Systematic Supervision for Elementary, Middle, High School: A Positive Way to Monitor Common Areas
When common area supervisors apply the principals of school-wide positive behavior support, they will feel less stress and enjoy their jobs more!
With this program, middle school staff who supervise hallways, cafeterias, study halls and hangout areas learn to:
- Effectively teach school rules and expectations
- Move and Scan while supervising
- Build positive relationships with students
- Respond appropriately to problem behavior
- Communicate effectively with students, staff and parents
Work as a team to support student behavior!
Defusing Anger and Aggression: Safe Strategies for Secondary School Educator
Dr. Geoff Colvin analyzes aggressive behavior and describes effective strategies for defusing it. Six vignettes demonstrate how problem behavior can be escalated or defused. Vignettes cover the following key topics:
- Managing off-task behavior
- Responding to provocative behavior
- Addressing disrespectful behavior
- Identifying and reducing agitation
- Establishing limits
- Disengaging from dangerous situations
Managing Non-Compliance Effective Strategies for K-12 Teachers
This program provides a clear, easy-to-use strategy for encouraging student cooperation and correcting non-compliant behavior.
With realistic vignettes, in-depth analysis by Dr. Geoff Colvin, and well-timed review and summary, Managing Non-Compliance is a practical, results-oriented program designed to help teachers minimize the kinds of common problem behaviors that often disrupt the teaching-learning process. Common troublesome behaviors are covered, including:
- Defiance
- Resistance to directions
- Not minding
- Insubordination
- Oppositional behavior
Fred Jones DVD Series - Tools for Teaching
The Tools for Teaching Video Toolbox provides you with a "front row seat" at one of Fred's workshops. You'll be shown how to practice newly acquired skills and see how those skills are used in the classroom. Teachers with years of experience using Dr. Jones' techniques also give insight into their classrooms and experiences. These videos are the perfect complement to Tools for Teaching and an opportunity for more in-depth staff development.
Here's what you'll receive:
8 DVDs in all, totaling over 9.5 hours!
Fred Jones Books - Tools for Teaching
In Tools for Teaching, Dr. Jones describes the skills by which exceptional teachers make the classroom a place of success and enjoyment for both themselves and their students. Tools for Teaching integrates the management of discipline, instruction and motivation into a system that allows you to reduce the stress of teaching by preventing most management headaches. These skills are made accessible through practical, down-to-earth language and detailed examples and illustrations.
Learn How to Reduce:
- Student Disruptions
- Backtalk
- Helpless Handraising
- Dawdling
Learn How to Increase:
- Time on Task
- Responsible Behavior
- Motivation
- Independent Learning
Harry Wong DVD Series - The Effective Teacher
The Effective Teacher shows what effective teachers do to cause student achievement. It is all common sense, research-based, non-controversial, basic information and techniques used by effective teachers shared in an entertaining easy-to-implement format. The information correlates with The First Days of School for a coherent staff development package.
Each DVD contains one of each of the eight parts of the series, the complete Facilitator’s Handbook with the transcript of the series in PDF format, an expanded Implementation Guide that walks the staff developer through each part and provides questions for discussion and follow-up, PDF files of all the graphics used in the production, PowerPoint slides of all of the graphics from the series, and a video file of all of the opening music and commentaries that begin each of the eight parts.
Harry Wong Books - First Days of School
The book walks a teacher, either novice or veteran, through the most effective ways to begin a school year and continue to become an effective teacher. This is the most basic book on how to teach.
The FAST Method: Reducing Problem Behaviors in the Classroom: Grades 7-12
The FAST Method helps teachers respond effectively to challenging student behavior by making on-the-spot assessments of students' behavioral goals. Understanding the goal and responding appropriately to it prevents negative or unproductive behaviors from escalating and sets the stage for building positive, encouraging relationships with students. Using realistic classroom scenarios and easy-to-follow examples of The FAST Method in action, this program trains teachers and staff to:
- Recognize three main goals of student behavior
- Use goal analysis to prevent escalation
- Make effective on-the-spot assessments
- Respond appropriately, rather than react emotionally
- Build positive relationships with challenging students