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Don't Register for Household Charges. RESIST !
This will rise to approximately €800 per year PLUS €500 per for Water Charges!

In other words this is €1,300 after tax. Depending on what tax bracket you are in this could cost up to €2,600 per year out of your salary before tax. There is no guarantee that this figure will not rise even higher. The initial €100 is just to lure people in and get them on the hook by registering.

On the water issue, the government has already setup a private company and it is intended that the entire Dublin water supply and infrastructure will be handed over to them lock, stock and barrel and this private company will then charge for your water. Remember the UN a longtime ago declared water a Universal Right. Over a decade ago the thugs in power at the time in Boliva bowed to IMF pressure to privatise the water but the people of Boliva fought back. Will we?

This tax has in effect been dictated by the financial oligarchy who have effectively taken over everywhere and the details of it are in the governement ECB/IMF Memorandum of Understanding Agreement.

For background to Boliva's water war, see Bolivia's Water War Victory and The Water War in Bolivia

scéalta aibhsithe
national / rights and freedoms Dé Céadaoin Iúil 27, 2011 22:51 byDiarmuid Breatnach
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Maghberry prison

Maghaberry jail is where Irish Republican prisoners in the Six Counties who did not agree with the Good Friday Agreement remained while the Provisions walked out under the terms of the Agreement. Subsequently their numbers have been swelled by others also opposed to the GFA. Although the British and the Northern Ireland Executive's Justice Minister deny they are political prisoners, they call them "Separate" because they are separated from non-political prisoners within the jail. After broken agreements, ongoing harassment and violent and physically intrusive body searches, the prisoners now escalate their protest campaign.

mayo / environment Dé Domhnaigh Iúil 24, 2011 16:38 byj debender
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IRMS illegal use of force, they have no jurisdiction on the public road

Friday 22nd July Shell brought a digger and a port-a-cabin into the existing temporary compound in Aughoose. This is in preparation to start building a permanent compound in Aughoose from which they hope to start digging the tunnel for the pipeline which will connect Ballinaboy refinery to the 70 kms of offshore pipeline. They will come in full force on Monday 25th July, please come up to Mayo and show your support! A mass day of action is planned for Friday 29th July, but come up any time.

image IRMS blocking public road 0.16 Mb image IRMS blocking road 0.11 Mb image IRMS blocking road 0.65 Mb image injury from IRMS 0.18 Mb

national / anti-capitalism Dé Sathairn Iúil 02, 2011 22:14 byArtistKnownasG
Crises of capitalism

It has been said that we live in a business run society which is characterised by business parties masquerading as political parties and a 'political class' that implements policies which more often than not puts the interests of 'big business' ahead of the well being of the general populace. The unprecedented nature of bank bailouts in this country along with continued and debatable payments to bondholders with an apparent absence of serious public consultation let alone a referendum on matters with such wide-ranging and generational consequences seems to lend some credence to this characterisation of modern society.

international / crime and justice Déardaoin Meith 30, 2011 23:34 byindyjourno
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FRU Group Photo

The Force Research Unit (FRU) was a covert military intelligence unit set up by the British Military of Defence sometime between 1979 and 1981. Its motto was ‘Fishers of Men’. Its remit was to recruit and run double agents in the paramilitary groups in the 6 counties. At its peak the FRU had up to 80 officers and about 100 support staff dealing with hundreds of informers. The FRU were in collusion with loyalist paramilitaries during the 1980’s and 90’s that led to the murder of dozens of catholics including high profile solicitor Pat Finucane. Despite having been exposed in British Tribunals and in the press of collusion with loyalist paramilitary gangs, a rebranded FRU has been involved in illegal operations in Iraq and Libya showing that the British establishment not only knew about the collusion but also actively encouraged it and rewarded those of its officers who were engaged in these activities.

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