Showing newest posts with label _RELIGION. Show older posts
Showing newest posts with label _RELIGION. Show older posts

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

The Curio - Meditating KOMUSO monks in Tokyo (early 20th Century)

Meditating KOMUSO monks 虚無僧 こむそう; who are members of a Fuke 普化禪 sect of ZEN of Buddhism which all but died out in 1871 but still has a handful of modern followers.

You may have seen them in Japanese movies or in some Japanese festivals wearing their characteristic straw basket head wear (a sedge or reed hood named a tengai) and playing the shakuhachi 尺八 (しゃくはち (a type of Japanese bamboo flute)

The Komuso monks go from from house to house begging for alms in exchange for a “blessing” to rid the house of (or protect it from) evil.

Following the Meiji restoration, the new government of Japan banned the practice of Fuke Zen and playing the shakuhachi for religious reasons because in practice many spies, informers, samurai, ninja, thieves and gangsters disguised themselves as Komuso monks to avoid detection or cause trouble.


Friday, 8 October 2010

The Shot - Washed in the true Water

An anguished little baby is baptised this week during a mass baptism ceremony in Tbilisi. About 680 baptized by the Georgian Orthodox church during the 13th mass baptism ceremony at the country's main Holy Trinity cathedral.

Thursday, 9 September 2010

The Toon - I'm Hic Hic gonna live Hic Hic forever!

The Toon - More Moronic Manufactured Masonite Mosque Madness

Surely, even the most brain-addled of brain-addled hicks now know Moslems had f*ck all to do with the 9/11 Black Flag Ops in NYC and DC! Erm ... most of 'em do ... hence this '9/11 Site ' "Mosque" diversionary bullshit!

Let's take a few steps back though .... back to the 'true story' forced down the throats of the masses;

So let me get this straight! ... Two pieces of aluminium tubing ploughed right through multiple pillars of specially reinforced steel (that was much thicker than that of the strongest tank!) holding the incredibly strong Towers 1 & 2 in place??

Like two knives through butter, in fact?

Not only that, these two tubes then mysteriously, some time later, caused three massive towers (not just Towers 1 & 2, but bizarrely ... Towers 1 & 2 & SEVEN!) in literally one instant to explode into microscopic dust particles?? (yap, that's microscopic dust particles!)

Yeah, that sure makes a hella lot of sense! ... Yessirreee Bob!!

Erm, if you've got an IQ that's above simian (or Palin), talking about aluminium planes cutting through, let alone bringing down, the towers is way beyond ridiculously insane! So, since I'm not too ridiculously insane, I'm bypassing that bullshit!

Therefore, putting to one side the relatively conventional source of the initial 'Hollywood' style explosions inside Towers 1 & 2 (before the sub-Hollywood crappy 'special effects' were added and puked out on the mason-controlled media outlets), I wonder what piece of weaponry could possibly cause that later level of instant catastrophic devastation to Towers 1 & 2 & SEVEN - which caused them, in literally one instant, to explode into microscopic dust particles!?

And I wonder too why such weapons were already (for decades in fact) there in place in Towers 1 & 2 & SEVEN?

And too, who ordered them be used and, in doing so, immediately kill the thousands of innocents who were in the three towers - and later many thousands who came close to the "Ground Zero" (erm, that term's a real giveaway for a start!) site, from severe radiation and other chronic medical after-effects?

... And why??!

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

The Art - Jezabel and Ahab meeting Elijah

by Francis Dicksee (1853-1928)

After the Bible's Harlot Queen Jezebel - wicked worshipper of Baal (a Phoenician false god) and wife of a passive impotent king called Ahab - had many Jewish prophets killed in in 9th century B.C. Phoenicia, the prophet of Jehovah, Elijah, challenged 450 prophets of Baal to a competition (1 Kings 18), exposed the rival so-called 'god' as powerless and went on to have prophets of Baal slaughtered (1 Kings 18:40), thereby incurring Jezebel's furious enmity.

Elijah eventually has the satanic harlot despatched. She was thrown from her window and her corpse left in the street to be trampled upon by horses and eaten by some grateful dogs. Only the Harlot's skull, feet, and hands remained.

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

The Art - Tang Dynasty Portrait of Confucius

A Tang Dynasty portrait of Confucius by Wu Daozi.

The picure portrays Confucius in Hanfu (Han Chinese clothing) of the Spring and Autumn Period of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty.

