Luo tunnus!
torstai, 26.04. 2012 @ 02:04
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Welcome to Takku!

Takku is a do-it-together media project, that aims, with the power of words, to encourage unmediated and autonomous revolt against the present (self)destructive reality - independent from parties, unions and NGOs.

The purpose of Takku is to generate action, discussion and critique, not create dogmatic ideology. We want to further the grass roots antiauthoritarian activities of free and equal individuals without providing space for those who try to gain power. Hence we will not publish and will remove all racist and sexist shit, promotion of political parties or their youth organisations, as well as all kinds of North Korea and ecofascism hype.

Anyone who agrees with this can participate in creating content by sending pieces of news or anything else that can be published in article form. Articles and news from other media can be sent to the English language discussion forum.

Takku's main purpose is to serve as a news portal and communication channel not only between people who speak the Finnish language but also between those who speak Finnish and (for now, unfortunately only) the English speaking world. However, we encourage you to translate our texts from Finnish (or these English translations) into whatever languages you or your media project speaks.

Ideas for developing the site are very welcome in the English language forum, or by email to kollektiivi (a) takku dot net.

The material published in Takku does not necessarily represent the collective, its individual members, or any social movement or ideology. The published articles represent only their writers and creators, be they anonymous or not.

Anti-copyright. Every picture, sound and piece of text that you might want to use is yours. Use it as you please without asking for permission.

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Conspiracion Acrata Magazine From Mexico.

Thios is a nwe number from Conspiracion Acrata, for contact to

Conspiración Ácrata #15
6-Documento: A cuatro años del nacimiento de la Federación Anarquista Informal
8-Hablando de insurrección: Entrevista con Costantino Cavalleri
17-Comunicado del paquete explosivo enviado contra Norberto Rivera, México
19-Comunicado del ataque incendiario contra centro comercial Las Torres en Ciudad Juárez.
21-Comunicado del ataque explosivo contra el Instituto Italiano de Cultura, México D.F.
22-Comunicado del incendio de camionetas de valores en Cuahimalpa México D.F.
23-¿Fortalecer el frente revolucionario internacional y la FA sin el informal? Por: Giuseppe Dondoglio Antolini
24-Comunicado del ataque explosivo contra empresa ENEL en Italia
25-Anarquistas Nihilistas: La ciudad de las bombas volverá a arder! Comunicado de acciones en Barcelona y declaración anti-carcelaria
28-Algunas notas de acciones y comunicados en México y el Mundo
30-Articulo de opinión: Sobre el tema del anarco-primitivismo
31-Póster-Afiche en apoyo a Braulio
Este es el numero 15 de Conspiración Acrata, una publicación de afinidad Anarquista Insurreccional, editada en algún lugar de México.
Contacto solo via e-mail:
¡Muerte al Estado/Capital… Viva la Anarquía!!!!!
Link mediafire:
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Anarchist visit at the italian embassy in solidarity with NO-TAV struggle

On Saturday the 10th of March some anarchists dropped a "postcard" at the Italian Ambassy in Helsinki. This small and symbolic action is in solidariety with the "NO-TAV" struggle in north-west Italy.

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Second Call: Baltic Anarchist Meeting Tallinn 2012

Estonia's capital Tallinn will simultaneously host two international gatherings at the end of May. On the 25th of May, both the spring session of NATO's parliamentary assembly and the first Baltic Anarchist Meeting will start.

The aim of BAM 2012 is to exchange experience and improve co-operation between anarchists from the Baltic Sea region. Although the focus will be on the Baltic area, like-minded people from other places are welcome aswell. The three day event will have a number of lectures, presentations, discussion panels etc. On the 26th of May an anti-NATO demonstration is planned in the city center.

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Reportback from New Year's Eve Prison Solidarity Demo in Helsinki

Finnish original

Around 30 anarchists gathered at the Sörnäinen penitentiary in Helsinki on New Year's Eve to make some noise in response to the Pelican Bay Solidarity Network's call for international demonstrations of solidarity with the struggle of the imprisoned. The demonstration in Helsinki lasted for about 15 minutes during which fireworks were shot above the prison, messages were sprayed and paint bombs and flares were thrown on and over the walls. The crowd dispersed before the police arrived.

We organized this energetic and noisy demostration to raise awareness about the connection between prisons and the capitalist social order also in the Finnish public sphere. Our banner read: "Solidarity with those imprisoned by the State and Capital". This was done to emphasize the anarchist notion of the prison system only serving the ruling class' purposes of securing its own place in the hierarchy and disrupting working class unity.

The so-called rehabilitatory role of the prisons was criticized in posters we wheat-pasted on the walls. The posters declared that the only true purpose of prisons is to dominate and punish people, and that their "rehabilitatory" function serves only to reintegrate prisoners into the capitalist society.

We wish to send out our warm greetings to all prisoners fighting for their rights from Finland to the United States and all around the world. We also wish to contribute our methods to the discussion about supporting prisoners' struggles and finding new ways of working towards abolishing the prison system.

Solidarity and direct action!

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Call for Insurrection Days 2012, Berlin (Germany)

We don’t demand anything, we want everything !

People all over the world are taking their protest to the streets fighting for their rights and freedom to overturn the current conditions. But why not here? The German reality is marked by social exclusion and cuts in the supply of basic essentials.

