Notes from the WRI office

From the Office / WRI Event

10 Sep 2010

2 October 2010, 19.00pm

Housmans Bookshop
5 Caledonian Road
London N1 9DX

10 Sep 2010

The Inland Revenue is threatening War Resisters' International, an international network of pacifist and antimilitarist organisations with more than 80 affiliates in more than 40 countries, with the seizure of assets because the pacifist organisation is withholding a proportion of income tax due to its conscientious objection to paying for war.

War Resisters' International has been withholding tax - usually about 7% of income tax, roughly the proportion of the military budget - since the tax year 2002/03 [1]. In its regular letters to the Inland Revenue, the organisation states:

06 Sep 2010

Opening speech by Arundhati Roy at the WRI conference on the 22 of January 2010 in Gujarat Vidyapith, Ahmedabad, India

The Right to Refuse to Kill

25 Aug 2010

‘Haga que pase’: Make it happen! The short documentary 'Mi FinK' shows the process of community organization and resistance. This participatory action arose in the face of vulnerability to losing the land: one of the few things that keep the community united and free. Since the abolition of slavery in Colombia, the land has sustained the food supply and the economy of the Afrodescendant people of Villa Rica. Today the sugar companies dominate the area, planting sugar cane as a monoculture, thereby forcing out the traditional small farms of the region.

17 Aug 2010

Report on a visit to Colombia in May/June 2010

Andreas Speck, War Resisters' International's Right to Refuse to Kill programme worker1, visited Colombia from 19 May until 12 June 2010. During his visit, he spoke at two conferences on conscientious objection, and visited groups and individuals working on CO in Bogota, Sincelejo, Medellin, Cali, Villa Rica, and Barrancabermeja.

05 Aug 2010

During its 99th session, the Human Rights Committee also considered the periodic report of Colombia. On the issue of conscientious objection, the Colombian delegation was requested to provide more particulars on conscientious objectors and what protections were in place for them until the law concerning this matter was adopted. The Committee referred to the ruling of the Constitutional Court, had handed down nine months ago, but there was still no written ruling.

05 Aug 2010

During its 99th session, the Human Rights Committee also examined the periodic report of Israel. Again, also the issue of conscientious objection came up. The Israeli delegation said that in the matter of conscientious objections, it did not have the statistics available at hand on the number of cases approved. The burden of proof was on the objector, but it was difficult to say what the burden of proof was because it was hard to determine what was in a person’s heart and mind and whether they were lying.


14 Sep 2010

Un grupo de pacifistas hemos desarrollado en la mañana de hoy domingo 12/09/2010 un acto de protesta en la misma playa de la Victoria (Cádiz) donde tenían lugar los actos del III Festival Aéreo (Militar) de Cádiz.

Frente al ruido espantoso de los aviones de guerra (Eurofighter, Harrier, etc.) los antimilitaristas y noviolentos, sin el más mínimo incidente, hemos desplegado y paseado por toda la playa una gran pancarta donde podía leerse: «Estos aviones han sido fabricados para la guerra».

03 Sep 2010
De la corrección de vallas publicitarias al tartazo pasando por el fake y el camuflaje

¿Acaso la mejor subversión no es la de alterar los código en vez de destruirlos?
Roland Barthes

03 Sep 2010

kembali ke daftar isi

Pusat Mediasi Walisongo bukan hanya sebuah lembaga yang bergerak dalam bidang penelitian tentang konflik, pelatihan, dan pengajaran tentang resolusi konflik, tetapi juga merupakan sebuah lembaga yang mengupayakan penyelesaian segala macam bentuk konflik secara damai. Ke­munculan lembaga ini merupakan respon terhadap khususnya situasi yang menyertai ambruknya rezim otoriter Orde Baru dan munculnya rezim yang menyebut dirinya reformasi. Rezim Orde Baru yang berwatak militeristik lebih mengedepankan pendekatan keamanan dalam setiap proses pembangunan. Konsekuensi dari pendekatan ini sering terdapatnya sejumlah pemaksaan yang disertai dengan tindakan-tindakan kekerasan. Demokrasi tidak berjalan. Rakyat menjadi objek daripada subjek pembangunan.

