UbuWeb Sound


Charlemagne Palestine (b. 1945)

Four Manifestations on Six Elements (1974)
Produced by Sonnabend Gallery

1. Two Perfect Fifths, A Major Third Apart, Reinforced Twice

2. Fifths In The Rhythm Three Against Two For Bösendorfer Piano - One

3. Fifths In The Rhythm Three Against Two For Bösendorfer Piano - Two

4. Fifths In The Rhythm Three Against Two For Bösendorfer Piano - Three

5. Sliding Fifths For Piano (1972)

6. Three Perfect Fifths, A Major Second Part, Reinforced Twice

Charlemagne Palestine (born Charles Martin or Chaim Moshe Tzadik Palestine in Brooklyn, New York) is an American minimalist composer, performer, and visual artist.

A composer-performer originally trained to be a cantor, he always performed his own works as soloist. His earliest works were compositions for carillon and electronic drones, and he is perhaps best known for his intensely performed piano works. He also performs as a vocalist: in Karenina he sings in the countertenor register and in other works he sings long tones with gradually shifting vowels and overtones while moving through the performance space or performing repeated actions such as throwing himself onto his hands.

Palestine's performance style is ritualistic: he generally surrounds himself (and his piano) with stuffed animals, smokes large numbers of kretek (Indonesian clove cigarettes), and drinks cognac.

Charlemagne Palestine in UbuWeb Film

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