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Beetles attack university orchard

News in English: Agricultural department’s pear tree orchard has been ravaged by beetle infestation The entire orchard of pear trees at the University of Copenhagen’s Department of Agriculture and Ecology has had to be felled after an aggressive attack from Hawthorn jewel beetles....Read article

Saxo Bank founders accused of fraud

News in English: Portuguese financial institution claims Danish bank manipulated stock and currency prices – an allegation Saxo’s founders strongly deny Saxo Bank’s two CEOs and major shareholders, Lars Seier Christensen and Kim Fournais, have together with a number of the bank’s other...Read article

Metro fire

News in English: A rush-hour fire in the Metro system this morning led to the evacuation of passengers at two stations and disrupted service for the subway transportation, reported B.T. newspaper. The blaze, which began at around 7:45 am, brought police and fire...Read article


Home furnishing chain hits China

29.04.10: Danish home furnishing giant Jysk opened its first store in China yesterday, and founder Lars Larsen was personally on hand to cut the ribbon. The new store, located in Shanghai, was the 1,641st in the chain’s history. Larsen said he...Read article

Emergency helicopter to begin service

29.04.10: Over the next 18 months residents in Copenhagen and the rest of Zealand will be served by a medical chopper Denmark’s first emergency helicopter is preparing to take flight on 1 May in an 18-month trial scheme that will provide...Read article

Danish double win at Nordic Game Awards

29.04.10: Danish video game developers walked away with two of the four Nordic Game Awards at last night’s ceremony in Malmø, Sweden. Copenhagen-based Press Play won Best Nordic Children’s Game for ‘Max and the Magic Marker’, while Simon Nielsen won Best...Read article

Drunk Danish soldiers sent home from Lebanon

29.04.10: Four soldiers from the Danish Air Force have been sent home from the UN mission in Lebanon for excessive drunkenness, reports B.T. newspaper. According to regulations, military personnel may have two drinks two days a week – typically on Fridays...Read article

First Genmab drug an early success

28.04.10: After firing over half its employees in November pharmaceutical company Genmab is finally achieving some success Pharmaceutical company Genmab’s first drug approved for the market, cancer medicine Arzerra, generated turnover of nearly 42 million kroner in the first quarter of...Read article

Danish Crown takes council to court

28.04.10: Meat company Danish Crown is suing the City of Svendborg after its council decided last night to raise the extra wastewater purification bill for Scan Hides tannery from 30,000 kroner to 700,000 a month. Besides disputing the calculation of the...Read article

Climate technology exports take hit

28.04.10: One of Denmark’s most important exports, climate technology, dipped 7.5 billion kroner in 2009 compared to the year before, reported financial daily Børsen. According to figures just released by the Danish Energy Agency, exports of wind turbines, water pumps, thermostats...Read article

Artists remove Israel from map

28.04.10: Danish modern art duo Surrend is known for its controversial exhibits, and the latest work from Jan Egesborg and Pia Bertelsen is certainly no exception. Currently lining the streets of Berlin are the duo’s ‘Endlösung’ posters showing a map of...Read article

Councils striking out in animal waste cases

28.04.10: New EU regulations on the treatment and disposal of manure have been difficult for Danish councils and farmers to get a grip on Environmental organisations are having unlimited success in cases they have filed against councils and farmers over the...Read article

Bankers’ rates confuse a third of customers

28.04.10: At least 33 percent of Danish bank customers have difficulty working out interest rates on savings accounts The majority of bank customers believe they are on top of their finances but a new study shows a third of Danes can’t...Read article

Medvedev on Danish state visit

28.04.10: The Russian president will discuss economic challenges and cooperation with the Danish prime minister Russian President Dimitry Medvedev arrived in Denmark for his official state visit yesterday, the first of a Russian leader since the 1960s. Medvedev and his wife...Read article

Sørensen injury race against time for World Cup

28.04.10: Injuries plague Danish national team, with goalkeeper Thomas Sørensen’s being the most notable Stoke goalkeeper Thomas Sørensen tore a minor ligament in his elbow during his club’s Premier League match against Chelsea this past weekend – good news insofar as...Read article

Drunk driving test

28.04.10: A 56-year-old man attended the local driving school in Herning on Monday to sit his driving test in the hope of regaining his licence. But he turned up so drunk that he was arrested on the spot. North Jutland Police...Read article

Denmark wipes TP competition

28.04.10: Recyclable and sustainable production of toilet paper in Denmark mean residents here use far less of the product than most Western nations Danes may be the European leaders in creating waste, but most of it apparently isn’t being created in...Read article

Vestas gets biggest order yet

27.04.10: After a tough several months wind turbine manufacturer Vestas is back on track with a huge order from Portuguese EDPR Wind power naysayers were given a jolt on Monday when Vestas announced it had landed what could be the largest...Read article

Noma nabs top spot

27.04.10: Christianshavn-based Noma restaurant moves from third place to be crowned best restaurant in the world Gourmet Copenhagen restaurant Noma has been crowned the best restaurant in the world by acclaimed publication Restaurant Magazine. At the awards in London last night,...Read article

Oh pooh 2

27.04.10: In a Viborg court yesterday, a 68-year-old man was sentenced to 30 days suspended jail time for shoving the faeces a young woman’s dog left behind on his property in her face. After he chased her down the street, the...Read article

