory Arcangel Urbandale (2001)

Harry Partch The Outsider: The Story of Harry Partch (2002)

Emile de Antonio Underground (documentary of The Weather Underground, 1976)

Steve Reich A New Musical Language (documentary, 1987)

David Lynch, Peter Greenaway, Wim Wenders Lumière and Company (documentary, 1995)

William Wegman Fay (documentary, 2009)

Sankai Juku Butoh Dance at Battersea Power Station (late 1980s)

Norman Mclaren The Eye Hears, the Ear Sees (documentary, 1970)

Juan Downey J.S. Bach (1970)

Unnatural Science Damian Hirst, Janine Antoni and others (documentary, 2002-03)

Various Artists A Chance Operation: The John Cage Tribute (1993) [MP3]

Cameron Stallones (SUN ARAW) Film works (2006-11)

Vito Acconci Three audio works: Interiors. Buildings. Parks. (2004) [MP3]

Marie Menken Notebook (1963); Lights (1964-66)

Gott schütze Österreich Sound Art Complilation (1974) [MP3]

Hans G. Helms Fa:m' Ahniesgwow (1960) [MP3]

Alvin Curran Natural History (1983) [MP3]

Roman Oplaka 1965/1-∞ (1992) [MP3]

Glen McKay Altered States: 1966-1999

Marshall McLuhan Out of Orbit: The Life and Times of Marshall McLuhan (1999)

Ivor Cutler Cutler's Last Stand (2004)

Salvador Dalí A Soft Self Portrait (1967)

Rosa Von Praunheim City of Lost Souls (1983); Anita - Dances of Vice (1987); Aids-Trilogie: Positiv - Die Antwort schwuler Männer in New York auf AIDS AKA Positive (1990)

Gutai Japanese Performance Art, 1956-1970

Tracey Emin Selected Shorts (1995-1998)

Cao Fei Whose Utopia (2006)

Robert Fairthorne & Brian Salt Equation: X + X = O (1936)

Mark Rappaport The TV Spin-Off (1980); Exterior Night (1993)

Carolee Schneemann Viet Flakes (1965)

Stanya Kahn It's Cool, I'm Good (2010)

Marlon Riggs Tongues Untied (1990)

Superflex Burning Car (2008)

Jennifer Reeves Monsters in the Closet (1993); Chronic (1996)

Harry Smith Film No. 3: Interwoven (1947-49)

Richard Serra Hands Tied (1968); Frame (1969)

Walter Ruttmann Melodie der Welt aka Melody of the World (1929)

Lillian Schwartz UFO's (1971)

Sanne Sannes Dirty Girl (1967)

Wim Schippers Stemmen AKA Voices (1972)

David Rimmer Real Italian Pizza (1971)

Terence McKenna Two Lectures on Marshall McLuhan: Riding Range with Marshall McLuhan (1995); Shamans Among the Machines (1999) [MP3]

Marshall McLuhan Audio Archive (1960-99) [MP3]

Gus Van Sant Allen Ginsberg - Ballad of the Skeletons (1997)

Albie Thoms Marinetti (1969)

Aldo Tambellini Black TV (1968)

Harry Partch The Outsider: The Story of Harry Partch (documentary, 2002)

James Joyce Finnegans Wake (1939) [MP3]

Survival Research Laboratories Ten Years of Robotic Mayhem (1988)

Samuel Beckett Murphy (1938) [MP3]

Tuxedomoon The Super-8 Years With Tuxedomoon

The Responsive Eye MoMA Catalogue of Op Art (1965)

Owen Land (aka George Landow) Films (1965-1970)

William S. Burroughs reads Junky (1953) [MP3]

Henry Miller An Interview with Henry Miller (1964); Life As I See It (1956/1961); Henry Miller Recalls and Reflects (1957) [MP3]

Caetano Veloso O Cinema Falado (1986)