27 Aug 2010
Los procesos y técnicas que podéis encontrar a continuación prueban que también en grupos numerosos de hasta cientos y miles de personas es posible funcionar y tomar decisiones de forma democrática, horizontal y participativa, sin delegaciones, jerarquías ni votaciones. Estas técnicas están avaladas por la experiencia de diferentes movimientos sociales de base en los últimos 30 años, principalmente en la organización de acciones de desobediencia civil masiva.
25 Aug 2010

Welcome to the August issue of our newsletter. Which is a bit late because of festivities interruptions.

I would like to congratulate the EDO Decommissioners for their court victory. They show how at times taking bigger risks with our actions can bring important victories to our struggles. This risk though must be well planned if not it can backfire. I would like to thank Smash EDO for contributing to this issue.

25 Aug 2010

That Dark and Stormy Night

On January 17th 2009 six people broke into EDO MBM/ITT in Brighton and caused £189,000 worth of damage to computers, servers, lathes and other equipment. The activists, calling themselves the ‘decommissioners’, took their action in response to the Israeli assault on Gaza which had claimed 1,400 lives by the 17th. EDO MBM/ITT manufactures the arming unit for the Israeli F16 bombrack.

Court in the Act

25 Aug 2010

Wendela de Vries

After years of lobbying by NGO's, the United Nations decided to start negotiations for a global Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). The objective of this treaty is to create a legal mechanism to prevent 'unethical' arms trade. Arms should not be exported when there is a serious risk that they might be used in human rights violations, in war crimes, organised crime or terrorism. They should also not be sold to unstable regions, poor countries or corrupt regimes. Reading this, one cannot conclude anything else than that that this treaty is meant to end all arms trade. However, as is well known, international treaties should not be taken too seriously, especially not when they aim at soft goals like respect for peace and human rights. In the first place, clever diplomatic phrasing will leave lots of useful loopholes for a treaty not to be effective. In the second place, if a state does not is not live up to the treaty, there will be no consequenses. Unless, of course, it is a paria state already.

24 Aug 2010

This is a new campaign planned to start in autumn (north hemisphere) 2010. Organised by several German peace and human rights organisations, among them: the Armaments Information Office and the German Peace Society (DFG-VK) who is a member of WRI.

The German foreign and economic policy must be an authentic and credible policy of peace based on humanitarian values. This can only be achieved by respecting the dignity and life of all human beings – even or just the one of innocent and

24 Aug 2010

Formerly known as British Aerospace, BAE Systems has grown into one of the world’s largest aviation and weapons companies, with major operations not only in the United Kingdom but also in Australia, South Africa, Sweden, Saudi Arabia and the United States, where it is now one of the Pentagon’s largest contractors. BAE is one of the top producers of armored combat vehicles such as the Bradley Fighting Vehicle (widely used by the U.S.

12 Aug 2010

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  • A.F.R.I.K.A. Gruppe, Manual de Guerrilla de la Comunicación, Virus editorial, 2000
  • AGIRRE, Xabier, AJANGIZ, Rafael; IBARRA, Pedro, SÁINZ DE ROZAS, Rafel: La insumisión: un singular ciclo de desobediencia civil, Tecnos, Madrid, 1998.
  • ARENDT, Hannah: Desobediencia civil, en Crisis de la República, Taurus, Madrid, 1973, págs. 67-108.
  • ARIAS, Gonzalo: Proyecto político de la Noviolencia. Nueva Utopía, Madrid, 1995.
  • ARIAS, Gonzalo: El Ejército incruento del Mañana, Nueva Utopía, Madrid, 1995.
12 Aug 2010

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