Venstre: Find en fejl, Villy

Regeringspartiet Venstre anklager SF's formand Villy Søvndal for bevidst at være uærlig. Læs artikel


USA advarer mod terrorangreb

Amerikanske statsborgere i Indien advares af ambassaden mod et forestående terrorangreb. Læs artikel


Sexskandale ikke skyld i Tiger-kollaps

Golfspilleren Tiger Woods missede cuttet i en turnering, hvor næsten alt gik galt Læs artikel


Ny skov beskytter vores drikkevand

Århus Vand sikrer os rent drikkevand ved at betale landmænd for at lade sprøjten stå. Læs artikel


Forældre skal holde ferie for at passe deres børn

Hvis du bor i København og har børn mellem 3 og 9 år, regner Københavns Kommune stærkt med, at du har tænkt dig at tage to ugers ferie i uge 28-31. Læs artikel

Ny viden

Forsker vil stoppe gyllestank

Dansk laboratorieforsøg vil forsøge at stoppe lugten af gylle uden at indskrænke landmandens arbejde. Læs artikel

Time Out

Sovende mand taget for spritrytteri

Norsk politi lod en beruset rytter, der var faldet i søvn i sadlen, fortsætte sit ridt mod hjemmet.Læs artikel

News in English

Beetles attack university orchard

Agricultural department’s pear tree orchard has been ravaged by beetle infestation The entire orchard of pear trees at the University of Copenhagen’s Department of Agriculture and Ecology has had to be felled after an aggressive attack from Hawthorn jewel beetles....Læs artikel

Kvinder vil ud af fattigdom
Analfabetisme gør vejen mod bedre levevilkår lang.
Expo 2010 set fra oven
Oplev landenes store byggerier i Shanghai.
Store bedebal
Store bededag blev til store bedebal i Helligåndskirken i København.
En kæmpe katastrofe truer USA
Nu sættes der ild til de tusindvis af liter olie, der hvert døgn løber ud i havet.
Hedebølge rammer Paris
Onsdag stod termometret på 28 grader i Paris.
Se verdens største hest
Big Jake bor i Wisconsin. Han er 210 cm og er verdens højeste hest.
Sådan laver du hjemmelavet rugbrød
Lær at lave dine egne lækre rugbrød.
Steroiderne gjorde mig lam
Ditlevs misbrug af anabole steroider resulterede i en hjerneblødning.
Se rum-opsendelsen der gik helt galt
Dyrt, videnskabeligt måleudstyr blev smadret, da en rumballon rev sig løs før opsendelsen.
Brown kvajede sig for åben mikrofon
Den engelske premierminister svinede en vælger til, mens hans mikrofon var tændt.
Hvad var mystisk ildkugle?
Det var efter al sandsynlighed en meteor, der blev filmet på himlen over Wisconsin for 14 dage siden.


På Nordeuropas højeste tinde
Vi bed på, da vi fik chance for at bestige Galdhøpiggen i Norge, Nordeuropas højeste tinde. Læs artikel

Leder: Yderdanmark

Hvor mange kvadratmeter fylder den statslige administration? Svaret finder man i Slots- og Ejendomsstyrelsen. Den fylder godt en million kvadratmeter. Staten ejer selv de 650.000 kvadratmeter, de resterende knap 450.000 er lejet, og det er en dyr historie. For der betales markedsleje, og den er højest i hovedstaden, hvor hovedparten af de statslige institutioner befinder sig. Læs leder

Dagens tegning
Den britiske premierminister Gordon Browns odds for at vinde valget er faldet betragteligt efter hans udtalelser for åden mikrofon om en kvindelig vælger.

Kronik: Få styr på økonomien

Bettina Post, formand for Dansk Socialrådgiverforening

Alle faggrupper omkring børn og familier skal nytænke systemer, faglige traditioner og kulturer. Vi skal vende os mod hinanden, og det betyder ikke mindst, at vi skal væk fra skrivebordene og i direkte dialog med personale, forældre og børn, skriver Bettina Post. Læs kronik

Medina (Train, Århus)
Medina har kostumerne og personligheden med sig. Nu mangler hun bare sangene. Læs artikel
Sarah Lunds glamourøse modstykke
Så er den amerikanske Sarah Lund fundet til genindspilningen af "Forbrydelsen I" i USA. Læs artikel

Turen går til
5 madmirakler i Madrid
Det behøver ikke koste en formue at gå på Michelin-stjerne restaurant i Madrid. Her er nogle af den spanske hovedstads mest spændende spisesteder lige nu. Læs artikel
Ny skov beskytter vores drikkevand
Århus Vand sikrer os rent drikkevand ved at betale landmænd for at lade sprøjten stå. Læs artikel
Ny viden
Forsker vil stoppe gyllestank
Dansk laboratorieforsøg vil forsøge at stoppe lugten af gylle uden at indskrænke landmandens arbejde. Læs artikel
News in English
Beetles attack university orchard
Agricultural department’s pear tree orchard has been ravaged by beetle infestation The entire orchard of pear trees at the University of Copenhagen’s Department of Agriculture and Ecology has had to be felled after an aggressive attack from Hawthorn jewel beetles....Læs artikel

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