Julia Loktev Vito Acconci / Acconci Studio: Interiors. Buildings. Parks. (2004)

Haroldo de Campos Readings from Galaxias [MP3]

Douglas Kahn Reagan Speaks for Himself (1980) [MP3]

Terence McKenna The Last Interview (1999) [MP3]

Amiri Baraka Sound Poems (1964-present) [MP3]

Hugo Ball, ed. Cabaret Voltaire [journal, 1916]

Francis Picabia ed. Cannibale (journal, 1920)

Tristan Tzara, ed. Le Coeur à barbe (journal, 1922)

Raoul Hausmann, John Heartfield, and George Grosz, eds. Der Dada (journal, 1919-1920)

Jim Shedden Michael Snow Up Close (documentary, 1996)

Marcel Duchamp, et al. The Deadman No. 2 [journal, 1917, New York]

Karel Dodal Hra bublinek (Fantasie erotique [The Play of Bubbles (Fantasie erotique)]; Myšlenka hledající světlo (Idea in the Search of Light) (1938)

Eric Duvivier La femme 100 têtes (1967)

Jacques Demy Les Horizons Mort (1951)

Alfred Stieglitz, ed. 291 [journal, 1915-1916, New York]

Francis Picabia, ed. 391 [journal, 1917-1924]

Keith Sanborn Films (1999-2008)

Karlheinz Stockhausen Michaels Reise um die Erde [Karlheinz Stockhausen - Cologne 2008 performance]

Pier Paolo Pasolini Seeking Locations in Palestine for the Film "The Gospel According to Matthew" (1965, English hard-subtitles)

Omar Amiralay A Plate of Sardines (1997)

Nagy Shaker and Paolo Isaja Summer 70 (1970-71)

Ryszard Wasko Chodnik aka Walkway (1973)

Karlheinz Stockhausen Tuning In (documentary, 1981)

Bruce Weber Broken Noses (1987); Beauty Brothers (1987)

Ulrike Meinhof Bambule (film, 1970) and radio play (1969) [MP3]

Bertolt Brecht Radio Plays (recorded 1963-2007) [MP3]

Michel Foucault Lectures (1978-83) [MP3]

Jorge Luis Borges The Craft of Verse: The Norton Lectures (1967-68) [MP3]

Samuel Vriezen Soundworks and Scores [MP3]

Samuel Beckett MacGowran Speaking Beckett (1966) [MP3]

John Cage Speaking of Music (1987) [MP3]

Ulrike Meinhof Bambule (radioplay, 1969) [MP3]

Robert Wilson Stations (1982); The Black Rider, with Tom Waits & William S. Burroughs (1992)

Spartacus Chetwynd The Walk to Dover (2007); The Call of the Wild (2007); Hermitos Children (2009)

Robert Wilson Stations (1982); The Black Rider (with William S. Burroughs & Tom Waits (1992)

De Stijl Magazine Vols 1-3 (1917-1920)

William Kentridge Repeat from the Beginning (2008); Certain doubts of William Kentridge (documentary, 2000)

Jan Kučera Burleska (1932)

Charles Bernstein & Susan Bee Disfrutelos (1977)

Darren Wershler FREE as in speech and beer: open source, peer-to-peer and the economics of the online revolution (2002); CommonSpace: Beyond Virtual Community (with Mark Surman, 2002)

Matt Connors Correspondences (2011)

Bruce LaBruce Super 8 1/2 (1993)

Jacques Derrida Circonfession (2004) [MP3]

Helen Lee Sally's Beauty Spot (1990)

David Lamelas Films (1969 - 1972)

Spalding Gray Terrors Of Pleasure (1988); It's a Slippery Slope (1997) [MP3]

Václav Havel The Memorandum (1966) [MP3]

Maurice Lemaître L'Amour réinventé (1979); Des scènes d'amour très réalistes avec force détails et gros plans (1978); L'Amour, qu'est-ce? (1976-89); Chantal D., Star (1968)

