Posts Tagged ‘Kostas Gournas’

Sydney: Anarchists vandalise Beirut Hellenic Bank in solidarity with Lambros Foundas (Australia)

Tuesday, March 13th, 2012

10 March 2012

In the early hours of the 10th of March, exactly two years since Lambros Foundas was gunned down by uniformed pigs in the street of Athens, some anarchist vandals targeted the Marrickville branch of the Beirut Hellenic Bank.

We sprayed “BURN BANKS” “FOR LAMBROS” “FOR SOCIAL REVOLUTION” on the windows of the bank, put superglue in the ATM card slots and covered the screens with paint.

This minor act of sabotage was carried out in memory of Lambros, an anarchist, social fighter and member of Revolutionary Struggle. He lived with the courage and conviction to translate his anti-authoritarian beliefs into action and he died on his feet, for that we will never forget him.

Eternal Honour to Lambros Foundas, Solidarity with the Revolutinary Struggle and Immediate Freedom for Pola Roupa, Nikos Maziotis and Kostas Gournas.

For generalised attacks on all machinery of capital and the state!

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Posted in Direct Action

Athens: Revolutionary Struggle case trial – In dedication to Lambros Foundas (Greece)

Friday, February 10th, 2012

Declaration of the members of Revolutionary Struggle on February 6th, 2012, regarding the armed scuffle of Dafni, in which Lambros Foundas was killed in battle with the police

The repressive operation against the Revolutionary Struggle started with an armed scuffle in Dafni on March 10th, 2010, when our comrade Lambros Foundas was killed in battle with the policemen Andreas Haskis and Theodoros Koumarapis. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Athens: Written declaration by Kostas Gournas, member of Revolutionary Struggle – 24/10/2011 (Greece)

Monday, January 23rd, 2012

From Contra-Info:

In April 2010, in a joint letter with my comrades Pola Roupa and Nikos Maziotis, we claimed political responsibility for our participation in Revolutionary Struggle (Epanastatikos Agonas). We declared that we’re proud of the organization and our fellow fighter Lambros Foundas, who was killed by cops in the armed scuffle of Dafni. (more…)

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New from Act For Freedom Now! Revolutionary Struggle PDF – Trial Solidarity Zine

Saturday, December 31st, 2011

New from Act For Freedom Now! Revolutionary Struggle PDF – Trial Solidarity Zine

Download now for free from Actforfreedomnow! A collection of letters, texts and communiques from the armed group ‘ Revolutionary Struggle’ and their accused. Released during their current trial and intended to be one more nail in the coffin of the legitimacy of the State and the capitalist system.

From the introduction:

In the days of April 2010, when the Greek government finally agreed to accept a loan from the International Monetary Fund to begin the take-over of the country into the hands of the international financiers, the security services had prepared a media spectacle to mark the occasion: the capture of 6 anarchist fighters for the purpose of the submission of the social struggle.

Anarchist fighters who had been a thorn in their side for some time, were now hostages. Hostages who had humiliated the demoralised and brutal Greek intelligence services, anti-terrorist divisions and their American occupier counterparts, the CIA, who had sought out the Revolutionary Struggle (‘Epanastatikos Agwnas’ – EA – in Greek language) for a Rocket Propelled Grenade attack against the US Embassy in Athens. This daring and symbolic action came amongst scores of other targeted attacks which struck for years with symbolically definitive high-impact blows against the institutions of capitalism and government, accompanied by dozens and dozens of pages of critical, thoughtful and articulate anarchist analysis of the institutional structures that parasite on the social wealth produced by labour, with social and economic self-organisation put forward as an anti-capitalist and anti-state egalitarian alternative. Revolutionary Struggle are Nikos Maziotis, Pola Roupa, Kostas Gournas and the fallen Lambros Foundas. Together they formed a group of social-libertarian anarchists based in the busy capital, Athens, who directed their armed activities in the class interests of the exploited workers of Greece and within/alongside the specific mass anarchist/anti-authoritarian movement from 2003-2010.

