Posts Tagged ‘TAV’

NO TAV – Update on the struggle (Italy)

Sunday, April 15th, 2012

On 11th April land expropriation in Val Susa was authorized by the law in order to set the yard for the construction of the Turin-Lyon high speed railway track. On the same day the inhabitants of the valley along with many other people coming from all over the country bravely faced the occupation troops and blocked highways and roads in the area. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

NO TAV – Luca Abba’s letter for the coming mobilization days (Italy)

Friday, April 13th, 2012

Translated from informa-azione:

Here is another small contribution from me so that I feel closer to the mobilizations of the next days. I ask you to be there, strong and determined as always, also on my behalf. I won’t be able to be present because I’m still hospitalized at the Cto [trauma unit of hospital] in Turin.

The Clarea valley, like the entire Val Susa, belongs to the people of the Susa valley! Not because it’s our private property but because we belong to this land. For centuries the Clarea valley was the place where generations of our forefathers lived. Meadows and woods were clean, vineyards and fields well looked after and mountain chalets inhabited by hundreds of people. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Dark Nights #17 – A World on Fire – April 2012

Friday, March 30th, 2012

Dark Nights is an anarchist & anti-prison PDF freesheet to download and print out on the fly.

12 pages A4 – PDF Download free.

This issue features an as always incomplete round-up of direct action and sabotage reports from the month of March, coverage of the trial of the Revolutionary Organisation – Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, international repression reports and news about Thessaloniki 5 prison sentences, No Tav- letter from injured comrade Luca Abba, letter about Luciano Tortuga’s prison conditions, letter of comrade Kostas Katsenos, imprisoned anarchist accused of membership of the armed group – Revolutionary Struggle in Greece, report on the radical struggle in Russia & Ukraine over the past 2 months, trial updates about the Chilean frame-up “Bombs Case” against anarchists over there, “No Military on Our Streets” anti-Olympic/anti-Austerity text from UK, plus “Maybe they follow my account on Facebook” text from Anti-Authoritarians of Kalamata Messinias.

Fire to the Prisons


Anti-Copyright Network 2012

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Posted in Library

NO TAV: Sabotage in Milan (Italy)

Tuesday, March 27th, 2012

Translated from finimondo.org:

25th March, Milan: four sentry boxes containing the electric control units of the Lambrate-Rogoreto line were set on fire in the night. One got completely burnt causing huge disruptions on the Milan-Genoa and Milan-Bologna lines.

NO TAV graffiti was left in the surrounding area, including one in memory of Sole and Baleno (‘Sole and Baleno are still alive’). Early estimates assess the damage at one-million euro and dozens of electric cables to be replaced. It is rumoured that it will take weeks before the line is completely restored. When they say ‘the breaking-off of normality…’

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Posted in Direct Action

NO TAV – Juan’s communiqué from the prison of Trento (Italy)

Sunday, March 18th, 2012

Hola! I’m Juan Sorroche Fernandez and I’m writing this communiqué to clarify my position.

The TAV in Val Susa is one of the many projects that the State and society are getting going, like incinerators, the waste disposal emergency in Naples, the Gronda in Genoa (concerning the development of road junctions), construction of new prisons, militarization of the sites where Great Works are being implemented and the militarization of cities. The destruction of the earth and the consequent pollution alone would be sufficient to want to oppose these projects, but besides causing environmental devastation the State and dominion are crushing the individuals in a more and more mechanized system of control, a system based on production and circulation of goods. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

March 16 : Happy Birthday Luca Abba, injured comrade of the NO TAV (Italy)

Sunday, March 18th, 2012

Translated from informa-azione:





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Posted in Eco Struggle

Poem for Luca Abba, injured NO TAV activist written by Mapuche poet Rayen Kvyeh (Italy, $hile)

Tuesday, March 13th, 2012

Luca, brother, friend, comrade

The summer suns burnt out, the rivers of clouds ran wild

The ancestors of our Mapu Nuke inhabiting the mountains and the libertarian spirits sleeping on the peaks of the Val Susa are protecting your sleep.