Malcolm Le Grice Little Dog For Roger (1967); Threshold (1972)

Sharon Lockhart Exit (2008)

Jirí Lehovec Divotvorné oko (Thaumaturgic Eye) (1939)

Brian De Palma Dionysus (1970)

James Tenney Postal Pieces (1971) [PDF]

Paul McCarthy Rocky (1976); Family Tyranny/Cultural Soup (1987)

Marc'O Closed Vision (1954)

Peter Gidal Structural Film Anthology (1976)

Eugen Gomringer The Book of Hours and Constellations (1968)

E.F. Burian Máj (1936)

Ana Mendieta Selected Film Works (1972-1981)

E.F. Burian Dionysus (1970)

Andy Warhol (1982) in Conversation with Peter Gidal (1982) [PDF, 20kb]

Trinh T. Minh-ha Reassemblage (1983)

Jon Moritsugu Hippy Porn (1981)

László Moholy-Nagy Impressionen vom alten Marseiller Hafen (Vieux Port) (1929)

Norman McLaren Keep Your Mouth Shut (1944); Lines: Vertical (1960)

Phil Niblock Two Arthur Russell Films (1985)

Negativland The Mashin' of the Christ (2004)

Tony Oursler Son of Oil (1982); Spinout (1983)

Olivier Assayas Sans titre AKA Man Yuk: A Portrait of Maggie Cheung (1997)

Eduardo Clark O Mundo de Lygia Clark AKA The World of Lygia Clark (1973)

William S. Burroughs + Brion Gysin + P.Orridge Cold Spring Tape (1989)

Karlheinz Stockhausen TRANS und so weiter (TRANS and so on) (1974)

Guy Bourdin The Films of Guy Bourdin (1960s-80s)

Aïda Ruilova Compilaton (1999-2002)

Jane & Louise Wilson Star City / Proton, Unity, Energy, Blizzard (2000)

Stephen Dwoskin Moment (1969)

Rirkrit Tiravanija JG Reads (Reel 1) (2008), with John Giorno

Barbara Rubin Christmas on Earth (1963)

Hito Steyerl November (2004); Lovely Andrea (2007)

Stuart Sherman Thirteenth Spectacle (Time) (1980)

Art & Language with Red Krayola Nine Gross and Conspicuous Errors (1976)

Stephen Prina Vinyl II (2000)

Carolee Schneemann Viet Flakes (1965)

Karlheinz Stockhausen TRANS und so weiter (TRANS and so on) (1974)

Martha Rosler Domination and the Everyday (1978)

Tony Oursler The Weak Bullet (1980)

Sam Taylor-Wood The Last Century (2005)

Arthur Omar Congo (1972)

Hermann Nitsch Das 6-Tage-Spiel Des Orgien Mysterien Theaters: 5-Tag (2000) [MP3]

Laura Mulvey & Peter Wollen Amy! (1980)

Gordon Matta-Clark Food (1972)

Willard Maas Image in the Snow (1952)

Joseph Beuys Celtic (1970); Willoughby Sharp Videoviews Joseph Beuys (1973)

J. G. Ballard The Atrocity Exhibition (JG Ballard and the Motorcar) [1970]; The Unmade films of JG Ballard [1990]

Rodney Graham Halcyon Sleep (1994); How I Became a Ramblin' Man (1997); The Phonokinetoscope (2001)

Thomas Hirschhorn Integrated Videos 1995-1999

Amy Granat Landscape Film (2009)

Phil Collins The louder you scream, the faster we go (2005)

General Idea Shut the fuck up [1979]

Morgan Fisher () [2003]

Ian Kerkhof Ten Monologues from the Lives of the Serial Killers (1994)

Vito Acconci Association Area (1971); Claim Excerpts (1971); My Word (1973); Turn-On (1974)

Parviz Kimiavi Ya Zamene Ahu (Oh Guardian of Deer!) (1970)

