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offsite link This Week At The Irish Election Literature Blog 07:09 Fri Jan 06, 2012 | irishelectionliterature

offsite link The Wood for the Trees. Another Massive Leap for Progress. Or, More Ignoring of Imperialism. 17:17 Thu Jan 05, 2012 | Garibaldy

offsite link ?We are at war with Eastasia. We?ve always been at war with Eastasia. We will always be at war with ... 17:04 Thu Jan 05, 2012 | WorldbyStorm

offsite link Houses, houses everywhere? 11:17 Thu Jan 05, 2012 | WorldbyStorm

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offsite link NAMA building liberation on Christmas morning in Cork 09:45 Tue Jan 03, 2012


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offsite link 2012 - The Year of Anglo Thu Jan 05, 2012 14:31 | Michael Taft

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offsite link Book Review: Prison Notebooks: Volume II, Antonio Gramsci Wed Jan 04, 2012 14:32 | Ramona Wadi

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offsite link The web's political rainbow Wed Dec 07, 2011 09:47

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Don't Register for Household Charges. RESIST !
This will rise to approximately €800 per year PLUS €500 per for Water Charges!

In other words this is €1,300 after tax. Depending on what tax bracket you are in this could cost up to €2,600 per year out of your salary before tax. There is no guarantee that this figure will not rise even higher. The initial €100 is just to lure people in and get them on the hook by registering.

On the water issue, the government has already setup a private company and it is intended that the entire Dublin water supply and infrastructure will be handed over to them lock, stock and barrel and this private company will then charge for your water. Remember the UN a longtime ago declared water a Universal Right. Over a decade ago the thugs in power at the time in Boliva bowed to IMF pressure to privatise the water but the people of Boliva fought back. Will we?

This tax has in effect been dictated by the financial oligarchy who have effectively taken over everywhere and the details of it are in the governement ECB/IMF Memorandum of Understanding Agreement.

For background to Boliva's water war, see Bolivia's Water War Victory and The Water War in Bolivia

mayo / environment Thursday December 15, 2011 00:50 by C
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Ex-Sgt James Gill

Barrister Leo Mulrooney to ex-Sgt James Gill: “Complete the now well-known phrase 'Give me your name and address or I'll...' “
Ex-Sgt James Gill : “I don't understand the question”
Barrister Leo Mulrooney:“Do you know what I'm referring to when I say those words”
Ex-Sgt James Gill: “No”
Leo Mulrooney: - “'Give me your name and address or ...' “
Judge Margaret Heneghan interrupts: “He said 'No', next question”

And so the lies of Corrib Gardaí continue in court !!!!

Last Friday saw retired Sgt James Gill awarded €33,000 plus legal costs by Judge Margaret Heneghan for a defamation case that he took against prominent Shell to Sea campaigner Pat O'Donnell. Mr Gill claimed that Mr O'Donnell accused him at a protest at Bellanaboy on November 3rd 2006, while other protesters and gardaí were in the area, of stealing diesel and smuggling tyres across the border. Mr O'Donnell denied saying those comments to Gill but the Judge believe the word of Gill and made the award.

James Gill is the Garda Sergeant that made the infamous comment “Give me your name and address or I'll rape you” which was recorded last March 31st (

However James Gill is also the Garda with probably the longest and most involved history of any of the Gardaí that have policed the Corrib Gas Project. He sat on the Shell's Project Monitoring Committee for 5 years, his brother's scaffolding firm AGS was employed by Shell and I have personally witnessed him viciously assault campaigners on a number of occasions. I wish that I didn't feel the need to write this negative article about a Garda who doesn't police for Shell anymore, but that thisman's good name was valued at €33,000 is an absolute disgrace.

What happened in Court

Last Wednesday saw the hearing of the case. In the case Mr Gill claimed that Mr O'Donnell had accused him of being a thief but this was denied by Mr O'Donnell. Mr O'Donnell said that on the morning in question he had engaged in banter with other protesters and had referenced diesel which had been stolen from him previously in 97 or 98. Mr O'Donnell claimed that he had said that it's easier for people to steal diesel because all the Gardaí were up protecting Shell. He also said that he had said that the Gardaí uphold the law one day and break it the next, referring to the fact that the Gardaí were being well-behaved that day as there was politicians present but that other days they would beat up the protestors. Mr O'Donnell denied that any of this was directed at Mr Gill specifically.