From deep inside our hearts we raise our chants into the sacred Rewe so that you can recover and go back to your people, the women and men of free thought, who struggle for mother earth, alive and libertarian.

To the comrades of NO TAV, to you whom I have recorded in my memory, for your solidarity, dignity and struggle, our solidarity that springs up from deep inside the roots of araucarias and cinnamon protecting our land.

Luca, brother, friend, comrade

We are with you from across the Andes
And swimming in the oceanic seas
Of peoples’ solidarity.


Rayen Kvyeh (Mapuche poet in the territory occupied by the State of $hile)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

NO TAV: Sabotage and solidarity actions in Savoy & Lyon (France)

Saturday, March 10th, 2012

From cette semaine, translated from informa-azione (click for photos):

Sabotage in Savoy

We learn from the press of the regime that early in the morning on Saturday 3rd March acts of sabotage were carried out on the French railway trunk line. Three arsons hit the railway structures in the town of La Ravoire, Saint-Pierre-d’Albigny and Chamousset, near Chambery (Savoy).

These acts of sabotage, two of which on the high speed railway (TGV), caused delays throughout the day of Saturday for a hundred trains on the lines going from Chambery to Mondane (and to Italy), Bourg-Saint-Maurice and Grenoble. Therefore high speed trains to Italy were delayed besides those full of tourists going skiing (it’s school holiday in France).

Two signalling caves were set on fire, which are particularly important on this line because high speed trains use only one track on both directions. According to the press, unknown people tore off the cable trays in concrete running along the railroad tracks and set fire to the caves inside them (signalling cave) using rags soaked in petrol and oil. A graffiti saying NO TAV was left on a railway sentry box close to the arsons.

Police say they are not sure that the sabotage is linked to what’s going on in Val Susa (!) but a great numbers of gendarmes backed by helicopters equipped with thermal cameras were deployed to patrol the railroad tracks in the area…


On Thursday 1st March a solidarity demo with the NO TAV movement was held in Lyon. A group of unmasked people split from the march and forced a technician to open the door of a railway centre. The small group of demonstrators went up the railroad tracks and threw bags of sand at the air cables which feed the trains, thus blocking the latter. All trains that were due to pass by on that track were therefore delayed for one and a half hours (on one of the trains there were even two ministers visiting the area!) During the night paint was threw and graffiti were left on the walls of the Italian consulate of the city.

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Posted in Direct Action

NO TAV: Solidarity actions in Paris & Lima (France, Peru)

Monday, March 5th, 2012

NO TAV: Gathering and road blocks in Paris, France.

Paris – Saturday 3rd March 2012. About fifty people answered the solidarity call of the NO TAV movement. During the gathering, speeches on the events in Val Susa and the mobilizations all over Italy, then the points of the meetings: what are we going to do besides the solidarity, simple but necessary, with the prisoners; how can we bring the movement to France; what are the links between this movement and us? Followed by policemen in plain clothes at a certain distance, the small group started marching and blocked the traffic in Sebastopol and on Rue de Rivoli, and eventually reached Place du Chalet, where a demo for the Syrian people was being held.


NO TAV – Solidarity from Peru, Italian embassy visited.

On the night of 29th February we visited the Italian embassy in Lima and left there a banner reading: ‘SOLIDARITY WITH THE PEOPLE THAT STRUGGLE FOR THE LAND! NO TAV!’ We also dubbed a ridiculous baroque-like painting on the wall with graffiti. As we were being chased by the watch dogs of power, we disappeared in the darkness.

In this country the struggle is against mines, in Italy it is against the high speed railway. May resistance to the destructive projects of the State and capital go beyond all borders! Against all harmfulness and in defence of the Earth. Self-organization and Direct Action everywhere!



