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  1. Ok, wish me luck. The future of this country relies upon me getting those two fucking blank tiles
  2. For those not in the loop, Cleggy fucking loves a game of Scrabble, and the word on the street is Dave is shit at it
  3. Off round to the Clegg house for some paella and a game of Scrabble
  4. @james_monk Seriously pal, you've got less intelligence than an especially stupid tree trunk
  5. RT @james_monk: Fuck me, you use the N word once and you are a member of the KKK. <-- I'd have said BNP myself. Fuckwit
  6. RT @EricPickles: Sorry no tweets since Friday, normal service will be resumed later <-- no rush pal
  7. RT @james_monk: Didier drogba, you pathetic little nigger! <-- you're a charming little CUNT, aren't you?
  8. @Twittlejohn You're like a fucking herpes sore, but more annoying and shitter at journalism
  9. RT @Twittlejohn: punters down my local always telling me I should be PM! <-- there's a bar at the mental hospital now?
  10. RT @Twittlejohn: @MTuckerNo10 Though I don't consider McDonalds food <-- As if there's anythig you don't consider food!
  11. RT @Twittlejohn: @MTuckerNo10 ...don't tell me, McDonalds said 'no'? <--- can you go 5 mins without thinking about food?
  12. RT @Twittlejohn: I love Britain's Got Talent. <--- must be nice for you to see people who have what you don't. Talent
  13. Ok troops, the line is 'The PM is the only one who can lead. Dave & Nick are like two schoolboys swapping football stickers'
  14. RT @_BrownEyedGirl: next saturday night im doing a MARATHON in a BRA for breast cancer!
  15. @_BrownEyedGirl Dont forget the pictures, eh?
  16. The Chinese menu is your specialist subject. RT @Twittlejohn: Closest you'll get to No. 10 now is ordering spare ribs off the Chinese menu
  17. @Twittlejohn Don't you need to get on a light aircraft with Nigel Farage, you enormous bucket of hydrogenated fat?
  18. More 'Shit Campaign Tips' to come once I get hooked up to my IV drip of pure taurine.
  19. Shit Campaign Tip: Don't turn up to student hustings in constituency with large student population. Fucks sake @LucyMPowell
  20. Jesus, stop fucking blinking Milliband. It looks like you're having an epileptic fit, and you're going to give me one