Jayce Salloum & Elia Suleiman Introduction to the End of an Argument (1990)

Behnam Attar Moving Stills (1978)

Salvador Dalí Television Advertisements, Spots, & Appearances (1960s & 70s)

Various Artists Minutes LTM V:XV - An Homage to Burroughs (1987)

Lovely Little Records 6 x 7" records (1980)

John Hughes One Way Street: Fragments for Walter Benjamin (1993)

Tibor Szemző Tractatus (1995)

William Wegman Deodorant (1972)

Rosalind Krauss Grids (1979) [PDF, 3.5mb]

René Char French language documentary (1967)

Nam June Paik Paik’s funeral service in Seoul Korea, March 18, 2006

Pina Bausch Die Klage der Kaiserin aka The Complaint of an Empress (1990)

Christian Marclay Soundtrack to Guitar Drag (2000), Footsteps (1989), Record Without A Cover (1985) [MP3]

Seth Price Policer (1998) [MP3]

Michael Nyman Untitled (1982) [MP3]

Walter Steding Walter Steding (1980) [MP3]

Juan Hidalgo Rrose Sélavy (1977) [MP3]

Gilius van Bergeijk Volume One [MP3]

Jandl, Heidsieck, Chopin, Cobbing and others Poesia Sonora (1975) [MP3]

UbuWeb Top Fifteen
January 2012
Selected by

1. Delia Derbyshire - Dreams
2. Sun Ra - Space is the Place Film
3. Tellus Cassette Magazine
4. Komar and Melamid & Dave Soldier - Most Un/Wanted Song
5. DJ Food - Raiding the 20th Century
6. People Like Us & Ergo Phizmiz - Rhapsody in Glue
7. Marshall McLuhan - The Medium is the Massage
8. Vito Acconci - Ten Packed Minutes [MP3] | Vito Acconci on UbuWeb Sound
9. Lumiere and Company - Three Short Films
10. Yukio Mishima - Yukoku, aka Patriotism
11. Weegee - The Real Weegee
12. Unknown - Learn to Speak Hawaiian
13. Assorted Street Posters
14. Francis E. Dec - Rants
15. Paul Dutton - Mouth Pieces

WFMU is the longest-running freeform radio station in the U.S.

UbuWeb Top Ten
December 2011
Selected by
Geeta Dayal

1. Electronic Music Review No. 5 & No. 7 [PDFs]
2. Bell Telephone Laboratories - Computer Speech
3. Lillian Schwartz - UFO's
4. Pandit Pran Nath - Ragas of Morning and Night
5. Terry Jennings & Charlotte Moorman - Piece for Cello and Saxophone [MP3] | Charlotte Moorman on UbuWeb Sound
6. Tellus #14: Just Intonation
7. Frederic Rzewski - Coming Together, Attica (1973 Opus One recording)
8. The films of Piotr Kamler (soundtracks by Francois Bayle, Luc Ferrari, and Bernard Parmegiani)
9. Carolee Schneemann - Viet Flakes (sound collage by James Tenney)
10. James Tenney - Spectral Canon for Conlon Nancarrow [MP3] | James Tenney on UbuWeb Sound

Geeta Dayal is a frequent contributor to Frieze and many other publications, writing on music, art, and technology.

