Newborn care

More Newborn care

First 24 hours with your baby

How you'll feel in the first 24 hours of being a mum

From blank exhaustion to total elation you could feel a whole range of emotions when you first become a mum. Our guide will help you through those first few days when everything has changed.

First 24 hours: bathing your baby

First 24 hours: newborn breathing

Five things they don't tell you about the first 24 hours after birth

My 7-day survival guide for the first week with your newborn

See all in First 24 hours with your baby

Health and safety

Swaddling: what are the risks and benefits?

Swaddling is snugly wrapping your baby to help him feel safe and secure. Find out the benefits and how to do it correctly.

We have a newborn. How will we know when to call the doctor?

When can I let my visitors hold my baby?

When can I leave my baby unattended?

When can I let my baby sleep alone?

See all in Health and safety

Daily care and routine

Caring for your baby's umbilical stump

Your baby’s umbilical stump should be kept clean and dry to stop it from getting infected. Find out how best to care for your baby’s stump and the telltale signs of an infection.

What a newborn looks like

When can I give my baby a dummy?

When can I give my newborn a bath?

Bathing your newborn

See all in Daily care and routine

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