• Keeping Things Tidy

    In this issue, Mike conjures up a Go program to copy photos from a cell phone or SD card into a date-based file structure on a Linux box. To avoid wasting time, a cache using UUIDs ensures that only new photos are transferred.

  • Power Saver

    The Raspberry Pi Pico's high-performance chip is trimmed for I/O and does not try to save power. However, a few tricks in battery mode can keep it running longer.

  • Smart Toolbox

    Qiskit is an open source framework that aims to make quantum computing technology both understandable and ready for production.

  • Geek Boutique

    Deb-get gives Debian and Ubuntu users easy access to third-party software.

News and Articles

  • Orange Pi Board Has Arch-based Linux Distribution in the Works

    The developers of the Orange Pi board are planning to release an Arch-based Linux distribution available for its hardware as an alternative to Orange Pi OS.

  • Mixology

    A little caution can save you hours of frustrating work (plus, options for mixing gone awry).

  • Zack's Kernel News

    Chronicler Zack Brown reports on the little links that bring us closer within the Linux kernel community.

  • Universal Connector

    For a long time, TeamViewer and AnyDesk dominated the remote maintenance software market. Recently, a new player entered the scene in the form of the free and GPL-licensed RustDesk.

  • Programming Snapshot – Terminal Dashboard

    Using extensions in Go and Ruby, Mike Schilli adapts the WTF terminal dashboard tool to meet his personal needs.

  • Welcome

    Does it seem like the times are changing? I know what you're going to say, "The times are always changing in high tech," which is certainly true. But sometimes they are changing in ways you don't think they should be changing.

  • On the DVD

    Ubuntu 22.10 and AlmaLinux 9.0

  • Translator

    To make programs useful to a worldwide audience, you need to build in support for multiple languages. Catgets is a tool that helps you reach beyond your mother tongue.

  • Snoop Guard

    LibreWolf, a modified Firefox-based web browser, simplifies configuration and puts a stop to malware and spying.

  • The Art of Forgery

    Auction houses are selling AI-based artwork that looks like it came from the grand masters. The Internet is peppered with photos of people who don't exist, and the movie industry dreams of resurrecting dead stars. Enter the world of generative adversarial networks.

Current Issue

Issue 266/2023

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