Ubu Web

Ubu Web

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Ubu Web
Rare recording of Alice B. Toklas reading in 1963 (includes her "Recipe for Hashish Fudge"). Wow. [MP3]:
Ubu Web
Recording of Klaus Kinski peforming Brecht in 1959. Banned by Brecht's estate until 2003 [MP3]:
Ubu Web
An in-depth, hour-long interview with Marcel Duchamp from 1963 (French w/English subs, color):
Ubu Web
Everything on Ubu is downloadable. Hard drives are cheap. Grab what you need. Don't trust the cloud.
Ubu Web
Remember, the web won't be this way forever. Don't bookmark. Download. Download. Download.
Ubu Web
"Substitute use for possession." -- John Cage
Ubu Web
"The future will see a swell in publication of Joyceana" @ on James Joyce in the post-copyright era:
Ubu Web
Over 12 hours of conversation with avant-garde filmmakers: Anger, Brakhage, Deren, etc. Rec 1953-73 [MP3]:
Ubu Web
If you need more Charles Bukowski, here's 15 more full-length LPs, tapes, & CDs [MP3]:
Ubu Web
E. E. Cummings: Complete Poems, 1904-1962. 1100 pages. Searchable, clean PDF:
Ubu Web
Charles Bukowski's "Poems & Insults," a live reading at City Lights Poets Theater, SF, 1973 [MP3]:
Ubu Web
Jacques Derrida reads "Circumfession," over 7 hours (2004) [MP3]:
Ubu Web
buenas noches
Ubu Web
More on the Jan 18th blackout:
Ubu Web
UbuWeb will join the Reddit-originated January 18th blackout:
Ubu Web
If passes, you can kiss UbuWeb -- and this Twitter feed -- goodbye:
Ubu Web
{{{ grrrr }}} my UbuWeb tweet from earlier today got accidentally deleted. It's important so I'll RT myself now.
Ubu Web
Salvador Dalí's collected Television Advertisements, Spots, & Appearances (1960s-70s). Truly bizarre:
Ubu Web
[Last theory post, I promise] A gaggle of Jacques Lacan lectures (including Séminaires) 1965-77 [MP3]:
Ubu Web
Jean-Luc Godard's first film, "Opération béton" from 1954 (b&w;, 16'34"):