And now, they continue their fight in the court rooms and prisons of the Greek regime, where they push an even harder fight to the legitimacy of the capitalist enemy. As this collection was being assembled, the show-piece trial against the comrades continues, which is partnered by a campaign of repression against the anarchist/anti-authoritarian movement in general and specifically to several anarchists who deny responsibility. What the Greek security services and their foreign colleagues wish to prevent through intimidation, surveillance and imprisonment is contagion. Contagion of tactics which made a mockery of their system and showed how easily it could be struck by anyone. Contagion of ideas which has now spread far beyond the world-wide anarchist/anti-authoritarian movement into the general masses of people who are angry with everything, wishing to see it all come down and something much more humane begin. …


Trail updates and more from: actforfree.nostate.net

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Athens: Political trial of Revolutionary Struggle – Subtitled video from Day 1 (Greece)

Friday, November 11th, 2011

Declaration of Revolutionary Struggle from the courtyard of the special court in Koridallos prisons (October 5th, 2011)

The revolutionary voice of Pola Roupa reading the organization’s statement (make sure to activate the cc button for English subtitles): (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Trial update of the Revolutionary Struggle, Day 3 1/11/11 (Greece)

Thursday, November 10th, 2011


From Actforfreedomnow. Day 3, 1/11/11

With the repetition of the procedure P. Roumeliotis (defence advocate of K.Katsenos) asked to place his position on the objection for vagueness of the order, before the court publishes its decision. With a detailed and absolutely thorough argumentation, supported by theory but also by legislations, Romeliotis proved that there is an absolute nullity of the order and the call, because the actions the defendant is accused of have not been described and consequently he cannot defend himself, a fact that -besides the articles of the Code of Penal Procedure, which are being violated- it is also a direct violation of article. 6 paragraph 1 of the ECHR (European Convention for Human Rights), according to which a defendant should be informed in detail about the actions for which they are accused. In the particular case, we have a series of actions in which everywhere we have two perpetrators and simultaneously have seven defendants (the total minus M. Beraha) that are accused for complicity! How can the defendant defend himself, when you won’t tell him precisely what he is accused of, when he isn’t placed in the real incidents? These points were also deposited in writing by the advocate. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Communique for the bombing of the Athens Stock Exchange – 2/9/2009 (Greece)

Friday, October 28th, 2011

From boubourAs / actforfreedomnow!, a communique previously untranslated into English claiming responsibility for the direct action against the Athens Stock Exchange by RO- Revolutionary Struggle on 2 September 2009. The release of this communique comes as the global social struggle against the capitalist system threatens to develop to a new level, shaking the entire legitimacy of the exploitative banking system. The RO- Revolutionary Struggle in their texts and actions reveal a foretelling vision of a free society of equality and harmonious co-operation without the violent parasitism and coercion imposed on us by the super-elite.

From the Revolutionary Organisation – Revolutionary Struggle

On the 2nd of September in the early morning we attacked the temple of money, the stock exchange of Athens, by placing an expropriated van with 150 kilos of ammonium nitrate (AN/FO). This action is the continuation of a strategy of attacks with large quantities of explosives in order to hurt the infrastructure of multinational and local capital, a strategy initiated the 18th of February last year with the attempt on the central offices of Citibank on Nea Kifissia and continued with the bomb attack on the Eurobank branch on Vouliagmenis avenue, Argiroupoli on May 12th last year.

Maybe the explosion, despite the enormous amount of damage it caused to the building, did not stop the operation of the stock market since it did not destroy the central software system, but we believe that it worked, and it will continue to work negatively on the market and on the psychology of all kinds of opportunists, since the message was clear and was received by economic power as a whole: those responsible for the current crisis, the major shareholders, the golden boys, the capitalists, will pay for their criminal activity, and no State mechanism can protect them. (more…)

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Report from the trial of the armed group Revolutionary Struggle, Athens (Greece)

Friday, October 28th, 2011

October 24 2011

Heavy accusations against the capitalist economic-social system and the urban system of power, the state and its persecutory mechanisms were made by the members of Revolutionary Struggle at the first (substantial) day of their trial, when the chairman gave them the word in order to place themselves in short concerning the charges. Their statements were anything but short. For over half an hour, Nikos Maziotis, Pola Roupa and Kostas Gournas (we mention them according to how they mentioned in the court brief and in the order they spoke) addressed charges against the system and defended their political choices, transforming the room of the terror-court into a step for their opinions. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Trial of the R.O. Revolutionary Struggle adjourned until October 24 (Greece)

Saturday, October 8th, 2011

The members of Revolutionary Struggle will be released under restrictive conditions on Tuesday, October 11th.