UbuWeb Top Sixteen
November 2011
Selected by
Los Angeles Free Music Society

1. Richard Serra - Railroad Turnbridge
(Joe Potts)
2. An Interview With Henry Miller; Life As I See It; Henry Miller Recalls and Reflects (Dennis Duck)
3. The Poetics - Soundworks (1977-1993) (Fredrik Nilsen)
4. Kenny Graham and his Satellites - Moondog and Suncat Suites (1957) (Rick Potts)
5. Sun Ra on WXPN Christmas Day 1976 (Ace Farren Ford)
6. The Films of Mauricio Kagel (Tom Recchion)
7. The Outsider: The Story of Harry Partch (Dennis Duck)
8. The Fims of Michael Snow (Joe Potts)
9. Tod Dockstader - Interview 1963 (WRVR, Riverside Radio, New York City)(Fredrik Nilsen)
10. GUTAI - Japanese Performance Art, 1956-1970 (Tom Recchion)
11. Salvador Dalí - A Soft Self Portrait (1967) (Ace Farren Ford)
12. Jack Smith - Flaming Creatures (Ace Farren Ford)
13. Out of Orbit: The Life and Times of Marshall McLuhan (1999) (Tom Recchion)
14. La Monte Young - The Well-Tuned Piano in The Magenta Lights (87 V 10 6:43:00 PM – 87 V 10 01:07:45 AM NYC) (Tom Recchion)
15. Sculpture Mouvante - Jean Tinguely (1981) (Tom Recchion)
16. The Films of Kurt Kren (1929-1998) (Tom Recchion)

Influential experimental-music anarchists Los Angeles Free Music Society have had an immeasurable impact on the spread and evolution of noise, avant-garde music, and DIY culture in the past 40 years. LAFMS on UbuWeb. LAFMS on the web.

UbuWeb Top Ten
October 2011
Selected by
Vijay Seshadri

1. Ketjack: The Ramayana Monkey Chant
2. Sun Ra: The Berkeley Lectures
3. Sound Sculptures (ed. John Grayson)
4. Legendary Epics Yarns and Fables: Stan Brakhage
5. The Films of Vito Acconci
6. Robert Smithson: Hotel Palenque
7. Robert Duncan on Ethnopoetics: "Rites of Participation"
8. Hugo Keesing: Chartsweep
9. Aspen No. 10: The Asia Issue
10. William Kentridge: Repeat from the Beginning

Vijay Seshadri is a poet, essayist, and, sometimes, a translator. He teaches at Sarah Lawrence College.

UbuWeb Top Ten
September 2011
Selected by
Rebecca Cleman

1. Zoe Beloff, The Dream Films
2. Patent: Apparatus for Drying and Treating of Hair Via Ultrasonics [PDF]
3. Brian De Palma, The Responsive Eye
4. Philip Guston and Clark Coolidge, A Car Part
5. George Kuchar, The Kiss of Frankenstein script [PDF]
6. Gregory Battcock and Robert Nickas, The Art of Performance: A Critical Anthology
7. The Space Lady, Major Tom
8. Claude Closky, The first thousand numbers classified in alphabetical order [PDF]
9. Avant Garde Project, Carl Ruggles
10. Ryan Trecartin, K-CoreaINC.K (Section A) script [PDF]

Rebecca Cleman is a writer and the Director of Distribution for Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), NY.

UbuWeb Top Ten
August 2011
Selected by
Anne Hilde Neset

1. Åke Hodell - Djurgårdsfärjan över floden Styx (Hodell on UbuWeb Sound)
2. JG Ballard -- The Unmade films of JG Ballard
3. Mark Leckey -- Fiorucci Made Me Hardcore
4. Marie Menken -- Go! Go! Go!
5. Marina Rosenfeld -- Teenage Lontano
6. Tony Oursler -- Synesthesia: Genesis P-Orridge
7. William Wegman -- Selected Works (excerpt)
8. Susan Sontag -- The Aesthetics Of Silence
9. Bengt af Klintberg -- The Cursive Scandinavian Slave [PDF] (Great Bear Pamphlets on Ubu Historical)
10. Sun Ra -- The Berkeley Lectures

Anne Hilde Neset is deputy editor The Wire.