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Posted in Eco Struggle

NO TAV: More news from the hot situation (Italy)

Saturday, March 3rd, 2012

Trento – Imprisoned comrade Juan protests in solidarity with Luca and the NO TAV struggle

On Monday 27th February our comrade Juan, arrested on 26th January and detained in the prison of Spini di Gardolo in Trento, heard of the eviction of Baita Clarea in Val Susa and of the serious condition of Luca. For this reason Juan decided to carry out a protest and refused to go back to the cell after the time in the exercise yard. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

NO TAV: Summary of latest events (Italy)

Wednesday, February 29th, 2012

Widespread acts of resistance are taking place across Italy triggered by the near murderous actions of the police in Val Susa.

A summary of the latest events - Baita Clarea is an area in Val Susa where works for the implementation of the TAV were due to start soon. On Monday 27th February the forces of order proceeded to evict and expropriate the land in Baita Clarea in order to clear the way for the devastating high speed railway works. On the same day Luca Abba’, a resident of the Val Susa whose land was also expropriated, climbed a pylon in an attempt to block the ongoing military operation. The cops ordered Luca to come down without taking precautions for his safety, pushing him even higher and failing to cut off the electricity of the pylon. As a result, Luca was electrocuted and fell several metres below. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

NO TAV: Solidarity Demo in Barcelona (Catalunya)

Tuesday, February 28th, 2012

Italian Consulate in Barcelona
(C/Mallorca, 270)

Today Luca Abbá of the Val Susa is seriously injured in hospital after falling from the tower of a high voltage power lines, during the protests against the new expropriations on the morning of 27th februrary. The police attempted to forcibly bring him down, and he received an electric shock. He is in a critical condition as a result of the electric shock and the fall from over 10 metres, made worse by the fact that the ambulance was prevented from arriving for up to 50 minutes by the forces of “order”. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Update about the arrested comrades – NO TAV (Italy)

Wednesday, February 15th, 2012

These are the latest news about our comrades. Many were released and now are under house arrest and other restrictive measures. The judges have decided the continuation of detention for the following comrades (we add their addresses) :

Alessio Del Sordo – C.C. via Pianezza 300 – 10151 Torino

Matteo “Mambo” Grieco – C.R. San Michele – Strada Statale 31 – 15100 Alessandria

Maurizio Ferrari – Carcere San Vittore – Piazza Filangeri 2 – 20123 Milano

Marcelo Damian Jara Marin – Carcere San Vittore – Piazza Filangeri 2 – 20123 Milano

Gabriele Filippi – Carcere di Marassi – Piazzale Marassi 2 – 16139 Genova

Giorgio Rossetto – C.R. – loc. Cascina Felicina via Regioni Bronda 19/b – 12037 Saluzzo (CN)

Luca Cientanni – C.C. corso Vercelli 165 – 10015 Ivrea (To)

Juan Antonio Sorroche Fernandez – C.C. – Via Beccaria, 13 – Loc. Spini di Gardolo – 38014 Gardolo – TN

Antonio Ginetti – Casa Circondariale – Via dei Macelli 13 – 51100 Pistoia – Riesame

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Posted in Eco Struggle

NO TAV – ‘Rebel or Fuck Off’ by comrades of Bologna (Italy)

Monday, February 13th, 2012

This is a communiqué written by comrades in Bologna:

Rebel or fuck off

On 27th June the forces of order evicted the Free Republic of the Maddalena [in Val Susa] in order to start the works for the construction of the high speed railway. Hundreds of NO TAV people opposed directly the military occupation of the territory. On 3rd July 70,000 people assaulted the TAV yard in Val Susa. A very special yard, as no worker could be found there but antiriot troops and police were entrenched there. This is an outstanding example of devastation of the environment, and of the interests of big capital and the mafia that goes along it. On 26th January the State arrested 32 comrades all over Italy ‘for the events of those days’. An operation that means just one thing: active resistance against infrastructures, powers, armed forces and institutions that rape and impoverish the planet is considered illegal. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Solidarity with the NO TAV struggle from anarchists of Trento and Rovereto (Italy)

Monday, February 13th, 2012

This is the text of a poster that was fly-posted in Trento and Rovereto (northern Italy) in solidarity with the people arrested on 26th January following a police operation against the NO TAV movement in the Susa valley.