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

The Art - The death of Jezebel by Gustav Dore

You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess. By her teaching she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols. I have given her time to repent of her immorality, but she is unwilling.

-Revelation 2:20-21

In the Good Book, the idolatress Jezebel was the Harlot Queen. The name Jezebel actually means "The Lord (i.e. Baal / Satan) exists."

The wife of a passive impotent king called Ahab, the idolatress Jezebel was a powerful and wicked queen (and the real ruler) in 9th century B.C. Phoenicia. She was a witch and false prophetess who not only worshipped the false god Baal but allowed temples of Baal to operate in Israel and gave that false satanic creed royal patronage.  

Baal (Satan) was the "king of heaven" (sic) - the god of prosperity, sex and harvests - worshipped in the Syro-Phoenician world. Basically, the god most folk (not just crazy freemasons and other satanic / occultist sects) in reality worship in these dark times.

After Jezebel had many Jewish prophets killed, the prophet of Jehovah, Elijah challenged 450 prophets of Baal to a competition (1 Kings 18), exposed the rival god as powerless and went on to have prophets of Baal slaughtered (1 Kings 18:40), thereby incurring Jezebel's furious enmity.

Eventually, through a commander called Jehu who was loyal to Elijah, a plan was put in place to kill Jezebel. When Jezebel heard about this, she equipped herself in all her finery, painted her eyes, arranged her hair and looked out of a window. Jezebel's final act only emphasised her harlot status.

Jezabel was then killed by soldiers who threw her out of a window, leaving her corpse in the street to be trampled upon by horses and eaten by some grateful dogs.

Only the skull, feet and hands of the satanic harlot remained.

Monday, 26 July 2010

Words of Wisdom - Samuel and the Sacred Chord

And whenever the evil spirit from God came upon Saul, David took the lyre and played it with his hand, and Saul would be relieved and feel better, and the evil spirit would depart from him.
- Samuel 16:23

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

The Video - Depeche Mode's "John The Revelator"

And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals.

-Revelation 5:1

A great song by the Mode. One of course 'inspired' by the sublime timeless powerful piece of Traditional Gospel Blues interpreted best of all by Blind Willie Johnson in the Thirites and by Son House in the Sixties. A dark tale of the God's return in John's apocalyptic "Book Of Revelation", the final book of the Bible. His final victory over the gathered forces of Evil.

"John the Revelator" was a double A-side single (with "Lilian") released by Depeche Mode in June 2006 from the Mode's 2005 album, "Playing the Angel." The single became a UK Top 20 hit for the band, reaching #18.

This unoffical video is excellent, full of satanic Masonite and NWO imagery. And f*cking hilarious!. Apparently the creator of this is violatoroftheregime

Yap, NWO drone Dubya and his Masonite cronies really are Satan incarnate. Sending the world to hell in a handbasket!

The forces of Evil are gathering. The End Days are truly upon us!

Saturday, 19 June 2010

The Song - Roxy Music's "In Every Dream Home a Heartache" (1973)

In smart town apartment, the cottage is pretty. The main house a palace. Penthouse perfection. But what goes on? What to do there? Better pray there!

From the Spring of '73, it's Bryan Ferry's wonderfully titled "In Every Dream Home a Heartache", one of Roxy's most iconic moments and the highlight from the excellent "For Your Pleasure." A magnificent piece of art, decades ahead of its time.

An album themed on exploring the "dark side" of the so-called 'glamorous' world that had become the band's lyrical and musical playground, "For Your Pleasure" was Roxy's sophomore outing and was the final album with Brian Eno on board. The experimental and radical artistic aethestic of Eno - somewhat akin to that of John Cale on the Velvet Underground's first two albums before Reed kicked him out - had played no small part in defining the unique Roxy sound, and arguably the group would never achieve the same artistic heights again after this LP. Eno's experimentation and love of the avant garde are all over the wonderful musical components of this song.

"In Every Dream Home a Heartache" - or perhaps "In Every Dream Home a Soul Breaks" - is a beautifully written piece of postmodern poetry. A song that's essentially a Spiritual - albeit an avant garde one. A song telling of the death of God at the hands of vapid modernity and its nefarious consumerism, excess, emptiness, greed and selfishness - the essence of satanism. A song talking of the spiritual demise of what was then a rarified echelon, but sadly prophetic of the universally applicable soullessness of today.