UbuWeb Top 10
July 2011
Selected by
Thomas Baumgartner

1. Run For Your Life, Stephen McLaughlin
2. Radioscopie De Jacques Chancel: Salvador Dalí Part 1
3. Luc Ferrari, Le Carnet Nomade
4. Brion Gysin, I am that I am
5. Kurt Schwitters/ Die Schwindlinge, Sonate in Urlauten - Zweiter Teil Largo
6. Philippe Soupault, Interview (1959)
7. Erik Satie, Pièces pour guitares
8. Robert Desnos/ Description of a dream (1938)
9. Jean Dubuffet, Humeur incertaine
10. Laurie Anderson, It's Not The Bullet That Kills You - It's The Hole

Thomas Baumgartner is the host of Les Passagers de la Nuit on France Culture

UbuWeb Top 18
June 2011
Selected by Jordan Wolfson

1. Takashi Murakami - Superflat Monogram (for Louis Vuitton) (2003)
2. Dara Birnbaum - Damnation of Faust Trilogy (1983)
3. The Death Killers
4. Samuel Becket - Askglöd
6. Vito Acconci - Turn-On (1974)
7. Gertrude Stein - Matisse (1911)
8. Richard Kern - My Nightmare (1993)
9. Lacan-Jacques - Télévision
10. Karen Kilimnik - Kate Moss at the Beginning (undated)
11. Jack Goldstein - The Knife
12. Cheryl Donegan - HEAD (1993)
13. Oswald de Andrade - Anthropophagite Manifesto (May 1928)
14. Thomas Hirschhorn - Integrated Videos 1995-1999
15. Martha Rosler - Reads Vogue (1983)
16. Vietnamese Folk Poems
17. Chris Burden - Big Wrench (1980)
18. Wes Harrision - Fun with Sound

Jordan Wolfson is an artist.

UbuWeb Top Ten
May 2011
Selected by John Schaefer

1. Christopher Hobbs, John Adams & Gavin Bryars - New and Rediscovered Musical Instruments (1975)
2. Peter Greenaway - Four American Composers (1983) (esp. Philip Glass)
3. William Kentridge Stereoscope (1999)
4. Brian Eno - 14 Video Paintings (1981 & 1984)
5. Tellus #4 (1984)
6. John Cage / Jan Steele Obscure No. 5 (1976)
7. Group 180 (1980)
8. R. Murray Schafer - RA (1983)
9. Pandit Pran Nath In Between The Notes - A Portrait of Pandit Pran Nath (1986)
10. John Ashbery Readings and Interviews (1951-2007)

John Schaefer is the host of WNYC's New Sounds.

UbuWeb Top Ten
April 2011
Selected by Jay Sanders

1. Tom Johnson "The Voice of New Music" (1972-1982)
[PDF, 7.8mb]
2. Dylan Nyoukis / Blood Stereo (A Retrospective)
3. Les Levine "Lose" & "Hereditary Language"
4. Hannah Weiner "Little Books / Indians"
5. Alex Hubbard "The Collapse of the Expanded Field I-III"
6. Frans Zwartjes "Living"
7. Jeremy Sigler "Math" [PDF, 3mb]
8. Eric Andersen "Opus 74 Version 2"
10. Bob Brown "1450 - 1950"
10.5 Street Posters:
        Mortal Man
        Chuck Close's Fifteen Minutes

Jay Sanders is the co-curator of the 2012 Whitney Biennial.

UbuWeb Top Ten for March 2011
Selected by John Zorn

Sound (In Alphabetical Order)
1. Karel Appel - Poeme Barbare
[Appel on UbuWeb Sound]
2. Antonin Artaud - Pour Finir Avec Le Jugement Du Dieu
3. Guy Debord - Situationisten - Tracks 1 - 6
4. Forough Farrokhzhad - Fathe Bagh
[Farrokhzhad on UbuWeb Sound]
5. Howard Finster - Some Of These Days
The Sound Of The Night Howard Finster Got Saved
6. Richard Foreman - Loops From Now That Communism Is Dead My Life Feels Empty
7. Maurice Lemaître - Improvisation Lettriste Pour Danser
[Maurice Lemaître on UbuWeb Sound]
8. Richard Maxfield - Bacchanale (1963)
[Maxfield on UbuWeb Sound]
9. Harry Smith - Interview 1965 Part One And Two
10. Tristan Tzara - L'amiral Cherche Une Maison A Louer
[Tzara on UbuWeb Sound]

