Dirty Oilsands - A threat to the new energy economy

Desperation in the Gulf


Gulf Spill Commentary


The BP Deepwater disaster has unleashed a torrent of commentary about dirty oil, including dirty oil sands crude. Here we’ve gathered some of the most interesting…

Oil Sands Blog

Business leaders tell Secretary Clinton: tar sands undermine a clean energy economy

By Susan Casey-Lefkowitz | Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Today, over 250 Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2) members sent a letter to Secretary Clinton raising the concern that tar sands oil does not belong in a clean energy economy. The State Department is on the brink of approving the trans-boundary Keystone XL tar sands pipeline. This project would continue America’s dependence on risky forms of oil exactly at a time when we should be focused on clean energy investments. With this letter, the independent business voice for the environment is saying loud and clear: tar sands oil will undermine the U.S. commitment to a clean energy economy.

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Mr. President - Say No to Dirty Fuels and New Proposed Tar Sands Pipeline

By Susan Casey-Lefkowitz | Thursday, May 27, 2010

On Tuesday this week, the CEOs of a number of major environmental organizations in the United States and Canada sent a letter to President Obama asking him to say no to dirty fuels such as tar sands, oil shale and liquid coal.

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The Spread of Oil Sands

An expanding spiderweb of pipelines is spreading dirty oil sands crude from Canada to refineries, and gas tanks, across the United States.




Oily activists demand clean energy

June 18, 2010 (Toronto Sun |Tom Godfrey)

Wetlands policy under water

June 17, 2010 (Fast Forward Weekly | Trevor Scott Howell)

BP Reduces Jobs at $3.8 Billion Expansion, Contractor Says

June 16, 2010 (Bloomberg Businessweek | Joe Carroll)

Pipeline could complicate 
efforts to clean city’s air

June 16, 2010 (Chron | Evelyn L. Merz )