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  1. The antidote to Amy Pond-lust seems to be to watch #DrWho Confidential - where Karen Gillan comes across as a bit shallow and uninteresting.
  2. Blimey. #drwho just took a turn to the raunchy!
  3. @justindhunter No idea about other people really. I know I have four accounts that I want to use simultaneously.
  4. @davecampbell Surprised it's that many tbh. Supported on 100% of the phones I use though :-)
  5. Official Twitter all for Android is nice, but only single account :-(
  6. Checking out the odds for the Battersea election - Bookies have @laylamoran on same odds as independents :-(
  7. Battersea candidate @salmon4batterc seems to have another blog at Interested parties might find it interesting.
  8. I should really fill in my postal vote I suppose.
  9. Happy to report that @martinlinton has replied to the TWFY survey - //
  10. #ff Battersea General Election candidates - @martinlinton @laylamoran @salmon4batterc @battersea4brit
  11. "Conservative candidates refuse to answer questions about their views" Are they hiding something?
  12. I think that from now I won't reply to email from people who don't know the difference between "your" and "you're". "Hope your well"!
  13. @balhampeople If you blag your way into the election night count please let me know how you do it :)
  14. Realised last night (whilst talking to @smithylad) that last Saturday was my 15th anniversary of becoming a freelancer.
  15. @martinlinton I need a new Oystercard wallet. Where do I get one of yours?
  16. Interesting point. RT @charlesarthur: The most interesting thing about the social media election? Nobody's mentioned MySpace or Bebo.
  17. @DrDickyD Slight correction. Only @laylamoran is engaging with voters _digitally_. My presentation says nothing about other methods.
  18. @balhampeople I thought so. People laughed at the jokes - which is always a good sign :-)
  19. My talk on "Battersea Election Candidates on the Internet" @martinlinton @laylamoran @salmon4batterc @battersea4brit
  20. I made an Amazon author page -