Film (In Alphabetical Order)
1. Harry Smith - Heaven And Earth Magic
2. Joseph Cornell - Rose Hobart
3. Jack Smith - Flaming Creatures
4. Hermann Nitsch - Maria Conception Aktion
5. Kenneth Anger - Lucifer Rising
6. Yayoi Kusama - Kusama's Self Obliteration
7. Forough Farrokzhad - The House Is Black
8. Kiki Smith - Jewel
9. Guy Debord - Critique de la séparation
10. John Cage And Raasaan Roland Kirk - Sound??

John Zorn is an American avant-garde composer, arranger, record producer, saxophonist and multi-instrumentalist.

UbuWeb Top Ten for February 2011
Selected by Ràdio Web MACBA
10 Curators Selected 10 Resources

1. Isidore Isou - Traité de bave et d'éternité
(Selected by Frédéric Acquaviva)
2. John Berger - Ways of Seeing: Commercial Art
(Selected by Chris Cutler)
3. Sten Hanson - That Jackson Is My Favourite Poet
(Selected by Ricardo Duque and Lucrecia Dalt)
4. John MacDonald - Strathspey / The Reel Of Tulloch (Celtic Mouth Music)
(Selected by Mark Fell)
5. James Joyce reading 'Anna Livia Plurabelle'
(Selected by Joe Gilmore)
6. Brenda Hutchinson - Violet Flames
(Selected by Barbara Held)
7. Hermann Nitsch -'Allerheiligensinfonie 1', from 6th Symphony / Allerheiligensinfonie
(Selected by Roc Jiménez de Cisneros)
8. Robert Ashley - Music With Roots In The Aether
(Selected by Jon Leidecker)
9. Gregory Whitehead - we all scream alone
(Selected by Felix Kubin)
10. Paul De Marinis - Eenie Meenie Chillie Beenie
(Selected by Anna Ramos)

Ràdio Web MACBA is a radiophonic project that explores the possibilities of the internet and radio as spaces of synthesis and exhibition. This platform, which began in 2006 as a showcase for the exhibitions and activities of the Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA), has developed into a content-generator for specific projects, focusing on the exploration of sound art, radiophonic art and experimental music.

UbuWeb Top Ten for January 2011
Selected by Paula Scher

1. Stan Vanderbeek - Achoo Mrr, Kerrooschev
2. Merce Cunningham - Points in Space
3. John Berger: Ways of Seeing - Women in Art
4. Peggy Ahwesh - Beirut Outtakes
5. Jean Panlieve - Le Vampire
7. Man Ray - The Bazaar Years
8. Thomas Demand - Tunnel
9. Fat Boy Slim - Weapon of Choice
10. Ant Farm - Media Burn

Paula Scher is a graphic designer and artist. She is a principal of the International design consultancy, Pentagram. She is also known for her large scale map paintings of dense and obsessive information.

UbuWeb Top Ten
December 2010

Selected by Warren Ellis

1. Ketjak: The Ramayana Monkey Chant
2. Orson Welles - The One Man Band (1995)
3. Sun Ra: The Berkeley Lectures, 1971
4. Tuvan Throat Singing
5. John Berger: Ways Of Seeing
6. Samuel Beckett: Film
7. Charlemagne Palestine - Four Manifestations on Six Elements (1974)
8. Delia Derbyshire: Dreams
9. The Ancient Order Flyers
10. Eliane Radigue: Kyema, Intermediate States (1992)

Warren Ellis is an award-winning creator of graphic novels. He blogs here.

