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Connecting with Others

ADAA’s English language anonymous peer-to-peer online anxiety and depression support group and ADAA's Spanish-language online support group are free, friendly, safe and supportive places for individuals and their families to share information and experiences. As a member you can connect with other people experiencing anxiety and depression and related disorders, contribute to ongoing conversations or start your own conversation with a question or a post about your journey. 




ADAA's Health Unlocked Online Community has more than 65,000 subscribers from around the world. Log in today to start the conversation.


Messages from the Community


"Administration, thank you for posting sites for those going through this horrific hurricane. It's nice to know you are always beside us. Thank you."
"Just joined today, so many people out there who are suffering. This is desperately needed not everyone has access to a doctor. Someone already replied to me with kind words which helped. Talking to family is not for me, I've been told go outside, get a with a non compassionate tone of voice. Outsiders know what your going through, their going through it or where there before. So thanks for this site"
"I really appreciate this group. I like being able to talk to people who understand how I feel. I don't have time for a live support group, so I'm happy to have an online one to go to."
Reedz, Kuala Lumpar, Malaysia
"I just want to say thank you for creating this platform for a sufferer like me. More space for us to live, talk and share thoughts. Thank you and best regards."
"I thank you for all the time and effort you put into making this available for us. I do no usually have much to complain about, although I am battling terrible anxiety and hellish depression, these have been going on for months. I like it that I can help other people and I even get responses... So thank you to each and everyone for making this available. Once again THANK YOU ALL."
"I didn't realize this group was so new. This international community is different from the usual one country support networks e.g. BeyondBlue in Australia - we have access to so many new sources of information, different ideas and perspectives that might be useful in our lives. We are the experts in our particular brand of depression/anxiety through our with lived experiences. Thanks so much to you and your kind members who have given so much support."
Educational Resources
Tips & Strategies from our Member Experts and Public Community
Block reference
Communities of color often have cultures that are rooted in the importance of community and family…
5 Tips to help you overcome your anxiety to do your best at a job interview.
If you feel lost or depressed in your life, we see you and we feel you. I hope my story helps to…
I was one of those “strong” friends - on the outside. And I realize now how important it is to…
