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Syntax validation

Markdoc supports syntax validation out of the box using the validate function.

validate(AstNode, ?Config) => ValidateError[]

Calling validate is an optional step that you can use to validate your abstract syntax tree (AST) before rendering. This is useful during testing, continuous integration, or in dev-tools like editor extensions.

const doc = `# Heading`;

const ast = Markdoc.parse(doc);

const errors = Markdoc.validate(ast, config);

// Do something with the errors

If your document contains a syntax error, the output of validate looks like this:

const doc = `
{% callout %}

const ast = Markdoc.parse(doc);

const errors = Markdoc.validate(ast, config);
// errors
    type: 'tag',
    lines: [1, 2],
    location: {
      start: { line: 1 },
      end: { line: 2 }
    error: {
      id: 'missing-closing',
      level: 'critical',
      message: "Node 'callout' is missing closing"

Schema validation

You can also extend Markdoc with custom validation rules, by adding a validate function to Node or Tag definitions, or to your custom attribute types.

Validating content

Use Node or Tag validate functions to verify the contents are correct, particularly the children.

const config = {
  tags: {
    provider: {
      render: 'Provider',
      // ...
      validate(node) {
        if (node.children.length !== 1) {
          return [
              id: 'provider-children',
              level: 'critical',
              message: 'Providers must only have one child.'
        return [];

Validating attributes

Use custom Attribute types to validate that the attributes passed to your tags and nodes are correct.

export class ImageSrc {
  validate(value, config) {
    if (!value.startsWith('https://')) {
      return [
          id: 'image-src',
          level: 'error',
          message: 'All image srcs should contain fully qualified URLs.'
    return [];

const config = {
  image: {
    render: 'img',
    attributes: {
      src: {
        type: ImageSrc,
        required: true
        // ...
      // ...

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