Simultaneously, the media is brainwashing people’s mind against every existing resistance that criticises this inhuman oppression by the state and capital. It isn’t just the police who beat us up or arrest us and it isn’t just the political legislative which establishes laws to enslave us. Also responsible are those people who are not offering resistance to this situation and those who are making it possible through their ever-so-important (wage-) labour so that the “machinery of administration” runs smoothly. This machinery kills in agreement with German bureaucracy whether on the street or from one’s desk. Silence gives consent. We don’t know why hardly anyone says “Stop!”. Maybe it is because it is not yet bad enough for people or is it just the result of a traditional submissiveness resulting from centuries of monarchist and subsequently fascist leadership, which is burnt in people’s brains. There are nearly no noteworthy protests in Germany against the current shitty situation. That’s a fact. For sure, there are demonstrations which are sometimes joined by a quarter of a million people but the majority of these people, most of whom are members of parties and unions, are therefore directly responsible for what is going on here. Besides, these people are not willing to fight for real changes. Just complain and that’s all. Real changes would mean the loss of one’s own social rank and of all the privileges with which some people have made themselves damn comfortable. For example, economical privileges that exist because other parts of the world were continually ransacked.

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Solidarity with Sonja and Christian of the Revolutionary Cells (Germany)

Solidarity with Sonja and Christian!
After 33 years in French exile, Sonja Suder, 79, and Christian Gauger, 70, were extradited to Germany on September 14, 2011. Christian was transported across the border in an ambulance! Sonja was jailed in Frankfurt-Preungesheim; Christian in a prison hospital. Christian, who suffered cardiac arrest in October of 1997 and has since been under constant medical and personal care, wasn’t released from detention until one month after his extradition; he now is forced to report to the cops twice per week. Sonja, who continues to be detained in Preungesheim, is likely the oldest woman in Europe awaiting trial in jail. Prosecutors brought charges in November and are planning to bring the cases to trial in 2012.

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Berlin: Arson attack against the Rauch-Haus

Yesterday morning around 7 am two seperated fires broke out in the house, one in the basement, another one in the stairway of the house. At that time not only the residents were in the house, but also several party guests, at the whole around 150 people. The fire left 12 people injured, two of them with multiple broken bones, after they jumped out in panic from the windows of the first floor. Two kids are also among the injured people.

The house is badly


damaged, there is no electricity nor running water, almost all doors have been destroyed during the efforts by the fire brigade to stop the fires and rescue the people. It can be assumed that the fires were not accidential ones, rather than arson attacks. The solidarity works have been already started and will continue until the house will be fully restored.

A list of urgent needed things:
- water cans
- thermos boxes and jugs to keep meals and drinks warm
- screws, locks, bike locks, roof battens
- direct aid on the ground


The name of the house project refers to the anarchist and hash-rebel Georg von Rauch, who was shot dead by a police officer on December 4th 1971 in Berlin. The house was squatted following a teach-in four days after his death. Part of the teach-in was also a live music event with the band Ton Steine Scherben, which later, in 1974, would write the Rauch-house-song. The Georg-von-Rauch-house is now existing since 40 years, as a self-organised house project with focus on self-aid of young people. The house project together with several other leftist projects appear on a list of potential targets for arson attacks, which was published online by neo-nazis. In recent time there have been a number of arson attacks against leftist projects in Germany, for example in Berlin against the Tommy-Weisbecker-house in the end of June 2011.

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Helsinki: Two Police Cars Set on Fire

As the world economy falters the power elite holds on to capitalism with tooth and nail, even though around them, the house of cards is wavering. The people who suffer from this listen to the money-grabbing power elite without calling into question the orders the elite hands out just to save their own hinds.

The police are a model example of obedience. The decisions are made high up in the hierarchy and the people who execute these commands can not and will not put them into question. Bureaucracy will always prove too slow and rigid for life that is characterized by being fast-paced and ever-moving.

On the night of Friday the 16th of December 2011, we set two police cars on fire in the backyard of a Volkswagen-dealership in the Herttoniemi district in Helsinki. We set fire to both cars by lighting and placing a handful of lighting briquettes on the front wheels and then fled the scene.

According to their communiqués the police have apprehended people in the vicinity of the dealership on the same night. It is not unheard of that the police bungle arrests without any evidence.

We claim responsibility for the arson of these cars and wish to say, that no arrests will resolve this situation.

Solidarity with all who are imprisoned!

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Finland Animal Activists Acquitted on Nearly All Counts for Exposing Factory Farms

Will Potter on November 17, 2011

Two animal rights activists in Finland have been found not guilty on nearly all charges related to their undercover investigations of factory farms, which revealed sick, injured, and dying pigs.

Karry Hedberg and Saila Kivelä of Oikeutta Eläimille (Justice for Animals) were charged with "aggravated defamation" because of their exposés.

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Takku on tee-se-itse mediaprojekti, joka sanojen voimalla haluaa rohkaista meitä tavallisia ihmisiä välittömään, puolue-, ammattiliitto- ja järjestötoiminnasta riippumattomaan kapinaan (itse)tuhoisaa (epä)todellisuutta vastaan... Lue lisää

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Government is that which claims and exercises the Monopoly of Crime.
Albert Jay Nock

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