Thursday, October 13, 2011

Cuba's Statement on release of René González


National Assembly of People's Power
Commission on International Relations

Last October 7th, the Cuban antiterrorist fighter
René González Sehweret was released from the
Marianna prison, in north Florida, the United
States, after 13 long years of unjust imprisonment.

Since they were incarcerated in 1998, René
González Sehwerert and his comrades Gerardo
Hernández Nordelo, Ramón Labañino Salazar,
Antonio Guerrero Rodríguez, and Fernando González
Llort have suffered cruel and degrading
imprisonment conditions and all sorts of
pressures and abuse, including separation from
their families. However, all the hatred of which
they have been victim could not break their
convictions, and they have always maintained an
exemplary conduct as prisoners, with particular
stoicism and admirable determination.

Such honorable and brave attitude of our five
comrades, by not relinquishing their principles
under any circumstance, along with the
motivations of political revenge characterizing
the judicial processes through which the Cuban
Five were sentenced, have led Judge Joan Lenard
to impose a new and unjustified punishment on
René, by rejecting a motion, last September 16th,
for him to return to Cuba, to the bosom of his
family and to his people, after being released.

The judge's decision, which reiterates the
special and additional condition that prohibits
him, after his release, from associating with or
visiting specific places where individuals or
groups such as terrorists' are known to frequent,
included in his sentence at the express request
of the Government, is the irrefutable proof that
anti-Cuba terrorists continue to enjoy total
impunity and the support of US authorities.

For more than 50 years, successive US
administrations have protected terrorism against
Cuba and given safe haven to terrorist
individuals and organizations in their own
territory. There live peacefully those
responsible for so many deaths and suffering,
with prioritized access to the mass media and
total impunity to organize and promote terrorism
against our country. The sole recognition of this
reality by the Judge and the US Government
reaffirms the State of Need that led to
infiltrate terrorist groups, and proves that the
severe sentences of the Cuban Five have been
aimed at protecting actual terrorists who, like
Luis Posada Carriles, live peacefully in Florida.

Unquestionably, the US Government knows very well
that René’s living in US territory constitutes a
serious threat to his life and physical
integrity. The US authorities will be responsible
for what may happen.

The case of the Cuban Five is ever more known in
the world. Thousands of men and women from all
over the world and all social strata have joined
our struggle for their release, including
numerous parliamentarians and legislative bodies.
On behalf of the Cuban Five and their families,
who are also victim of such injustice, we thank
all of them for their support in trying to achieve
their release.

However, the road has been, and continues to be
difficult, due to the opposition of the revenge,
hatred, and obsession that has always prevailed
in the United States towards Cuba, because they
have not been able to crush the spirit of our
people. The strong censorship of this case in the
mass media, which only in rare occasions have
referred to this injustice, has been also an obstacle.

We truly believe that solidarity can make
everything possible, and that just causes are
destined to prevail over lies and injustice.
Therefore, we call upon all parliaments and their
members, upon all political and social forces and
groups committed to the truth and justice, upon
all honorable men and women of this planet, to
exert all their influence for President Obama to
do what he has to do: to allow the immediate
return of René to the bosom of his family, and to
release his four comrades in struggle and captivity.

Let us all make justice possible.

Commission on International Relations
National Assembly of People's Power

Havana, 11 October 2011