Featured Resources:
November 2010

Selected by Peggy Ahwesh

1. Jean Painleve - The Vampire Bat
2. Borbetomagus - Snuff Jazz
3. Kurt Kren - O Tannenbaum
4. Harry Dodge and Stanya Kahn Can't Swallow It, Can't Spit It Out
5. Pier Paolo Pasolini - Seeking Locations in Palestine for the Film "The Gospel According to Matthew" (Sopralluoghi in Palestina per il film "Il Vangelo secondo Matteo")
6. The Signifying Monkey: Two Versions of a Toast)
7. Forough Farrokhzad - The House is Black)
8. Harrell Fletcher - Blot Out the Sun
9. Leslie Thornton - Photography is Easy, Version 2
10. Germaine Dulac - Invitation au Voyage

Peggy Ahwesh is an artist who works in film, audio and installation. A recent retrospective program of her work, "Laugh My Darling", was held at The Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain. More at EAI.

Featured Resources:
October 2010

Selected by Jennifer Higgie

1. Laurie Anderson - Difficult Listening Hour
2. Fred Astaire - Bojangles of Harlem from Swing Time (1936)
3. The Wooster Group - Rhyme 'Em To Death (1993)
4. Abu Ali Mustafa - They Do Not Exist (Laysa lahum wujud) (1974)
5. Mark Leckey - Fiorucci Made Me Hardcore (1999)
6. Sun Ra - Space Is the Place (1974)
7. Alfred Leslie - The Last Clean Shirt (1964)
8. Marie Osmond recited Hugo Ball's "Karawane" (Hugo Ball on Ubu)
9. Samuel Beckett - Film (1965)
10. Peter Greenaway - Four American Composers: Meredith Monk (1983)

Jennifer Higgie is a writer and co-editor of Frieze Magazine.

Featured Resources:
September 2010

Selected by Maira Kalman

1. Speechless 1-8 - Visual & Concrete Poetry Zine
2. Mauricio Kagel - Ludwig Van (1969, complete version)
3. Man Ray - The Bazaar Years [documentary] (1994)
4. Simon Morris - The Royal Road to the Unconscious (2003)
5. Joseph Beuys - Filz TV / Felt TV (1970)
6. Salvador Dalí - Salvador Dalí Speaks (1960) (My favorite of these)
7. Eugene Deslaw - La marche des machines AKA March of the Machines (1929)
8. Merce Cunningham - Points in Space (1986)
9. William Kentridge - Stereoscope (1999)
10. Bertrand Russell ABC of Relativity: Understanding Einstein

Maira Kalman is the co-founder (with Alex Melamid) of the Rubber Band Society. She is an author/illustrator of magazine and newspaper essays (NYTimes, New Yorker) and of childrens' and adult books. A retrospective of her drawings, curated by Ingrid Schaffner at the ICA in Philadelphia, is now making its way around the country. She is represented by the Julie Saul Gallery in NY.

Featured Resources:
August 2010

Selected by Mathieu Copeland

An exhibition of the word(s)

A. Dziga Vertov Group - Letter to Jane
B. Michael Snow - So this is
C. Franck Leibovici - 9+11
D. Karl Holmqvist - Rockland
E. Meredith Monk - As if it came from an oral tradition from Chicago '82: A Dip in the Lake
F. James Lee Byars - Pronounce perfect until it appears, 1979, 0'03" from Happy New Ear
G. Salvador Dali - La Méthode Paranoïaque Critique from Je Suis Fou De Dalí!
H. Gilbert and George - Ten Commandments for Gilbert and George
I. Keren Cytter - Der Spiegel
J. Bob Cobbing - Performing Concrete Poetry [here] and [here]
K. Erica Baum - Body Language [PDF] (Erica Baum on Ubu)
L. Bern Porter - The Last Acts of St. Fuck You [PDF] (Bern Porter on Ubu)

Mathieu Copeland is a curator who seeks to subvert the traditional role of exhibitions and to renew our perceptions. More on