Aus dem WRI-Büro

Aus dem Büro / WRI-Veranstaltungen

14 Jun 2010

Nosotras y nosotros, antimilitaristas, objetores y objetoras de Conciencia, activistas de una Cultura de Paz provenientes de Chile, Bolivia, Argentina, Ecuador, Venezuela, Colombia, Turquía, Israel, España, Inglaterra y Paraguay reunidas(os) en la Ciudad de Asunción dado que:

La aprobación de la Ley del Servicio Civil Obligatorio representa un grave retroceso y vulnera los derechos de las y los objetores de conciencia de Paraguay.

31 Mai 2010

War Resisters' International - an international pacifist network with more than 80 affiliates in more than 40 countries - condemns the murderous Israeli attack on the Freedom Flotilla to Gaza and calls for an immediate lifting of the blockade on Gaza.

The Israeli state has been responsible for many outrages in its history, especially against the population of Gaza. To put it at its mildest, as reported last week by the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation, after a thousand days of the Israeli blockade, 61 per cent of the households of Gaza are “food insecure”.

27 Mai 2010

ZLHR Press Release – 26 May: Two Gays and Lesbians of Zimbabwe (GALZ) employees on Wednesday 26 May 2010 alleged that police severely tortured them in their holding cells.

David Hofisi and Dzimbabwe Chimbga, the lawyers representing the two employees Ellen Chademana and Ignatius Mhambi told Harare Magistrate Munamato Mutevedzi that their clients were tortured during their
detention in police cells and asked for an investigation into the alleged torture.

27 Mai 2010

Subsequent to the arrest of Ellen Chademana and Ignatius Muhambi, employees of the WRI's affiliate Gays and Lesbians of Zimbabwe (GALZ) on charges of “possessing dangerous drugs and pornographic material” on the 21st May 2010, the police have gone further to search the house of Chesterfield Samba, former WRI Council member and the Director of GALZ. The raid took place this morning (26 May 2010) at 0600hrs.

26 Mai 2010

Am Montag, 24. Mai 2010 stellte die Polizei Strafanzeigen gegen zwei Angestellte der WRI-Mitgliedsgruppe Gays and Lesbians of Zimbabwe (GALZ), die in der vergangenen Woche verhaftet wurden, nachdem die die Polizei ihre Büros in der Hauptstadt durchsucht hatte.

Am Montag beschuldigte die Polizei Ellen Chademana, die im Januar an der WRI-Konferenz in Indien teilgenommen hatte, und Ignatius Muhambi des Verstoßes gegen Abs. 33 des Kriminalgesetzes wegen angeblicher Unterminierung der Autorität von Präsident Robert Mugabe.

Das Recht, das Töten zu verweigern

11 Jun 2010

Conscientious objector Aydemir was relaeased upon an "incapability report". His lawyer criticized that the legislation lacks provisions on conscientious objection. Turkey is one of three countries of the European Council that does not recognize the right to conscientious objection.

Istanbul - BİA News Center
11 June 2010, Friday

12 Mai 2010

A las once y media de la mañana de hoy miércoles 12 de mayo, una docena de personas accedieron al lugar donde se celebra la Feria Juvenil de Empleo “Educ@emplea”, que como cada año tiene lugar en el recinto de la Institución Ferial Alicantina (IFA) de Torrellano. Ante la atónita mirada de los miles de jóvenes y profesores presentes, y ataviados con batas blancas y mascarillas, procedieron a rodear el stand en el que el ejército español se hace a sí mismo propaganda y se ofrece como siniestra salida laboral para jóvenes que terminan sus estudios.

11 Mai 2010

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19 Jun 2010

Death awardDeath award Ce mercredi 16 juin 2010, une douzaine d'inspecteurs citoyen/ne/s du collectif « Non au missile M51 » se sont rendu/e/s chez Nexter Electronics (GIAT Industries) à Toulouse pour accompagner la mort venue décerner à cette entreprise exemplaire le prix spécial « Eurosatory ».

09 Jun 2010

Para comprender lo que acontece en el siglo XXI en el sur de Chile, en lo referido a las contradicciones, conflictos, relación con los pueblos originarios, particularidades e intereses, es necesario remontarse a una historia teñida de sangre.

09 Jun 2010

Martin Broek and Wendela de Vries

In the attack on the relief boats last week Israeli special forces (Unit 13 - Shayetet 13) used European and American military material. The special forces were brought to the open sea (international waters) by a Sa'ar V corvette named Lahav.The Sa'ar V is fitted with mostly US and Israeli weapon systems, but according to Jane's Fighting Ships it has a Italian OTO Melara 76mm gun, which is interchangeable with a Swedish Bofors 57 mm canon. Other Weapon systems on the Sa'ar V are surface surface missiles (SSM) of McDonnell Douglas and Barak surface air missiles (SAM) of Israeli Industries. It has US made Honeywell torpedoes. Command system and weapon control Elbit and ElOp respectively, both Israeli companies. Beside the Lahav two other corvettes have been deployed, as well as Zodiacs and attack crafts.

08 Jun 2010

From this weekend's edition of "NONVIOLENT NEWS", produced by INNATE (Irish Network for Nonviolent Action Training and Education) in Belfast...

Despite two men being found guilty of minor miscellaneous charges, there was another great victory for Derry Raytheon protesters and for opposition to the arms trade when all nine women charged were acquitted by a jury at Belfast Crown Court on 4th June after a trial spread out over 3 weeks.

24 Mai 2010

Les Profiteurs de guerre et les Marchands d'armes festoient à l'Hôtel National des Invalides

Rassemblement aux abords des Invalides à Paris !

15 juin 2010, 18h.

Du 14 juin au 18 juin 2010, aura lieu EUROSATORY, la semaine internationale de la défense, terrestre, aéroterrestre et sécurité, salon officiel du commerce des armes qui se tient tous les deux ans au parc des expositions de Paris-Nord à Villepinte (93, France), avec pour slogan « Préparer la défense du futur ».

20 Mai 2010

An evening full of inspiring actions and new ideas

May 28 in Amsterdam / May 28 live on internet

Venue of meeting Lombokstraat 40 Amsterdam

Venue and chatroom open 19.30 h.-22.00 h.

Read the article 'Mouse against the elephant; campaigning against arms trade' (
