Find a formula that's right for your baby

Choosing which formula to feed your baby can be baffling and you may feel overwhelmed by the choice. Our guide to formula milks will help you to choose the right type for your baby.

What types of formula milk are there?

There are four different types of formula:
  • cow’s milk-based formula
  • goat's milk-based formula
  • hydrolysed protein formula
  • soya-based formula

Cow’s milk-based formula

Most baby formula milks are based on modified cow's milk. You can also get special types of formula manufactured for premature babies.

Milk can be broken down into two types of protein, which are curds (casein) and whey. Casein is lumpy and whey is watery. The ratio of casein to whey can vary according to the type of baby formula milk. There are two main types:

  • First milks. These milks are based on whey, with a casein:whey ratio of 40:60, which is about the same as breastmilk. They are suitable for your baby from birth up to about a year, and are thought to be easier for your baby to digest than casein-based milks (NHS Choices 2012a, UNICEF 2014a).
  • Milk for hungry babies. These milks consist of mostly casein, with a casein:whey ratio of 80:20. Manufacturers claim that the higher casein content means that the milk takes longer to digest, keeping your baby fuller for longer.

However, your baby will only ever need first milk to get all the nutrients she needs. So you don't need to worry about switching to another milk if you don't want to (Crawley and Westland 2013, UNICEF 2014a).

If you are changing your baby's milk, be careful to follow the instructions and use the measuring scoop that comes with the new milk. Using too much powder could make your baby constipated (Crawley and Westland 2013, NHS Choices 2012b). Although many milk manufacturers market their hungry baby milk as suitable from birth, the higher concentration of casein means that a young baby may find the milk hard to digest. It is therefore best to not give this type of formula to a young baby (UNICEF 2014a).

If your baby doesn’t seem content with the formula you first started her on, talk to your health visitor before changing formulas.

When your baby’s a year old, you can move her from formula milk to cow's milk. Cow’s milk is not recommended as a main drink for babies under the age of one because it’s lower in iron and nutrients, such as vitamin E (Kaneshiro 2011, NHS Choices 2012a) and has too much of some other minerals, such as sodium and potassium (Kaneshiro 2011) . However, you can use small amounts in cooking or preparing food for your baby when she’s six months or older and has started solids (NHS Choices 2013a).

Goat's milk-based formula

Both goat's milk infant formula and goat's milk follow-on formula are available to buy in the UK. They are produced to the same nutritional standards as cow's milk formula (DH 2013, EFSA 2012).

Goat's milk infant formula and follow-on formula is not a suitable alternative to cow's milk formula for babies with an allergy to the proteins in cow's milk (FSA 2014). This is because the proteins in cow's and goat's milk are so similar that a baby with an allergy is likely to react to goat's milk, too.

Babies and children with cow's milk allergy can go in to anaphylaxis after ingesting goat's milk (Pessler and Nejat 2004, Rodriguez del Rio et al 2012), so it is best avoided in these circumstances, unless a health professional advises you otherwise (DH 2013, FSA 2014).

When your baby's a year old, you can move her from goat's milk formula to goat's milk (NHS Choices 2013a). Goat's milk is not recommended as a main drink for babies under the age of one year old because it’s lower in nutrients and minerals, such as iron (NHS Choices 2013b). However, you can use small amounts in cooking or preparing food for your baby when she’s six months or older, and has started solids (NHS Choices 2013a).

Hydrolysed-protein formula

There are two versions of hydrolysed milk available:
  • fully hydrolysed formula
  • partially hydrolysed formula

Fully hydrolysed formula is specially designed for babies with an allergy or intolerance to cow's milk (Crawley and Westland 2013). It is only available by prescription.

If your baby has a cow’s milk allergy, the protein in the milk will cause an allergic reaction. And if she has an intolerance to cow’s milk, she will have difficulty digesting the sugar, called lactose, in the milk.

