VTAOvjeren akaunt


Transportation planning, services & congestion management for Santa Clara County. 🚌🚃🚲🚶‍♀️ for transit alerts and help. Building

ÜT: 37.398022,-121.938277
Vrijeme pridruživanja: travanj 2009.


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  1. prije 10 sati

    Karen & Harold . We know you depend on transit, so we’re working hard to keep riders safe by cleaning & sanitizing vehicles. Get bus crowding info in Transit app so you can social distance on transit. More:

  2. prije 12 sati

    Khảo sát đường đi xe đạp của VTA. Xin bạn vui lòng tham gia cuộc khảo sát và cho chúng tôi biết ý kiến của bạn trên công cụ lập bản đồ tương tác. Xin tham khảo bản dịch bằng tiếng Việt

  3. prije 12 sati

    ¡Díganos lo que le gusta (y lo que no le gusta) de andar en bicicleta entre Santa Clara y el norte de San José en la encuesta de el mapa web interactivo de la ciclovía Central Bikeway!

  4. prije 12 sati

    我們希望聽到你對這一項目的寶貴意見。在你方便之時,請針對互動網頁上的車道地圖,回答下面幾個問題,1)你住在哪裡? 2)你通常騎車去哪裡? 3)你對這項目有什麼建議?

  5. prije 16 sati

    Tell us what you like (and don't like) about bicycling between Santa Clara and North San José at the Central Bikeway Virtual Open House survey & interactive web map!

  6. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    13. stu
  7. 14. stu

    If you have driven, walked, biked or taken transit near the Mathilda Avenue interchange at US 101 and SR 237, you’ve likely noticed a transformation from the dreaded “Mathilda Monster” to a new subdued and docile corridor!

  8. 13. stu

    Watch out for the giant Tarantula in Morgan Hill that hangs off the 4th Street Parking Garage. It's made of vintage-style headlights and lights up! You might catch a glimpse while going up Monterey on Bus Line 68. Does your town have cool bug art?

  9. 13. stu

    我們希望聽到你對這一項目的寶貴意見。在你方便之時,請計對互動網頁上的車道地圖,回答下面幾個問題,1)你住在哪裡? 2)你通常騎車去哪裡? 3)你對這項目有什麼建議?

  10. 13. stu

    Xin bạn vui lòng tham gia cuộc khảo sát và cho chúng tôi biết ý kiến của bạn trên công cụ lập bản đồ tương tác. Xin tham khảo bản dịch bằng tiếng Việt

  11. 13. stu

    VTA Helps Spread Mentoring Program for Career Success

  12. 12. stu

    Convenience, cost savings and the environment are just some of the reasons why VTA riders, Julie and Harold, choose to ride. They put their every day! Where are you headed today on VTA? More:

  13. 12. stu

    Vasona Lake Park features scenic views of the Santa Cruz Mountains. Plenty of space for biking, walking, or running, and access to other destinations via the nearby Los Gatos Creek Trail. Read more:

  14. 12. stu

    con·​tin·​u·​ous /kən-ˈtin-yü-əs/ adjective: Marked by a lack of interruptions. Tell us where you'd like to bike without interruptions between Santa Clara and North San José:

  15. 11. stu

    Remembering all those who served our country--thank you! VTA is running its regular weekday schedule today.

  16. 11. stu

    The Draft 2021 Transit Service Plan is in committees now before going to the Board in December. The recommendation increases service from the current 74% COVID level to 80% in Feb with further increases to be discussed by the Board in the spring.

  17. 10. stu

    comfortable /kəm-fər-bəl/ adjective: Free from stress or tension Tell us what a comfortable bike ride means to you:

  18. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    9. stu

    . has a redesigned purchasing policy designed to help small and minority-owned businesses trying to survive during the .

  19. 9. stu

    This Wednesday, November 11th, is Veterans Day. VTA will run regular weekday service. Even though we can't celebrate the same way this year, here's a throwback to the 2018 SJ Veterans Day Parade...thank you for your service!

  20. 7. stu

    As VTA continues to focus efforts on increasing riders' level of comfort and trust in transit, we are asking for your input to help VTA ensure it is providing a quality transit experience. Survey in English, Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Chinese or Korean


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