Qiskit – Practical open source framework for quantum computing

Smart Toolbox

Article from Issue 265/2022
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Qiskit is an open source framework that aims to make quantum computing technology both understandable and ready for production.

IBM is working on increasing the performance of the interaction between hardware and software. The milestones [1] planned for this effort are shown in the IBM Quantum Development Roadmap (Figure 1). To benefit from IBM Quantum hardware, the software and infrastructure must support a wide range of requirements and experiences. This need for versatility requires tools for different types of developers.

Figure 1: IBM has laid out exactly what goals it wants to achieve, and when, in the IBM Quantum Development Roadmap.

Qiskit (think "kiss kit") is a freely available software development kit (SDK) for working with quantum computers at the level of pulses, circuits, or application modules. At least, that's what the SDK home page says. Since its first publication in 2017, the project has grown and undergone some fundamental changes.


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