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Cedar Lounge
For Lefties too Stubborn to Quit

offsite link A poll, a new poll, an interesting new poll? 07:12 Mon Dec 19, 2011 | WorldbyStorm

offsite link Left Archive: ?Liam McMillen, Separatist, Socialist, Republican? ? Official Sinn Féin, 1975 07:07 Mon Dec 19, 2011 | WorldbyStorm

offsite link Sunday Independent Stupid Statement of the Week 11:41 Sun Dec 18, 2011 | Garibaldy

offsite link To the point 18:42 Sat Dec 17, 2011 | Tomboktu

offsite link This weekend I?ll mostly be listening to The Undertones and The Outcasts (but more specifically Teen... 08:21 Sat Dec 17, 2011 | WorldbyStorm

Cedar Lounge >>

Dublin Opinion
It's a group blog. What more do you need to know?


offsite link BARROSO?S DANCING SHOWGIRL 23:03 Sun Dec 18, 2011

offsite link GILMORE ON A STRING 14:56 Sun Dec 18, 2011

offsite link YOU DON?T CUT YOUR LEGS TO MAKE YOURSELF TALLER 09:17 Sat Dec 17, 2011

offsite link THE UNION POST FINALLY SPEAKS THE TRUTH? 22:18 Fri Dec 16, 2011

Dublin Opinion >>

Irish Left Review
Joined up thinking for the Irish Left

offsite link Solidarity March for the Undocumented 17th December 2011 | Migrants Centre Irela... Mon Dec 19, 2011 09:26 | Paula Geraghty

offsite link Downward Labour Spiral Can Be Reversed Sun Dec 18, 2011 23:41 | Cian O'Callaghan

offsite link Culture and the Right Hand of the State: Lessons from Filmbase?s ?Israeli Film D... Sun Dec 18, 2011 22:39 | Raymond Deane

offsite link Let Kate Have The Final Word | Tom and Sally Ann Fitzgerald Fri Dec 16, 2011 21:50 | Donagh

offsite link Reach-Me-Down Romantic | Terry Eagleton Fri Dec 16, 2011 17:16 | Donagh

Irish Left Review >>

A shot at bias in the media

offsite link The web's political rainbow Wed Dec 07, 2011 09:47

offsite link The Forgotten Constituency: The Majority and The Irish Economic Crisis Fri Mar 11, 2011 11:49

offsite link A curse on the zombie establishment Tue Sep 21, 2010 15:11

offsite link 'Officials say', 'officials say', 'according to an official' Tue Jul 27, 2010 17:05

offsite link 'The false reality of news journalism' Fri Jul 02, 2010 13:15

MediaBite >>

international / anti-war / news report Monday December 19, 2011 08:46 by Free Bradley Manning!   text 2 comments (last - monday december 19, 2011 09:04)
Bradley Manning's Military Tribunal Article 32 (pre-military trial hearing) began a Ft. Meade Maryland on Friday Dec 18th.,continued through the weekend and continues into this week. A callout for solidarity action on Bradley' 24th. birthday - Saturday Dec 17th. was answered in 40+ locations throughout the United States and around the world. In London 60 folks gathered in solidarity with Bradley outside the U.S. embassy. read full story / add a comment
national / rights and freedoms / press release Sunday December 18, 2011 19:17 by Saoirse
At its December meeting the Ard Chomhairle of Republican Sinn Féin called on people not to register in January for the 100 Euro property tax. read full story / add a comment
Eamonn McCann
international / rights and freedoms / opinion/analysis Sunday December 18, 2011 04:58 by BrianClarkeNUJ   image 1 image
Eamonn McCann was born in Derry on the small island of Ireland. He was one of the organizers of the Civil Rights Association (NICRA) at the start of the present troubles. McCann's politics are based on class analysis. He personally participated in many of the critical events in Ireland including the Battle of the Bogside in 1969 and Bloody Sunday in 1972. He writes for the Belfast Telegraph and the Derry Journal, and Hot Press magazine. He is a regular political commentator on the BBC, RTÉ and other broadcast media. He is also Trotskyist and a prominent member of the Socialist Workers Party in Ireland. He is Chairperson of his branch of the National Union of Journalists and Vice-Chairperosn of Derry Trades Council. Being a Trotskyist, i'm sure he won't mind a citizen journalist 'lifting' his following article from the Derry Journal. McCann has been a key part of the solidarity between the Irish civil rights movement and the Black civil rights movement in the U.S. read full story / add a comment
international / workers issues / opinion/analysis Saturday December 17, 2011 01:14 by Jolly Red Giant   text 1 comment (last - sunday december 18, 2011 00:40)
Today, at Kazakhstan’s independence day, more than 3000 people assembled peacefully in Zhanaozen, to promote the demands of the oil workers who have been on strike since May. Police and special forces attacked the meeting and opened fire on the strikers and their families. By around 10 a.m., London time, 50 had already been killed, with at least 500 more wounded. read full story / add a comment
leitrim / housing / opinion/analysis Friday December 16, 2011 23:03 by John O'Neill   text 1 comment (last - sunday december 18, 2011 08:23)   video 1 video file
There are over 600 ghost estates in Ireland. This equates to nearly 20.000 properties which are incomplete or empty. read full story / add a comment
Echlin (left) and Fean
galway / arts and media / news report Friday December 16, 2011 14:30 by Western Writers' Centre   image 1 image
Two exciting poets round off Galway's poetry season at the City Museum read full story / add a comment
national / arts and media / news report Thursday December 15, 2011 14:24 by Darcy Dancer   text 3 comments (last - friday december 16, 2011 11:52)   image 1 image
A new image from Hartigans bar on All-Ireland day 1995 has emerged depicting an apparently innocent scene of a trio enjoying a chat. Innocent that is until the lady is identified as none other than Mother Ireland herself and the chat in question was about how much she cost! read full story / add a comment
national / education / news report Thursday December 15, 2011 11:15 by Pól Ó Cionsalígh
One of the most disgusting and sick cuts in the Budget is the cuts to disadvantaged schools :-( Minister for Education Ruairi Quinn has told the principals of disadvantaged Primary schools that the government will press ahead with plans to cut hundreds of teaching posts in their schools. Absolutely appalling! read full story / add a comment
national / bin tax / opinion/analysis Thursday December 15, 2011 10:09 by Pól Ó Cionsalígh   text 4 comments (last - saturday december 17, 2011 11:43)
I fully support Independent TD Thomas Pringle's call on people to support a campaign not to pay this hideous Household Charge (Poll Tax!!!). Mr Pringle says he will not register for the tax, nor will he pay it. Well done Thomas Pringle :-) At last we have we have some principled TDs in An Dáil Éireann who are prepared to suffer personally for their beliefs they know are in Our Country's And People's best interests. read full story / add a comment
Retired Sergeant James Gill arriving to court
mayo / environment / feature Thursday December 15, 2011 00:50 by C   text 15 comments (last - monday december 19, 2011 00:07)   image 6 images
Barrister Leo Mulrooney to ex-Sgt James Gill: “Complete the now well-known phrase 'Give me your name and address or I'll...' “
Ex-Sgt James Gill : “I don't understand the question”
Barrister Leo Mulrooney:“Do you know what I'm referring to when I say those words”
Ex-Sgt James Gill: “No”
Leo Mulrooney: - “'Give me your name and address or ...' “
Judge Margaret Heneghan interrupts: “He said 'No', next question”

And so the lies of Corrib Gardaí continue in court !!!! read full story / add a comment
Marian Price
international / rights and freedoms / news report Wednesday December 14, 2011 20:25 by BrianClarkeNUJ   image 1 image
SDLP MLA Pat Ramsey has challenged Justice Minister at Stormont about the continued internment without trial of Marian Price, highlighting the gross injustice of her political internment by the Queen of England's Secretary of State in British Occupied Ireland. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / news report Wednesday December 14, 2011 12:17 by Veterans for Peace   text 2 comments (last - thursday december 15, 2011 22:20)
Tuesday Dec 14th. Veterans for Peace UK and supporters held a vigil for Bradley Manning at the U.S. Embassy in London. Bradley begins a pre-trial hearing on Friday at Fort Meade, Maryland/USA. Bradley faces charges that could lead to a lifetime in prison. We call for you to join us and others in solidarity with Bradley- Saturday 17th of December, 1400hrs at the U.S. Embassy. Please join us or initiate solidarity actions in your locale. read full story / add a comment
international / rights and freedoms / opinion/analysis Tuesday December 13, 2011 21:37 by Pól Ó Cionsalígh   text 1 comment (last - monday december 19, 2011 04:14)
As an Activist Campaigning And Protesting Against Injustice Everywhere I'm thrilled to find myself joined by people all over the country and the world in a new movement--the Occupy Movement -- with a common message that we must focus our resources on jobs, health care, education and other vital human needs rather than war and corporate greed. read full story / add a comment
kildare / education / opinion/analysis Tuesday December 13, 2011 20:19 by skippy
Offered a place on a postgrad course unable to continue due to budget 2012. no job no hope and no independant money to do the masters. Also I have family dependants, so it really feels like a sentence in regards to my future or rather the undermining of career to be financially independent, alas its not going to happen. read full story / add a comment
international / rights and freedoms / news report Tuesday December 13, 2011 18:25 by Pól Ó Cionsalígh
I stand in full solidarity with the brave participants of Occupy Los Angeles and I support the immediate release of all protesters.   As of this writing, close to 300 people have been held on up to $5000 bail for simply practicing their first amendment rights of assembly and freedom of speech. This is unacceptable. All protestors should be freed. read full story / add a comment
international / miscellaneous / press release Tuesday December 13, 2011 16:08 by John Dennehy
Zartis, the new social recruitment software service, today announced that Bill Liao, previously co-founder of German social network, Xing, will join its Board of Directors. Liao will be joined on the Board by Irish entrepreneur, Jonathan Grey. SOS Ventures, the venture capital and investment firm managed by new Dragon, Sean O’Sullivan, AIB Seed Capital Fund and Jonathan Grey have also invested in AssemblyPoint Limited, the holding company which owns Zartis. read full story / add a comment
Unfurling the banner outside Aghoos compound
mayo / environment / news report Tuesday December 13, 2011 16:05 by Campers at   text 2 comments (last - friday december 16, 2011 13:32)   image 5 images
The Shell to Sea campaign is still running strong 11 years after the inception of the Corrib gas project. Everyday people are becoming aware of the people's struggle against Shell, but still more are needed to come and see for themselves and save our country from the global corporate takeover. read full story / add a comment
national / workers issues / news report Tuesday December 13, 2011 15:49 by Pól Ó Cionsalígh   text 2 comments (last - thursday december 15, 2011 21:09)
The rate of job destruction has accelerated in the quarter July to September 2011. On a seasonally adjusted basis, employment fell by 20,500 (-1.1%) in the quarter. This follows on from a seasonally adjusted fall in employment of 4,100 (-0.2%) in Q2 2011. This means that 20,500 more jobs were destroyed than were created in the quarter.  Minister Bruton's "Job Creation" measures had already been introduced in June. The continuation of the FF/Green austerity programme by Lab/FG destroyed far more jobs than were created(if any) by the Bruton measures. read full story / add a comment
national / anti-war / news report Tuesday December 13, 2011 12:31 by Karina   text 2 comments (last - sunday december 18, 2011 16:40)
Michael D's facade as a progressive is quickly fading away after he got where he wanted to be. After honouring those soldiers fighting for the Union Jack hand in hand with that bigot Kevin Myers, now he salutes Irish Troops part of UNIFIL, the UN occupying force in Southern Lebanon. read full story / add a comment
national / anti-capitalism / opinion/analysis Tuesday December 13, 2011 01:09 by Diarmuid Breatnach   text 1 comment (last - wednesday december 14, 2011 19:59)   image 1 image
The Spectacle of Hope of Hope and Defiance on December 10th was visually and audibly wonderful but the exclusion of political parties was ultimately in the interests only of the social democrats, who sponsored the event. read full story / add a comment
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