(Monti is the current Italian prime minister, but the word also translates as ‘Mountains’).

Repression can’t stop the struggle

In the early hours of Thursday 26th January a massive repressive operation led to the search of 52 people all over Italy, 26 were jailed and a dozen submitted to various restrictive measures, from house arrest to bans on leaving one’s place of abode and bans on staying in Turin. The charges – resistance to the forces of order, violent disorder and causing serious damage – refer to the resistance against the eviction of the Free Republic of the Maddalena on 27th June and to the mass storming of the TAV blockhouse on 3rd July. (more…)

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NO TAV – Arrests and denunciations throughout the country (Italy)

Tuesday, January 31st, 2012

From informa-azione:

NB: The TAV is the destructive European High-Speed Railway mega-project of capitalist development which is fought across many territories. You can find the addresses of the prisoners below.

26/01/2012 - At 6:30 this morning, Thursday, January 26, 2012, a vast police operation ordered by the Public prosecutor of Turin has struck many friends, comrades, and No TAV resisters throughout Italy with arrests and cautionary measures. The practices of resistance that set off this massive operation concern conflictual episodes starting from the eviction of the Libera Repubblica della Maddalena [Free Republic of the Magdalene], passing through the siege of July 3 and the long Susa Valley summer. Of the more than 40 measures, 25 are remands in prison, 15 measures of mandatory residence, 1 detention under house arrest and 1 prohibition of residence in the province of Turin. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Direct action against High-Speed Railway (Basque Country)

Friday, July 2nd, 2010

1st of July, 2010

Last night four people locked themselves inside the shafts of the old Itsasondo mines in the Basque Country (on the Spanish side of the border) in order to “stop the construction of the High-Speed Railway (HSR)” and to denounce the “social model of which these construction sites are just the outer mask”. They are demanding the “immediate cessation” of the tunnelling work taking place in that same area.

“We know that the risks are high. We’ve gone deep down underground in order to strengthen with our bodies this very earth. We are locked inside the mines so as to defend our ideas and denounce the lack of sense of those who hold power. Our bodies are our weapons and direct action is our path”.

This is what the four people who have locked themselves inside the mines of Itsasondo had to say about their act of “resistance” to the HSR. The statement was communicated to the press by fellow opponents of the mega infrastructure in a press conference in which they also warned of the dangers of the Ordizia-Itsasondo tunnel.

They reported that of the 37 surveys and test drillings that were meant to be done before the construction project, only one actually took place.

From inside the mines, the activists who have locked themselves in explained that the construction work is taking place in Mariaratz, Olaberria, San Martin, Berostegi and Itsasondo. “Near here, in the Mariaratz construction site, there are daily explosions… explosions which destroy the earth and everything on top of it. It’s highly possible that the mines will collapse if the explosions and drillings continue, threatening the lives of these four people. Therefore, we demand the immediate stop of the works taking place”.

The protesters have called on people to participate in the meetings that will take place every day at 19.30 in Itsasondo and in the demonstrations called for this Friday in various places and also in the protest march
which will take place on Sunday, departing at 17.00 from the square of the town of Ordizia.

Anyone able to spread information and to express solidarity with this protest action in other parts of the world is asked to do so as soon as possible! The action of these four comrades must not remain isolated!

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Posted in Direct Action, Eco Struggle

News from Val Susa (Italy)

Wednesday, February 24th, 2010

Val Susa February 2010

The TAV (high speed railway project), which poses a devastating risk to the beautiful Val Susa region (northern Italy) and aims at satisfying businessmen’s needs, had been stopped by widespread popular protests in 2005. The current Italian government is determined to build the infrastructure necessary to the project. Numerous actions and demonstrations against the TAV are therefore taking place in Val Susa in these days. (more…)

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