Their release was ordered on the condition that they will sign off at a local police station every five days, while they will be banned from exiting the prefecture of Athens.

Outside the court room was where the biggest interest was, in the first meeting of the special terror-court that began to try the case of Revolutionary Struggle in the prisons of Korydallos.

The scene outside the female prisons of Korydallos seemed somehow surreal. Dozens of people waited for their turn in order to enter the court room, where soon would begin an important political trial, while a few dozen meters away, exactly outside the gate of the male prisons, there were exterior guards assembled with a banner and chanting. For a moment we thought that it was a solidarity demonstration!

The police measures were even tougher than the 17N trial, mainly with the dissemination of armed (masked and not) cops in the area outside the court room.

With the beginning of process from the chairman of the terror-court Nikolaos Davros, the defendants announced their advocates of defence which are: for Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa, its Spiros Fitrakis and Dafni Vagianou. For Kostas Gournas, Maria Beraha and Vaggelis Stathopoulos, its Marina Daliani and Dafni Vagianou. For Christoforos Kortesis its Giannis Rahiotis and Paraskeui Giannakopoulou. For Sarantos Nikitopoulos, its Spiros Fitrakis, Anny Paparrousou and Dimitris Katsaris. For Kostas Katsenos, its Panagiotis Roumeliotis, Harris Ladis and Frederikos Bergamos.

Immediately afterwards, Spiros Fitrakis declared on behalf of all defense advocates, that they participate in the strike that was declared by the national assembly of Lawyer’s Associations, and that they only attended [the court] in order for their colleagues who are defending Kostas Katsenos, who was persecuted and surrendered a few days before the trial started, to ask for an interruption in order for them to study the brief. He also stated, that all defendants wish that the trial is open to all forms of Media and he asked from the court to allow the television crews to enter the court room, in order for the defendants to make political statements, to present their political opinion. Pola Roupa clarified to the chairman of the court, who answering the advocate had said that cameras cannot enter the court room, that they do not care if the cameras are in the room, but for it to be possible to make statements to all media, outside the court procedure. After this dialogue with P.Roupa, the chairman declared that the defendants “will be facilitated, but to not abuse it”!

P. Roumeliotis and H. Ladis asked for a 30 day interruption (the maximum allowed by the law), so that they can study the enormous brief, that concerns 50-55 offences, since advocates for Katsenos were appointed just a few days ago and have no knowledge of the brief. The public prosecutor Antonios Liogas proposed that the interruption is for 15 days, a period of time that he considers sufficient, since “the evidence is specific”! Obviously, he thinks that the advocates should also agree beforehand with his own opinion about the “evidence” and not study the brief, as they should.

Regarding the demand for statements by defendants to the media, he said that he does not have an objection to the defendants giving interviews, but this it is not a matter of the court. Afterwards the chairman read the names of the witnesses of the prosecution. None of the big shots was present (we remember the names of Voulgarakis [ex-minister of public order] and Kokkino [finance consultant for Greek industry]), while neither was there any public defense declared either (journalists sat in those seats).

After a ten-minute break, the chairman announced that the court decided the interruption of the trial until Monday 24th of October, at 9 in the morning. As for the demand of the defendants to make statements to the media, he said that -outside the strict procedural conditions- the court expresses the opinion and the wish for the defendants to make statements in the courtyard, while being led to the vehicle that will transport them to the prisons opposite, “in the legitimate time of 2-3 minutes” (its obvious that he consolidated with the police, who have the first word).

While the imprisoned defendants left the room in handcuffs, the chant “the passion for freedom is stronger than the prison cells” was repeatedly heard. Afterwards and after they waited for the room to empty from all those who had arrived in the trial, minus journalists and lawyers, in the courtyard, behind a closed gated door, Pola Roupa read out to the journalists (and the television cameras) their statement. As soon as she finished, before getting a chance to answer any of the questions that began to formulate, the cops grabbed her and almost picked her up and led her to the prison-van. She only managed to shout, that she has made a specific written charge about the imprisonment conditions, for the women and mothers and children.


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Text written by the three imprisoned members of Revolutionary Struggle about the trial of the organization which will start on October 5, 2011 (Greece)

Saturday, October 1st, 2011

The trial of the organization Revolutionary Struggle, which will begin on October 5, is the continuation of the repressive attack of the State which started in April 2010 with our arrests against the organization Revolutionary Struggle and of course the fighters involved in it.

