Nature's Way Montessori

NWM Families

Empowering you to be an active participant in your child's Montessori experience, Explore essential documents, communication channels, and opportunities to connect with the school community and foster your child's growth.

Parent Partnership

creates community among the parents in many ways. Throughout the school year, we offer individuals and families the opportunity to come together, to contribute to the flow of the community and school, and to help foster a culture of inclusivity, kindness, and gratitude. We invite everyone to participate in a way that reflects individual talents and fits with personal schedules—chairing a committee, helping to plan an event, preparing lesson materials, participating in Staff Appreciation Week or helping us in the garden. Let us know how you want to be involved.


Your child will derive the most benefit from their experience here at Nature's Way Montessori if you make room for the principles and spirit of Montessori within your home. You can acquaint yourself by observing your child in the classroom, attending Parent Education events, reading materials from the Parent Library and attending parent-teacher conferences. Please also be sure to acquaint yourself with the Parent Handbook each year.

Communication with the school: for all things administrative.

Communication with your child’s teacher: Please cc Monica on all communication.

Transparent Classroom: The guides use Transparent Classroom to track students’ work and progress. Your login will allow you to access information about your child’s experiences at school. Transparent Classroom can also be set up to text or email you photos and updates about your child on a daily or weekly basis.


Creating a culture is very important to us. We love bringing families together, learning about Dr. Montessori, and having fun together. Here is a list of events at our school.

Back to School Night: This event is usually held the first week of school. It is mandatory for all families. The focus is school policies and classroom etiquette.

International Day of Peace: The children will sing songs and mantras of peace for our world.

Harvest Carnival: This event is our first parent led event. It is usually a potluck and an early evening of games and fun.

Parent Teacher Conferences: The first conference is usually held in October. The second conference is held in January/February. A written narrative is sent home at the end of each school year.

Gratitude Lunch: This event is designed by the children in each class and is held the Friday before our Thanksgiving break.

Winter Light Celebration: This event is parent led. It is a soup potluck with a luminary walk of peace.

Watch Me Work: Parents are invited by the children to share the wonderful work they do in the classrooms.

Parents Day Tea: Parents are invited to a formal tea to say thank you and to celebrate Mother's and Father's Day.

Earth Day: A parent led event celebrating the Earth with re-cycled craft, games, special snacks and the distribution of our annual Earth Day T-shirts designed by the children.

Dr. Montessori  Day: May 6 The children will learn about Dr. Montessori and her quest for peace.

Annual Spring BBQ: A BBQ to celebrate a wonderful year and welcome in summer.

Parent Education: Teacher led classes to learn about Montessori.

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