Fully hydrolysed formula milks are based on cow's milk and have the same nutrients as standard formula milk (Crawley and Westland 2013). But the protein in the milk is hydrolysed, which means it is broken down so your baby is less likely to react to it. These milks are also generally lactose-free, so babies with an intolerance to cow’s milk can digest them easily.

If you think your baby has a cow's milk allergy or intolerance, always see your doctor or health visitor before changing your baby's milk. If your baby is diagnosed with an allergy to cow's milk protein, your doctor can prescribe a fully hydrolysed-protein formula. However, if your baby is only intolerant to cow's milk, your GP may suggest simply buying a lactose-free formula instead. You can buy these over the counter.

Partially hydrolysed formula

This type of formula milk is made completely from whey protein. It is marketed as being easier to digest, and as suitable for babies suffering from colic, wind, and stomach pain. They are also sometimes promoted as being good for babies with allergies (Crawley and Westland 2013).

However, there's no firm evidence that this milk is easier to digest (Crawley and Westland 2013). It is also best to not give this milk to a baby with a cow's milk allergy as not all of the milk proteins in partially hydrolysed milk have been broken down (Crawley and Westland 2013, NHS Choices 2013c).

If you think that your baby may have a milk allergy, take her to your GP.

Soya-based formula

Soya-based formula is made from soya beans. It is modified with vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to make it suitable for formula milk.

Only give your baby soya-based formula on the advice of your doctor, health visitor, or paediatrician. Even though manufacturers market their soya formulas as suitable for babies from birth, health professionals don't recommend them for babies under six months (Crawley and Westland 2013, NHS Choices 2013d, UNICEF 2014a).

Soya formula is also not recommended if your baby has a cow’s milk allergy (NHS 2013d). Up to six in ten babies who are sensitive to cow's milk are also sensitive to soya, too (UNICEF 2014b).

If you decide to move your baby on to soya milk once she is six months old, make sure that you take extra care with her growing teeth. Soya formula milks can damage your baby’s teeth over time, because they are often sweetened with glucose syrup (NHS 2013c).

Read more about taking care of your baby's teeth.

What kind of formula milk does my older baby need?

Some formula milk is marketed for babies from six months old because it is higher in iron, which growing babies need. However, these milks are not nutritionally necessary as they offer no real advantages over standard formula milks (Crawley and Westland 2013, NHS Choices 2012a, UNICEF 2014b).

Your baby will still get iron and other nutrients she needs from her normal formula, which you can then top up with solid foods (Crawley and Westland 2013). If your baby is happy with her usual formula, there is no need to switch.

Milks marketed for older babies include:

Follow-on milks

These are milks with higher protein and mineral content than ordinary infant formula. They are sold as suitable for babies from six months old (UNICEF 2014a). Follow-on milks are advertised as more nutritious than cow's milk because they contain added iron, vitamins and minerals.

However, research has found no clear benefit for babies (Crawley and Westland 2013, NHS Choices 2012a, UNICEF 2014b). Comparisons with cow's milk are also misleading, as cow's milk is not recommended as a drink for babies under one year old.

Goodnight milks

These are follow-on milks with added cereal, which are marketed as helping babies to sleep better at night. However, there’s no evidence that they help babies to settle at night or that they take longer to digest (NHS Choices 2012a, UNICEF 2014).

If your baby is under six months old, don’t give goodnight milk to her. This is because cereal isn’t suitable for younger babies (UNICEF 2014, NHS 2012a). It's also best not to offer your baby this milk if she has a tendency to be a bit overweight.

Growing-up milks

Growing-up milks are marketed at parents as being better than cow's milk because they contain added iron and other vitamins and minerals. They are promoted to be used for babies from about one year old.

But if your baby is healthy, growing-up milk isn’t needed (Crawley and Westland 2013). Once your baby's a year old she can have full-fat cow's milk as her main drink (NHS 2013a), along with a variety of solid foods. This should provide her with all the essential vitamins and minerals she needs.