The main purpose of the arrests, the trial but also the sentences to many years’ imprisonment that will be pronounced by the Special Court, is that the State will be able to eliminate the political threat of Revolutionary Struggle, bend our will to fight, make every fighter and every resisting person think that the political choice of armed action is hopeless, unrealistic and with no prospects.

The challenge for the State is to politically defeat Revolutionary Struggle, to defeat us, who participate in it, to defeat armed struggle and in perspective bend any desire to organize an armed proletarian counter-attack on the regime and its overthrowal and any will for an armed revolutionary attempt. Both the action of Revolutionary Struggle and the repressive policy against it are inseparable from the existing historical context, the persecution, imprisonment, trial and our condemnation concern the elimination of a political force that had and still has as its tactic the undermining of the plans of the economic and political elites to financially destroy the majority of society in the name of getting out of the system’s crisis.

The protection of the economic and political state from a threat such as Revolutionary Struggle and ensuring through repression that no armed revolutionary attempt against it will occur, has become particularly urgent lately now that the Greek State is just about to announce its final bankruptcy while the occupation by the Greek government, the IMF, the ECB and the EU is plunging the country deeper and deeper into the most cruel, brutal form of exploitation and oppression that this country has seen since the second world war.

As part of dealing with Revolutionary Struggle, the arrest and capture of members of the organization, comrades V. Stathopoulos, S. Nikitopoulos and C. Kortesis, who will be tried with us, were also arrested, while comrade K. Katsenas is still in hiding.

As well as the four comrades, who are not involved in the organisation, the State sought to widen the circle of hostaged fighters by going into massive interrogations in October 2010. At the same time they delivered a summons to K. Gourna’s companion, Marie Beracha, who will be tried with us on October 5. The State has involved M. Beracha, making a clear attempt to personally strike comrade K. Gournas, curb his desire for resistance and thereby harm the organization itself.

Despite the fact that the move of massive investigations was unproductive in terms of further prosecutions, it was definitely an opportunity to exercise further pressure on us, since by intimidating a large number of comrades, it aimed at our political isolation from the political milieu to which we belong.

Moreover, our political isolation is always an aim of the State since it is a necessary condition for achieving the final goal in the war conducted against us: our political extermination.

As a result, the attack on Revolutionary Struggle can also be interpreted as the prosecution of other comrades and the targeting of the broader political and interpersonal relations within the anarchist milieu, while a broader effort to intimidate anyone who resists is always an objective of any punitive attack.

During our trial, as members of Revolutionary Struggle who took political responsibility for participating in the organization, we can only have armed struggle as our main and central point of reference.

Our trial will be a field of political confrontation with Capital and the State; it will be a political step to defend the action and positions of our organization, where we will claim that armed struggle is over time an integral part of the revolutionary movement of the struggle and social revolution. That armed struggle is more suitable and necessary than ever, especially under the current conditions of economic crisis and modern totalitarianism that we experience after placing the people under the authority of the international financial elite by violently imposing the agenda of troika, IMF, ECB and EU.

We will defend, as we have already done, comrade L. Foundas, a member of the organization killed in a gunfight with cops during an action of the organization in preparation for an attack against the regime, an attack in accordance with the strategy of Revolutionary Struggle so as to confront the current junta of Capital and State.

As members of Revolutionary Struggle we are consistent in promoting the views and opinions of the organization from the prison and we will do the same in court.

The action and aim of Revolutionary Struggle is associated with the struggle against neoliberal globalization, with a strategy and perspective that sees the current economic crisis and consequent de-validation of the economic and political system in the eyes of the social majority, as a unique opportunity to promote the overthrowal of Capitalism and the State.

All this, which we have mentioned before in texts that we sent out from prison, will emerge in our forthcoming trial.

Within the framework of our political advocacy we made an international call of solidarity calling as political witnesses to our trial comrades who have previously fought in the ranks of armed struggle under different economic, political and social conditions and who have remained adamant and unrepentant concerning their choices and defended their struggles, paying for them with many years in prison.

Our aim is to highlight the continuity of armed struggle through a historical record of the guerrilla, to highlight the necessity and opportuneness of armed struggle as a necessary tool of the revolutionary movement, to highlight that the struggle for freedom and revolution is continuous.

