
Mum and crying toddler
Regina Clarkinia for BabyCenter
A temper tantrum is the emotional equivalent of a summer storm — sudden and sometimes fierce. One minute you and your child are in a cafe enjoying your lunch, the next minute they're whimpering, whining and then screaming at the top of their lungs because their straw is bent. Young children between the ages of one and three are especially prone to these episodes. Read on for ways to cope when your toddler has a tantrum.

Why does my toddler have temper tantrums?

Though you may worry that you're raising a tyrant, take heart — at this age it's unlikely that your child is throwing a fit simply to upset you. More probably, they're having a meltdown because they're frustrated. Your toddler is beginning to understand a lot more of the words they hear, but their ability to use language is still limited. And when your child can't express how they feel or what they want, frustration mounts.

How can I handle my toddler’s tantrums?

Don't lose your cool

A tantrum is not a pretty sight. As well as kicking, screaming or pounding the floor, your toddler's repertoire may include throwing things, hitting and even breath-holding. When your child is swept up in a tantrum, they're unlikely to listen to reason, though they will respond — usually negatively — to shouting or threatening.

Just sitting and being with your child during a tantrum can be a good idea. The storm of strong emotions they're going through can be frightening to them and they may feel safer knowing you're near. Some experts recommend picking up your child and holding them if possible, saying they'll find your embrace comforting. Others say it's better to ignore the tantrum until your child feels calmer, rather than rewarding negative behaviour. Through trial and error, you'll learn which approach is right for your child.

Don't feel you have to stay with your child if it's difficult for you, though. Sometimes, when your little one is completely inconsolable, it can be hard to manage your own emotions. If you're feeling overwhelmed, and your child is in a safe place, feel free to leave the room for a few minutes while you take some deep breaths and calm down. This will also teach your child that having a tantrum isn't a good way to get your attention.

Remember that you're the adult

No matter how long the tantrum continues, don't give in to unreasonable demands or negotiate with your screaming toddler. It's especially tempting to cave in to end the episode if you’re in public. Try not to worry about what others think — anyone who's a parent has been there before.

By giving in, you'll only be teaching your child that throwing a tantrum is a good way to get what they want. Besides, your child is already frightened by being out of control. The last thing they need is to feel that you're not in control either.

If your child's tantrum escalates to the point where they're hitting people or pets, throwing things or screaming non-stop, pick them up and carry them to a safe place, such as their bedroom. Tell them why they're there ("because you hit Aunty Sue"), and let them know that you'll stay with them until their tantrum stops. If you're in a public place — a common breeding ground for tantrums — be prepared to leave with them mid-tantrum.

Talk it over afterwards

When the storm subsides, hold your child close and talk about what just happened. Acknowledge their frustration and help them put their feelings into words, saying something like, "You were very angry because your food wasn't the way you wanted it." Let them see that, once they express themselves in words, they'll get better results. Say with a smile, "I didn't understand what you were trying to tell me. Now you're not screaming, I can find out what you want."
What’s the best way to deal with tantrums?
Health visitor Gemma Caton explains what to do when your child has a meltdown. More toddler videos

How can I prevent my toddler’s tantrums?

Try to head off tantrum-inducing situations

Try to work out which situations push your child's buttons and plan accordingly. If your 15-month-old falls apart when they're hungry, carry snacks with you. If your 20-month-old has trouble making a transition from one activity to the next, give them a gentle warning before a change. Alerting them to the fact that you're about to leave the playground or sit down to dinner ("We're going to eat when you and grandma have finished your story") gives them a chance to adjust.

Your toddler is grappling with independence, so offer them choices whenever possible. No one likes being told what to do all the time. Saying, "Would you like sweetcorn or carrots?" rather than "Eat your sweetcorn!" will give them a sense of control.

Monitor how often you're saying "no". If you find you're saying it routinely, you're probably putting unnecessary stress on both of you. Try to ease up and choose your battles. Would it really ruin your day to spend an extra five minutes at the playground? And does anybody really care if your little one wears mismatched socks?

Watch for signs of stress

Although daily tantrums are a perfectly normal part of the toddler years, it's worth keeping an eye out for anything that could make your toddler more stressed than usual. Has there been upheaval in the family? An extremely busy period? Tension between you and your partner? All of these are tantrum triggers.

If, after the age of 30 months, your child is still having major tantrums every day, talk to your health visitor or GP. If your child is younger than 30 months, has three or four tantrums a day, and isn't cooperating with any routines, such as getting dressed or picking up toys, you may also want to seek help. Your health visitor or doctor can make sure your child has no serious physical or psychological problems, and suggest ways to deal with the outbursts.

When will my toddler grow out of having tantrums?

Regular tantrums are just a normal part of child development. As your little one grows and their emotional maturity develops, they’ll have fewer tantrums.

Your toddler will get bigger, stronger and more able to manage things better. That means they will meet less extreme frustration in their everyday life. They will get to know and understand more too, so that their life contains fewer frightening new experiences. As your little one becomes more confident, they will stop needing quite so much reassurance from you.

Gradually they will learn to talk fluently, not only about the things that they can see in front of them but about things they are thinking and imagining.

More on child behaviour

Francesca Whiting
Francesca Whiting is an editor at BabyCentre. She’s responsible for making sure BabyCentre’s health content is accurate, helpful and easy to understand.

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