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Funds raised US$541,347,730
Nets funded 247,133,000
People protected 444,839,400

Latest distributions

# LLINs Location CountryStatus
92,950  Centrale Reg… Togo Status
306,996  Western Regi… Uganda Status

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# LLINs Location Country  
83,999  Health Zone … Congo…
50,643  Health Zone … Congo…
69,233  Health Zone … Congo…
66,104  Health Zone … Congo…
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Net Distributions

Against Malaria uses 100% of your donations to purchase Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs). After an assessment, the nets are distributed by our partners in areas of need all around the world.

You can see all the details of the distributions in this section, many of which already have pictures and video.

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   Your donations in action

Health Zone 1: Tshikapa, Congo (DRC)

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  Latest pictures from Congo (Dem. Rep.)