However, it's easy for small children to miss out on important nutrients as they get used to eating regular meals. The Department of Health therefore recommends that all children aged between six months and five years are given a supplement. The supplement comes in the form of drops, containing vitamins A, C and D (NHS 2013f). You may be entitled to free drops under the Healthy Start Scheme.

If your child is having vitamin drops and eating well, she won't need growing up milk. Although growing up milks have added nutrients, they are also high in sugar (Crawley et al 2013). This could damage your child's teeth and her health in the long-term. If you are unsure about feeding supplements or growing up milk, speak to your GP.

What’s the cost and preparation time of formula milk?

Formula milk does take time to prepare. Depending on the sterilising method and the type of formula you use, making up one bottle could take around 30 minutes to 40 minutes. So if you give your baby six bottles a day, and prepare each one at the time, you could spend up to four hours a day preparing your baby’s formula feeds.

Most formula milks are sold as dry milk powder, packaged in tins. You make up the formula by adding scoops of the dried milk powder to boiled water that has been left to cool slightly.
Some brands are available in pre-measured sachets that contain the right amount of formula for one feed. These can be a bit pricier, but they are useful when you're travelling or when you want to make sure a feed is made up accurately. You can also buy ready-made formula milk, which is more expensive, but very handy for when you're out for the day or on holiday.

Prices vary by brand, type, and retailer, but start at about £8 for a 900g tin of powdered cow's milk-based formula milk. You generally pay about the same for soya-based infant formulas and lactose-free formulas. Goat's milk formula costs more. Hydrolysed-protein formula also costs more, although you can get fully hydrolysed formula on prescription if your baby has a cow's milk intolerance or allergy.


This article was written using the following sources:

Crawley H, Westland S. 2013. Infant milks in the UK: a practical guide for health professionals. First Steps Nutrition Trust. [pdf file, accessed April 2014]

DH. 2013. Consultation summary of responses: draft statutory instrument - the infant formula and follow-on formula (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014. Department of Health. [pdf file, accessed April 2014]

EFSA. 2012. Scientific opinion on the suitability of goat milk protein as a source of protein in infant formulae and in follow-on formulai. European Food Safety Authority Journal 10(3):2603 [pdf file, accessed April 2014]

FSA. 2014. Suitability of goats milk infant formula and follow-on formula for infants who are allergic to cows’ milk. [pdf file, accessed April 2014]

Kaneshiro NK. 2011. Cow''s milk - infants. MedlinePlus [Accessed April 2014]

NHS Choices. 2012a. Types of infant formula. [Accessed October 2013]

NHS Choices 2012b. Bottle feeding advice. [Accessed April 2014]

NHS Choices. 2013a. Your baby's first solid foods. [Accessed April 2014]

NHS Choices. 2013b. Drinks and cups for children. [Accessed April 2014]

NHS Choices. 2013c. What should I do if I think my baby is intolerant to cow's milk? [Accessed April 2014]

NHS Choices. 2013d. Can I give my baby soya-based infant formula?. [Accessed April 2014]

NHS. 2013e. Vitamins for children. [Accessed November 2013]

Pessler F, Nejat M. 2004. Anaphylactic reaction to goat's milk in a cow's milk-allergic infant. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 15(2):183-5

Rodriguez del Rio P, Sanchez-Garcia S, Escudero C, et al. 2012. Allergy to goat's and sheep's milk in a population of cow's milk-allergic children treated with oral immunotherapy. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 23(2):128-32

UNICEF. 2014a. A guide to infant formula for parents who are bottle feeding. UNICEF UK / Baby Friendly. [pdf file, accessed April 2014]

UNICEF. 2014b. The health professional's guide to: "A guide to infant formula for parents who are bottle feeding". UNICEF UK / Baby Friendly. [pdf file, accessed April 2014]
Chess Thomas
Chess Thomas is BabyCentre's research editor and a qualified antenatal teacher.

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