Intoned in a bleak montone by Ferry, "In Every Dream Home a Heartache" is, on one level, a love song. But not one of the common or garden type! No, no, no, fucking no!! Rather, it's a song where the protagonist expresses his unbounded love for a gorgeous, erm ... inflatable sex doll ("I bought you mail order. My plain wrapper baby!")

A chick that certainly has her plus points - her "skin is like vinyl" and she's "the perfect companion"! She's also the ideal accessory for his big swimming pool in his big mansion ... "You float my new pool, de luxe and delightful"!

If that wasn't creepy enough, he speaks to his "disposable darling" saying "I'll dress you up daily and keep you till death sighs"! Man, that's almost as creepy than finding yourself chained to a bed in a locked rooom, and suddenly seeing Dickhead Cheney enter, clad in kinky leather with a bagful of nasty implements!

Coincidentally, or probably not, Ferry was at that time dating the mysterious nad infamous Amanda Lear, a very androgonous and plastic looking model and starfucker; a chick fully immersed in the netherworld Roxy were raging against!! Amanda, of course, appeared on the iconic cover artwork for the album.

In parallel with the 'rubber love' theme, the song's also a castigation of "Dream Home" type aspirational lifestyle, with it's obsession on bullshit like "Open plan living. Bungalow ranch style." A commentary on the dark, vacuous world of wealth, fame, showbiz and glamour to which the masses are made to aspire and think about 24/7. The rarified, evil freakshow world to which the band had suddenly been exposed after the critical and commercial success of their debut album. A world where "all of its comforts seem so essential", but certainly are really not.

A world as fake, false and plastic as the lifeless doll this guy's fucking. A world created by an insidious, arcane, luciferian entity. A world that kills all true spirituality. One that corrodes and destroys the soul.

A place where prayer is the only hope for salvation ("What to do there? Better pray there!") A place where "every step I take, takes me further from heaven.

There are Biblical echoes here going back to the Book of Genesis, with allusions to the creation of man ("My breath is inside you"), to the eternal Soul ("Immortal and life size"), to God's love ("I'll dress you up daily") and to Adam's great sin against God ("Lover ungrateful".)  With allusions too to the vile mutation and corruption of the Bible inherent in the rampant satanism inflicted upon the modern masses - and, consciously or not, adopted by most of them. Now, God's "role is to serve you", rather than the other way round.

But there's hope for believers. "Is there a Heaven? I`d like to think so"... indeed!

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

The Word - Chiyono's Enlightenment Poem

by LuAnn Ostergaard

In this way and that
I have tried to save
the old pail
Since the bamboo strip
was weakening
and about to break
Until at last the bottom fell out.
No more water in the pail!
No more moon in the water!

from "Zen Flesh, Zen Bones", 1957 (p. 31)

Translated by Paul Reps and Nyogen Zenzaki

Words of Wisdom - Danny McBride does Meditation

"Meditation is terrific and all, but I've never heard of it saving anyone from a gang rape type situation. Meditate on that! ... Rape."

- Fred Simmons ('The Foot Fist Way')

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Top Thai Totty Nok Ausanee does Divine Trinity

Beauty Queen, turned actress, turned naughty model, Ussanee Wattana - who goes by the nickname Nok - really solves a dilemma I've had for many years!

Yap, only now do I fully comprehend what the Divine Trinity actually might mean!

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

The Curio - Girls struggle under weight of giant pink phallus at Shinto Festival

A group of girls struggling under the weight of a giant pink phallus in broad daylight have attracted a great deal of attention, not least from eager photographers!

No, it's not a tribute outside his compund from Tiger Woods many mistresses!

The Japanese Shinto fertility festival in question is Kawasaki City’s Kanamara Matsuri, which was in fact established in the Edo period to ward off sexually transmitted diseases.

Reputedly many sex workers visit in order to assure themselves good fortune in their work.

The shrine itself houses two deities who have come to be known for some particularly obscene mythology – the two god involved, both associated with blacksmithing and mining, were said to have been formed from the vomit of the goddess Izanami as she writhed in her death agony after having her vagina burned by giving birth to the god of fire, Kagu-tsuchi, a wound which proved mortal.

The two gods begat from her vomit, Kanayama and Kanamara, became sex gods due to their naming (“mara” means “penis”) and due to the similarity of the piston-like motion of the furnace bellows to copulating mortals, it is said.

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