We also believe that there is an imperative need to organize an international revolutionary movement. Very important to our trial is also a statement of solidarity from our comrades witnesses from the anarchist milieu who, as activists operating in other forms of struggle, through their words affirm the unity and diversity of struggling to overthrow power, annulling the divisive dilemmas of the latter such as “legality or illegality” or “mass struggle and armed struggle.” After all, we come from the anarchist milieu and have many years of experience participating in mass events, demonstrations, squats; in clashes in the streets and assemblies, as well as, some of us, experience of participating in collectives and groups.

[We also aim to highlight] the proposals of Revolutionary Struggle such as the destruction of the State and the imperative need for social self-organization and self-management, as recorded through the organization’s proclamations and through the texts written in prison, come from the traditional anarchist movement.

For us, armed struggle is a strategic plan of attack against sovereignty while pursuing the possibility of a social address, with the aim always being the sharpening of the social and class war against the State and Capital, the propaganda of armed proletarian counter-attack to overthrow the system, and social revolution.

Finally, to note that not only our arrest and detention haven’t swayed us, as our pursuers hoped, but that we are stronger than ever.

Also, that in this political battle that we will give in court and despite the years of imprisonment that will be imposed by the straw men of the regime, in the end we are the ones who will be the victors.

The members of Revolutionary Struggle

Pola Roupa, Kostas Gournas, Nikos Maziotis


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Posted in Prison Struggle

Letter from Revolutionary Struggle – Solidarity to Andrea ‘Andi’ Stauffacher (Greece, Switzerland)

Tuesday, September 27th, 2011

Dear comrades,

We, the imprisoned fighters of the guerrilla group Revolutionary Struggle, express our solidarity with comrade Andi, member of the Revolutionärer Aufbau in Switzerland and the Secours Rouge International (International Red Aid), who is accused for arsons by the Swiss State.

Any incrimination of a comrade, anywhere in the world, is incrimination of all who fight against the Capital and the State.

In our struggle it is important to develop international solidarity, especially among the fighters, in our era where the war carried out by the international financial elite, the States and the governments against the people to support the current capitalist system is aggravated because of repression and state terrorism.

International solidarity is a relationship that not only connects and continues our struggle, but can also lay the foundation for the creation of an international revolutionary movement, the organization of which is now more necessary than ever, and can benefit from the present systemic crisis to attempt the overthrow of the current capitalist system and the State.

International solidarity is a necessary condition for worldwide social revolution.
No prosecution against comrade Andi
Freedom to all imprisoned fighters in the world

Pola Roupa, Kostas Gournas, Nikos Maziotis


Beginning of the trial against Andi: September 28th, 2011, 10.15 am, Viale Stefano Franscini 3, 6500 Bellinzona, Switzerland

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International Call for Solidarity with the Revolutionary Struggle (Greece)

Saturday, August 6th, 2011

The 5th of October has been set as the day that the trial of the Revolutionary Organization – Revolutionary Struggle will begin. The trial will take place in the court room of Koridallos prisons.

Eight accused will stand trial, who according to a recent order of the Council of Appeals will be tried for participation in the organization.

Accused in the case of the Revolutionary Struggle are: N. Maziotis, P. Roupa, K. Gournas, Ch. Kortesis, V. Stathopoulos, S. Nikitopoulos, K. K., (not arrested he is on the run) and M. Beraha (K.Gournas wife).

The first three accused, Maziotis, Roupa and Gournas have taken responsibility for the organization and remain imprisoned, but in mid October the 18 month detention period expires. The rest of the accused are free.

Kortesis, Stathopoulos and Nikitopoulos were released from prison on terms recently, after two decisions of the council of Judges of appeals, since the Supreme Court applied a recantation on the first and another was made that ratified the decisions of the appeals judges.

The charges of each individual concern the felonies of constitution and participation in a terrorist organisation, supply manufacture and possession of explosive materials, explosions and numerous attempted homicides.

Revolutionary Struggle has made many attacks, among which the rocket launcher attack on the American embassy, on January 12th 2007 and the armed attack on cops on Bouboulinas street on January 5th 2009.

