Books and reports

12 Aug 2010

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27 Jul 2010

El cambio social no sucede solo, este es el resultado del trabajo de gente comprometida luchando por un mundo de justicia y paz. Este trabajo se gesta en grupos o celulas de activistas, en discusiones, en sesiones de entrenamientos, en la reflexion de experiencias previas, en la planificación, en la experiencia y aprendizaje con otros. El prepararnos para nuestro trabajo por la justicia social es vital para su éxito.

Este manual compartelo que gente ya ha desarrollado a partir de contextos diferentes.

06 May 2010

Por Jesús Castañar Pérez

Extracto del prólogo

Faltaba un texto breve, actualizado y sintético que, además de no desdeñar la reflexión crítica, lograra sortear el riesgo del anacronismo mientras recuperaba la genealogía del pensamiento sobre la acción noviolenta. Ésas son las virtudes principales de este libro de Jesús Castañar. El autor se sitúa en el centro de los debates que más han preocupado a los partidarios de la noviolencia, para centrarse después en desmenuzar la historia de sus principales corrientes, sin obviar tampoco un repaso previo de la historia de las ideas políticas que hicieron nacer los primeros planteamientos referidos a la desobediencia civil y a lucha noviolenta.

26 Mar 2010

Feminism and Nonviolence Study Group

Original pamphlet with 21 pictures available from WRI webshopOriginal pamphlet with 21 pictures available from WRI webshop

Written by the Feminism and Nonviolence Study Group in 1983, and published by them in cooperation with War Resisters' International, the text of Piecing It Together: Feminism and Nonviolence is online here with the permission of the members of the Feminism and Nonviolence Study Group.

01 Mar 2010

Housmans Bookshop, 7pm

Women Conscientious Objectors - An AnthologyWomen Conscientious Objectors - An AnthologyOn 23 April, War Resisters' International will launch its new publication "Women and Conscientious Objection" at Housmans Bookshop in London. The editors and some of the contributors will be present.

26 Jan 2009

Social change doesn't just happen. It's the result of the work of committed people striving for a world of justice and peace. This work gestates in groups or cells of activists, in discussions, in training sessions, in reflecting on previous experiences, in planning, in experimenting and in learning from others. Preparing ourselves for our work for social justice is key to its success.

06 Nov 2008

WRI's Handbook for Nonviolent Campaigns: Table of Content.

22 Oct 2008
RRtK update 2008RRtK update 2008
NOTE: This is the preface to a full 60-page report, issued by Tobias Pflüger MEP in cooperation with WRI, which is available here in PDF (main text in English only; 4.5Mb).
01 Jan 2007

Colombia has one of the oldest internal armed conflicts in Latin America. This conflict involves on one hand the various armed actors such as the guerrilla groups ELN (National Liberation Army) and FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia), the paramilitaries, and the State's armed forces and other security corps. On the other hand, we find unarmed power actors implicated in the war, such as the political and economic elite, transnational companies, and the mass media as it is controlled by the national economic empire, which openly supports the military and aggressive stance of the current government.