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Clinical Trials

ADAA lists clinical trials on our public facing website which attracts more than 11 million visitors annually. View the public clinical trial page here. To post your clinical trial, please complete this form: Post Your Clinical Trial on ADAA - Form.pdf. Download this form to your desktop; complete the fields; rename it, and e-mail it as an attachment. You must also e-mail these two documents as attachments: 1) a brief description of your study, including eligibility and exclusion criteria; 2) a copy of your IRB approval letter. Please send via e-mail.


Please note that posting a clinical trial is free to ADAA members. There is a $250 one-time fee per trial listing for non-members government organizations and $500 for private sector companies.

Additional Clinical Trial Resources:

  • ResearchMatch brings together two groups of people who can benefit each another: those trying to find research studies and researchers looking for participants in their studies.Research is a way to discover knowledge that can have a positive impact on the health of society. Most research studies need a certain number of people to participate, but many end too early because too few volunteers join them. Even when enough people join research studies, it may be difficult to find the right match for them. ResearchMatch helps solve this problem by matching you with researchers who need volunteers like you. It is a free and secure registry, and you can be involved in its mission of helping make a real difference in people’s health in the future. Anyone can join, and ResearchMatch can help match you with any type of research study, ranging from surveys to clinical trials, always giving you the choice to decide what studies may interest you.
  • is a database of privately and publicly funded clinical studies conducted around the world.