Revolutionary Struggle are thought to be responsible for the following attacks, all in Athens:

* September 5, 2003: Bombing at courthouse.
* March 14, 2004: Bombing at Citibank subsidiary in Psychico neighborhood.
* May 5, 2004: Bombing at police station in Perissos neighborhood.
* October 29, 2004: Bombing of police buses.
* June 2, 2005: Bombing at Labor Ministry.
* December 12, 2005: Bombing at Finance Ministry in Syntagma Square, near Parliament.
* May 30, 2006: Attempted assassination of Georgios Voulgarakis, former Minister of Public Order, now Minister of Culture.
* January 12, 2007: Wasp 58 LAW rocket attack on United States Embassy.
* April 30, 2007: Shots fired at police station in Nea Ionia neighborhood.
* October 24, 2008: Bombing at Shell offices in Palaio Faliro neighborhood.
* December 23, 2008: Shots fired at riot police bus near Athens University in Goudi neighborhood.
* January 5, 2009: Shots fired at police guarding Culture Ministry in Exarcheia neighborhood. One riot cop critically wounded.
* February 18, 2009: Car bombing at Citibank headquarters in Kifissia neighborhood. Bomb fails to detonate.
* March 9, 2009: Bombing at Citibank subsidiary in Nea Ionia neighborhood.
* May 12, 2009: Bombing at Eurobank subsidiary in Argyroupoli neighborhood.
* September 2, 2009: Car bombing causes serious damage to Stock Exchange building.

”’The three comrades who took responsibility for the actions of Revolutionary Struggle show that fighting for what you believe in is not a task that only the “elite” can take on. Its in everyone that has suffered in the system that has been created to control us. The state knows they are the real terrorists and as long as no one is fighting back they have nothing to fear. Its time to show them enough is enough and attack it with all means available.”’






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Posted in Prison Struggle

Communique for 9.3.2009 Athens Citibank bombing by Revolutionary Struggle (Greece)

Friday, April 8th, 2011

325 received this recent translation of an action that occurred in Athens, on 9.3.2009, against Citibank’s headquarters by the armed group Revolutionary Struggle [Epanastatikos Agonas - EA]. For the purpose of illuminating further and providing a platform of solidarity for their ideas and the actions of this inspiring revolutionary organisation, 325 presents this following communique. Revolutionary Struggle carried out many actions which were accompanied by anti-capitalist and social-libertarian critiques, often very pertinent to the times and topical. Amongst the actions they carried out was a missile attack against the American embassy in Athens, 12.1.2007. Revolutionary Struggle have written many important texts critiquing and explaining in simple language the role of the capitalist economy and the effect of the austerity measures, such as “The Only Answer to Modern Totalitarianism is Social Revolution”, which was published in 325 #8, accompanied by the text “A Political Letter to Society”. In this open letter, Kostas Gournas, Pola Roupa and Nikos Maziotis, anarchist comrades arrested in Athens 10.4.2010, take full responsibility for their involvement in Revolutionary Struggle along with their comrade Lambros Foundas, who was killed by Greek murderers in uniform during a gun battle whilst in the preparatory stages of an action. 3 other comrades, Vaggelis Stathopoulos, Christoforos Kortesis and Sarantos Nikitopoulos, who always denied their involvement in Revolutionary Struggle, and were jailed during the same 10.4.2010 ‘counter-terror’ wave, were set free 8.4.2011, on conditional liberty.

Freedom for Revolutionary Struggle – Honour to Lambros Foundas – Down with the State and Capital.



We take full responsibility for the explosion at the Citibank branch on Lavriou Str. in Nea Ionia (Athens-Greece) on March 9th [2009]. Our action followed the attempt of February 18th, when we tried to blow up the Citibank headquarters on Achaias Str. in Kato Kifisia (Athens-Greece) using a car trapped with explosives. The specific operation was part of our organization’s strategic intervention as far as economic crisis and its originators are concerned, among which the international bank capital hold a predominant place. The use of a car trapped with 125 kg of petroleum ammonite was not just aiming at a small range token strike but it was intended to destroy the infrastructure of the particular multi-national company and thus make clear that its presence in the Greek territory is endangered. After all, one of the main objectives of a true revolutionary movement as well as an armed organization is to turn a country into a hostile ground for the criminal mechanisms of supranational capital conveyors, such as Citibank. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Announcement of the 3 imprisoned members of Revolutionary Struggle concerning the use of Lambros Foundas’ name in the arson of the Law School in Athens (Greece)

Wednesday, April 6th, 2011

March 2011

Lambros Foundas gave his life fighting on the lines of the Revolutionary Struggle, an urban guerilla organization that operated alongside the exploited and oppressed.

