Monday, October 23, 2006

Relatives of the Political Prisoners in Ankara

While the attacks, torture and arbitrary practices against the revolutionary prisoners are intensifying, the actions and activities of the Union of the Relatives of Prisoners (TUYAB) against isolation are continuing. TUYAB protested the isolation policy in the prisons by a manifestation on 15 October in Taksim/Istanbul.

Opening a banner with the slogan "End with the isolation in Guantanamo and in the F-Types" and wearing orange t-shirts with the slogan "No to the discipline penalties!", the relatives announced that they would continue with their struggle against repression and special treatment policy in the prisons.

The last process in the F-Type Prison of Tekirdað, No: 2 and Sincan Women's Prison was also protested at the demonstration. The revolutionaries who were imprisoned in September were tortured and were given penalties of prohibition of receiving letters and visitors, for having refused to be searched without their clothes when they were transferred to Tekirdag prison.

The female prisoners in Sincan prison were exposed to sexual violence and abuse. The protestors shouted the slogans "Revolutionary prisoners will not surrender!", "Revolutionary prisoners are our honour!", "End with the torture of isolation in the F-Types!".

The same night, the relatives departed to Ankara in order to carry the topic of isolation to the agenda of the Congress. The families who met with some deputies and democratic organizations drew attention to the isolation and violation of the rights in the F-Type prisons.

The relatives affiliated to TUYAB protested the isolation policy and gave information about their meetings with the deputies and the democratic organizations, by organizing a press-declaration in the Yuksel Street in Ankara on 19 October.

In the action, the relatives, who opened a banner with the slogan "No to the discipline penalties!", informed that they had demanded in the meetings that the violation of the rights in the prisons should end and cells for 12 people should be opened.On the other hand, a group of intellectuals and artists went to Ankara on 19 September in order to demand that the isolation policy should end.

They opened a banner with the slogan "We are all isolated, end with the isolation policy!" and they marched to the building of the Ministry of Justice. They stated that Lawyer Behic Asci was still on death fast and they declared that they will continue their struggle until that the isolation policy ends

Source: MLKP
Until All Are Free - We Are All Imprisoned!
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