In evidence Mr Gill stated that after Mr O'Donnell had made the comments that other protesters began making similar comments and that this has caused him a lot of stress. He felt that his credibility had been undermined, and that the comments would “sully his reputation” and felt it would hurt his children,“if their father was named a thief”. He stated that a gastric ulcer which he had had previously had been exasperated as a result of the comments and that he ended up with symptoms of Post traumatic stress disorder.

Under cross-examination from Mr O'Donnell barrister Leo Mulrooney, Mr Gill stated that this defamation case was not about money, that it was about his reputation. Twice in his cross-examination Mr Mulrooney attempted to introduce element of the infamous 'rape-tape', of which Mr Gill was the main player. First of all Mr Mulrooney attempted to ask Mr Gillif he had ever had discussions with other Gardaí on how to present evidence in court. This was a rather obscure reference to the 'rape-tape', which only someone who had listened to the 'rape-tape' would have seen where it was going. However obviously Judge Heneghan had done her homework, immediately shutting down that line of questioning saying that only relevant matters were to be discussed.

For his second attempt later on, Mr Mulrooney tried a more direct approach asking Mr Gill to complete the well-known phrase 'Give me your name and address or I'll...' “. However Mr Gill feigned ignorance and in a most blatant lie stated that he didn't know what Mr Mulrooney was talking about. Mr Mulrooney then asked if Mr Gill was serious that he didn't know what was being spoken about seeing as it had been front page news for a week and had been raised in the Dáil a number of times. At this Mr Gill's barrister Seamus Ruane jumped to his feet objecting, stating that if Mr Mulrooney was referring to the events of the 31stof March then they had no relevance to the case that was being tried. Mr Mulrooney argued that the subject being spoken about was of absolute relevance in ascertaining Mr Gill's good reputation.

image Gill outside Bellanaboy 0.44 Mb image Gill tangling with protester in June 2009 0.23 Mb image These injuries were caused when James Gill kicked this protestor causing him to fall against barbed wire 0.16 Mb image Garda SL286 John Sweeney who Pat O'Donnell accused of being involved in the breaking 3 of his ribs 0.38 Mb

mayo / environment Tuesday November 29, 2011 12:16 by j debender
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Standing on the Peat truck outside the refinery

Friday 25th November saw over 5 hours of Shell's peat and stone haulage completely blocked by campaigners, and no arrests were made. First thing in the morning four campaigners had trucks blocked for over an hour and a half, and later on one person climbed on top of a peat truck outside Shell's Bellanaboy refinery, remaining there for 3 and a half hours stopping all haulage.

image Early morning truck blockade 0.13 Mb image Quarry trucks all blocked up 0.08 Mb image Afternoon truck-sit 0.34 Mb

mayo / environment Sunday July 24, 2011 16:38 by j debender
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IRMS illegal use of force, they have no jurisdiction on the public road

Friday 22nd July Shell brought a digger and a port-a-cabin into the existing temporary compound in Aughoose. This is in preparation to start building a permanent compound in Aughoose from which they hope to start digging the tunnel for the pipeline which will connect Ballinaboy refinery to the 70 kms of offshore pipeline. They will come in full force on Monday 25th July, please come up to Mayo and show your support! A mass day of action is planned for Friday 29th July, but come up any time.

image IRMS blocking public road 0.16 Mb image IRMS blocking road 0.11 Mb image IRMS blocking road 0.65 Mb image injury from IRMS 0.18 Mb

mayo / environment Saturday May 07, 2011 20:21 by rossport solidarity camp
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Direct Action at Work!

We are taking continuous action to frustrate Shell's work and need your support. Shell's Corrib Gas Project is already decade late and 3 times over budget - impressive for a rural community fighting one of the biggest multinationals in the world! The injustice faced by the community here is symbolic of the corruption and problems faced by people all over Ireland.

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