He gave his life promoting a political project that aimed at the popular and proletarian counterattack on the conditions of modern totalitarianism, in which we live.

Our opinion as well as Lambros Foundas as members of the Revolutionary Struggle is that armed struggle is an essential tool of social-class struggle to overthrow capitalism and social revolution rather than a means to an existential affirmation of the individualistic insurrectionary experience of some. (more…)

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Dark Nights #10 – Anarchist & Anti-Prison Newsletter January 2011

Saturday, January 8th, 2011

Dark Nights is an anarchist & anti-prison PDF freesheet of resistance reports and repression news to download and print out. 8 pages / A3 size. Distribute and discuss.

Dark Nights #10 : Letters from imprisoned anarchists in Greece

- Letter from Kostas Sakkas, comrade accused of being part of a “terrorist organisation”, in which he dissembles the economic crisis and urges resistance.

- Letter from Gerasimos Tsakalos, Conspiracy of Cells of Fire : Imprisoned Members Cell. Tsakalos writes about the 1st Nov 2010 arrest of himself and his comrade, Panagiotis Argirou in Athens, plus his own anti-political ideas of anti-socialist anarchism and revolutionary nihilism.

- Letter from Christoforos Kortesis, held hostage accused of membership of the armed group, Revolutionary Struggle.

- Text from the 3 imprisoned members of Revolutionary Struggle “Let’s make the beginning in Greece of a world-wide social revolution”. Kostas Gournas, Pola Roupa and Nikos Maziotis analyse the economic crisis with regard to Greece and Europe, and call for social revolution based on anarchist-libertarian principles.


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Text from the 3 imprisoned members of Revolutionary Struggle (Greece)

Monday, January 3rd, 2011


“If someone today wants to open a profitable business, they should make guillotines”.

With the above phrase an American journalist describes the size of social rage in the USA. It is the first time historically, where the total of the developed capitalist world boils in rage and desperation for the rulers, for those that are to blame for this crisis, which not only are not punished but continue enjoying their privileges and increasing their profits. It stems from the rage at the poverty that expands, for the marginalization of wider and wider parts of society, for the injustice, since the rulers require that the people are sacrificed in order to face the crisis. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Letter from the Special Basement of the 6th wing of Koridallos prison, Athens (Greece)

Wednesday, December 22nd, 2010

Since the 29th of November, we, the three political prisoners of the underground special wing 6 of Korydallos, defendants in the case of Revolutionary Struggle, participated in the mobilizations of the prisoners of all prisons, which either with prison food abstention, or with hunger strikes, fight for the improvement of certain provisions of the C.C. (Correctional Code) regarding the leave days, probation and disciplinary matters, decent treatment and improvement of the detainment conditions, the abolition of certain draconian penal provisions, special detainment conditions, reduction of the life sentence, as well as the release of disabled prisoners and cancer patients. (more…)

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International Call for Solidarity from members of Revolutionary Struggle (Greece)

Monday, December 13th, 2010


We are three political prisoners, members of the armed group Revolutionary Struggle [Epanastatikos Agonas], and we send you militant greetings from the Greek prisons.

We were arrested in April 2010 along with other three comrades who are being accused of involvement in the organization. Since then, we have been on pretrial detention [under the terrorism act], waiting to be referred to a trial in the first months of 2011.

In an open political letter to society, the three of us claimed political responsibility for our participation in the organization of Revolutionary Struggle. In this way, we defended our actions which were directed against the Capital and the State, and contributed through practice and speech towards the overthrow of the State and capitalism, aiming at social revolution, at a non-statist, anti-authoritarian, communal and communist society, in which assemblies and councils of the people will undertake social, political and economic operation and management. (more…)

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Announcement of the three members of Revolutionary Struggle (Greece)

Friday, November 5th, 2010

In the modern junta of the I.M.F., the E.C.B., the E.U. and the Greek government, methods from the Nazi occupation in Greece are being mobilized. Just like when the Nazis attacked the families and the social environment of the guerrillas in order to isolate them and exterminate them easier, today the modern fascists that govern us target families, friends and comrades of ours and of the three comrades that are in prison accused of participating in “Revolutionary Struggle”, in an operation to terrorize a whole political movement, through new persecutions and mass interrogations. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle