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NVUSD Discipline Policy

Behavioral Errors

How to Create a Consistent Schoolwide Response to Behavioral Errors

1.  In training teachers to manage behavioral errors, begin with some staff agreements on which behaviors can be managed in class vs. managed in the office.  This document is helpful in generating discussion and consensus with staff.

2. Collaboratively with staff, generate a list of positive behavior interventions and consequences that they have used successfully to redirect behavior and get students back on track within the classroom (without shaming, sarcasm, yelling, etc).  The Continuum of Corrective Consequences is a list we developed in collaboration with teachers and may be useful in helping your teachers brainstorm.

3. Then, ask your staff to try at least 3 things on this list before sending a student from the classroom.  Ask them all to use your schools common language (e.g. Safe, Respectful, Responsible) when explaining to the student why he or she needs to be sent away.  Remind them that this is never an "escape hatch" strategy.  The student will indeed return to class and will need to be restored to the environment.

NVUSD Behavior Referrals